Unplanned Benefits:
- Student employee evaluation data: a simple text search for
the student's email username yields information about quantity
and quality of reports and trouble-shooting. I can analyze the
reports that student has submitted and make qualitative judgments
about her work performance.
- Client feedback and interaction: the forms are available
publicly, and we have begun to receive reports from other students,
faculty and staff. Anyone who sends a report gets immediate feedback.
This works to build confidence in our commitment to customer
- Training: in our response message we often include information
that will help the student learn how to resolve the problem themselves
in the future. They learn something new, and we prevent future
problems of that sort.
- Partnering with other units on campus: Librarians, for instance,
are willing to use our forms to report problems about our machines
in their area, where we do not have staff. Again, they are pleased
with the immediate feedback, and we, in effect, have other units
on campus helping us to maintain the computing facilities.
Page URL http://www.d.umn.edu /~jdavis/planb/benefits.html
Last Modified on Monday, 27-Mar-2000 13:01:24 CST
©2000 Jason Davis email:
Presented at the Great
Lakes Academic Computer Lab Management Conference on March
3, 2000.