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When Everybody Called Me Gabe-bines,

Teachings from Paul Buffalo

Timothy G. Roufs (Ed.)
University of Minnesota Duluth

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"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society."

"This publication was made  possible in  part by the  people of  Minnesota  through  a grant funded by an appropriation  to  the  Minnesota  Historical Society  from the  Minnesota  Arts and Cultural  Heritage  Fund. Any views,  findings,  opinions,  conclusions  or recommendations expressed in this publication  are those  of  the authors  and  do not necessarily represent those of the State of  Minnesota, the  Minnesota  Historical Society, or the  Minnesota  Historic Resources Advisory Committee."

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Paul Buffalo Interviews Index


video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.

tape number:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 (videotape)

pace of life 43-09
pack sack 80-30
pack straps 29-04, 57-13
paddles 63-27, 64-03
palms 12-58
parents 12-66, 69-04, see also "mother," and "father"
parking 09-18
Parry Island 17-55
partridges 09-09, 14-82, 62-35, 76-13
pay 32-09, 78-04
payments 04-16, 60-08
Payne [sp?], Annie 78-29
payslips see "timeslips"
Peace Corps 08-38
"peacepipe" 81-13
peasants 08-40
Peerless tobacco 49-04
pemmican 57-11, see also "jerk-steak"
Pequette 08-13
peppermint 14-65, 14-102, 14-104, 14-109, 14-112
perception 52-24
perch 66-09
permissioin documents 56-28, 80-17
permits 30-16
person 80-38
Peterson homestead 62-22
Peterson, Gabe 52-30
peyote 25-27, 35-36, 67-37
Pezeke 07-01, 08-34 (going through with ministers and "peace talk"; signing treaties; calming down), 08-69, 13-116 (related to Paul Buffalo, Tower schools and talk of, "Maybe that's why Paul Buffalo talks so much"), 43-31 (Pezeke and government; great cheef and speech) , 43-32, *44-01 (Pezeke; general) , 44-06 (Armstrong / Duluth), 50-22 (Armstrong; brothers; Duluth land; speech), 52-27 (speech 1886; relationship; O-gi-mah [of] Great Lakes; land) , 67-07, 73-34 (leaders, lang, brothers; and Shi-shib; Wisconsin chief), 80-18 Shi-shib; little trouble), see also "chiefs" and "Buffalo, Paul"
philosophy 01-06, 01-09, 02-02, 02-17, 43-01, 13-126
pickerel 74-28, see also "fish"
picking flowers analogy 13-95, 13-120
pictures 13-37, 57-24
pie 27-72, 62-11, 77-18
pincherries (end of July - 1st of August), see also "berries"
pigs 09-27, 75-20, see also "underwater pigs"
Pillagers 48-15
pitch 14-131, 63-16, 63-35, 64-06
plants / plant use 14-59, 14-66, 14-72, 14-85, 14-118, 27-34, 69-20, 73-31, see also "medicine" and "food" and individual plants
plug tobacco 70-01, see also "tobacco"
plums 70-23
pneumonia 12-10, 71-26, 73-19
"Pog" 41-01, 41-05
Pointer's Bend 80-35
poison 02-03
"Pokey" 57-28
policy 32-07
Polish 04-06, 05-07, 53-21
politicians and politics 08-82, 10-64, 13-55, 20-24, 32-14, 58-09
pollution 05-24, 27-59, 32-04, 45-28, 61-26, 72-01, see also "ritual pollution"
polygyny 06-38, 06-39, 06-40
"poorcrat" 20-25
pop 14-103, 14-111
poplar 62-19, 79-26
population 06-18, 06-19, 15-42 (band size), 35-06, 49-08
Portage Lake 63-02, 67-05, 67-07, 70-14
portaging 67-05, 67-14, 67-19
potatoes 31-19, 27-35, 48-25, 61-29, 64-30, 80-23, see also "wild potatoes"
pottery 43-16, 73-30
POWs 41-21
power (* = used for 1978 power paper), *08-15, *10-02, *10-07, *10-09, *10-10, *10-20, *10-29, *10-32, *10-64, 12-05 ff, 12-19, 12-21 ff, 12-37, 12-59 ff, 12-73, 13-08, 13-12, 13-47, 13-83, 13-87, 13-89, 13-96, 13-109, 14-35, 14-37, 14-50, 14-51, 14-53, 14-58, 14-136, *15-04, *15-05, *15-06, *20-32, *35-34, *40-05 to *40-08, *41-22, *41-24, *42-12, *42-16, 46-01, 46-25, 47-01, 47-04, 47-14, 47-16, 47-17, 48-20, 49-12, 51-14 (negative), 51-44, 52-07, 52-13, 52-37, 58-17, 61-08, 65-17, 65-20, 65-23, 67-32, 69-14, 69-17, 72-13, 74-04, 76-12, 76-16, 76-18, 76-26 (losing power), 76-32, 76-39, 77-12, 79-30, 79-37, 81-17, 82-19, see also "will power'
"powerman" 69-15, see also "medicine doctors"
powwow 06-31, 07-25 (origin of), 07-26 to 07-30, 07-32 (feast), 13-69, 25-03, 25-10, 45-08, 50-08, 55-09, 60-20, 64-37, 67-06, 72-28, 72-37, 80-02 (drum)
powwow of the dead 71-13
practice 02-09, 02-10, 05-03
practical jokes 52-20, see also "humor, "jokes / joking," "pranks"
pranks 09-19, see also "humor," "jokes / joking," "practical jokes"
prayer 12-23, 13-125, 14-56, 14-88, 82-18
preaching 08-26, 12-15
prediction / predicting 05-05, 06-19 to 06-23 (auto, radio), 06-24, 13-62, 15-22, 15-23, 31-02, 76-38, see also "fortune telling"
pregnancy 47-19, 61-32, 70-22
prejudice 61-34
present dance 38-09, see also "give-away dance"
presidents 07-34 (Roosevelt)
priests 37-13, 52-15, 66-20, 66-32, 69-12, 72-10, see also indiidual names
problems 15-23, 35-29
production 27-74
Prohibition 62-28, see also "alcohol"
promises 75-13, 76-37
property 49-21
puberty rites 54-13, see also "adolescent isolation"
Pukka [sp?], Raija see "VISTAS"
punishment 13-17
purification / purifying 13-10, 14-91, 31-06, 36-19, 44-11, 44-19, 45-15, 45-27, 45-36, 45-41, 55-01, 55-14, 55-28, 68-01, 71-03, 72-02, 72-24, 74-20, 75-17, 76-19, 76-24, 77-15
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Last Modified Friday, 15-Apr-2005 11:17:21 CDT

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