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When Everybody Called
Me Gabe-bines,
"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society." "This publication was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by an appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Any views, findings, opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, or the Minnesota Historic Resources Advisory Committee." |
video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.
tape number: | |
Maa-skwat [sp?] Resort | 63-37 |
machines / machinery | 66-29, 78-11, 78-38 |
McKusick [sp?] | 41-02, 78-03 |
mad | 81-27 |
Ma-dray-aash [sp?], Maggie | 63-05 |
maggots | 62-19 |
magic | 14-55, 39-21, 51-03, 72-13 |
Magid | 60-14 (J.B.'s mother) |
Maine-ite | 67-03 |
"mains of life" | 69-01 |
mammoth | 52-30 |
man | 80-38 |
Manito | 32-01, 40-09, 44-11, 44-18, see also "God" |
maple sugar | 01-11 (equipment; equipment storage; plugs), 01-12 (equipment; birch bark; bread = candy; energy from), *09-43 (general; boiling over), 09-46 (boiling over; taffy; candy; "scouting" berries; bears), 13-71 (going to sugar bush, scout; games), 14-112 (using sugar with sumac drink), 29-10 (packing bark roofing; spring move to sugar bush; equipment; trading; ants; general; boxes; yield; move to garden area), 31-10 (territory; 10 miles to sugar; 31=34; studied and wondered; preparing to go; March; going to sugar bush; equipment; patching; baskets; 8 miles; general; boiling over; Fred Crow; going to scout blueberries; gardening), 31-34, 38-02 (seasonal move summary), *49-19 (crow comes, 49-16; getting ready; general; women; men trapping; women ownership; yield; territory; moccasin game), 51-19 (10 miles; territory; last of March; tools; equipment; trapping--men; women; Scott's Landkng; sugar bushes; Sugar Point; yield; storage; location), *51-24 (sugar bush location; 4-5 families), 63-33 (ling, sugar bush; March), 63-35 (ling, baskets), 63-39 (boiling inside; ling, baskets; straining; crystallizing; last kettle; ling, time it takes; fires; Fred Crow telling metal came in ca 1900), 64-01 (ling, wooden spoon, etc.), 64-04 (ling, log bowl, taffy, paddle, baskets), see also "syrup," "maple sugar time" |
maple sugar time | 31-34 (territory; finding lost relatives), 63-07 (ling), 63-33 ff (ling, sugar bush; March), 64-01 (ling, wooden spoon; ling, log bowl, taffy, paddle, baskets), see also "maple sugar" |
maple trees | 31-34 (territory; finding lost relatives), 51-21 (500-1,000 baskets; 4000-8,000), 72-20 (and curing fish), see also "maple sugar" and "maple sugar time" |
March | 31-10, 63-33 |
Marken, Jimmy | 13-22, 13-29 |
Marken, Maime Nason | 64-11, 71-33 |
marriage | 03-04, 06-32 to 06-36, 06-37 (cousin), 06-38 (polygamy), 06-39, 06-40 (incest), 06-41 (talking), 07-01 (regulations with relatives), 07-02, 07-03 (dodaim), 07-04, 07-05, 07-12 (two brothers ans sisters), 07-13 (death of spouse), 07-14, 07-15 (levirate), 07-16 (advice on partners), 16-26 to 16-31, 27-15, 32-05, 35-28, 49-32, 51-17, 64-34, 64-45, 79-24, see also "intermarriage" and "kinship" |
marriage license | 10-52 |
marrow | 57-20 |
martin | 75-01 |
Martin, George | 10-73 |
Masons | see "Freemasons" |
mating / mating season | 61-26, 81-23 |
mattresses | 57-20 |
mats | 31-06, 63-20 |
"mean" | 78-42 |
meat | 05-29 (souring while hunting), 36-28, 71-21 |
medals | 12-17, 12-75 |
medicine | 08-14, 10-02, 10-28, 11-47, 12-55, 12-65, 13-120, 14-42, 14-59, 14-66, 14-80, 14-85, 14-110, 14-136, 16-01 (John Smith), 27-47 (weather), 34-16 (doctors), 35-37, 36-11, 36-13, 36-29, 37-01, 37-10, 37-12, 42-07, 47-08, 49-30, 51-48, 52-03, 52-42, 54-04, 55-02, 55-29, 56-08, 56-14, 59-01, 59-06, 60-05, 60-27, 61-03, 61-29, 61-37, 62-07, 65-24, 68-13, 69-26, 70-22, 70-24, 71-01, 72-01, 72-14, 72-26, 75-16, 76-12, 76-15, 76-20, 76-23, 77-01, 79-29, 79-35, 79-36, 79-37 (bad), 80-02 (drum), 82-16 (frog and), see also "doctoring" |
medicine bag | 51-08 |
medicine doctors | 02-10, 02-11, 03-09 (song), 03-10 (song), 06-xxx, 07-33 (and drum), 14-26, 14-46, 14-50, 14-55, 14-66, 46-26, 47-03, 47-20, 47-32, 51-23, 52-03 (three doctors), 52-31, 56-01, 56-11, 60-50, 60-28, 65-11, 65-22, 65-23, 65-24, 68-13, 69-15, 69-25, 71-31, 72-06, 76-17, 76-30, 76-31, 77-01, 78-44, 79-29, 79-30, 79-35, 70-37, 80-08, see also "doctors," "jessakid," "spiritual doctors," and "sucking doctors" |
"Medicine Man" | 46-01, 76-17 |
meditation / meditating | 12-17, 12-32 ff, 13-03, 13-12, 13-96, 13-125 (recording of), 13-133, 31-41, 51-04, 60-26, see also "medicine" |
meetings | 08-81, 11-12, 20-01, 20-12, 20-27, 20-30, 32-08, 32-11, 43-12, 51-36, 63-19, 73-26, 79-40, 81-13 |
megis | 49-12, 51-03 |
memory | 03-05 |
mesabi | 13-76, 13-79, 42-10, 68-14, 68-39 |
menstrual houses and ceremonies | 06-33, 37-01, 45-12, 54-13, 55-01, 72-05 |
mermaids | 68-03 |
merry-go-round | 08-45, 80-28 |
messengers / messages | 03-09, 08-19, 10-16, 12-22, 13-24, 13-31, 13-32A, 13-41 (with deceased), 14-31, 14-43, 14-50, 27-40, 44-10, 47-02, 51-02, 61-37, 65-09, 76-12, 77-03, 82-12, 82-13 |
metal | 08-04A, 12-04, 63-44, see also "minerals" |
meteors | 14-48, see also "comets" |
Mexico | 60-12 |
Mexicans | 09-37, 10-57 |
Michaude, Charlie | 05-31 to 05-36, 08-64, 09-54, 28-05 to 28-09, 45-31, 58-33, 62-01, 80-29 |
Midewiwin ("Grand Medicine") |
03-09 (song), 06-43, 08-17, 08-44, 10-01, 10-09, 10-29, 14-101, 15-11, 21-33, 21-34, 21-35, 25-20, 37-16, 47-08, 47-26, 51-03, 51-39 (scroll), 52-11, 52-46, 55-21, 60-25, 61-04, 65-04, 66-17, 68-20, 69-25, 72-11, 77-05, 79-35, 79-40, 79-46, 82-07 |
"Midway" | 80-31 |
midwife | 36-12, 47-17, see also "doctoring" |
migration | 49-12 (knew everyone, and camping), 70-08, see also "seasons / seasonal movements," and "moving around" |
migration legends | 49-12, 60-11 |
milkweed | 61-19, 61-20 |
Mille Lacs | 08-04A, 13-102, 20-26, 27-75 et passim, 42-09, 47-32, 52-14, 65-10, 68-27 |
mills | see "lumber mills" |
mind | 01-09 (clear), 13-07, 40-09 |
mineral rights | 34-10, 65-13 |
minerals | 12-04, 12-16, see also "metals" |
mines | 08-85, 08-89, 11-25, 62-04, 65-14, 77-11 |
Minnesota | 13-55, 27-55, 34-15, 73-36, see also "state" |
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | 08-50 |
minnow | 66-11 |
missions | 35-06 |
Mississippi River | 01-11 (life at; home), 05-15 (see 13?; mill' deadheads; travel; chanel; steamboats; game; trip), 05-16 (boat; steamboat), 05-17 to 05-20, 05-17 (selling wood), 05-20 (fishing boat; fishing), 27-32 (steamboats; life; fish; travelling; visiting; camp sites), 35-03 (river; living; fish), 43-07 (camps; fish), 66-27 (divisions; hay) |
Mississippi Band | 08-71, 63-01 |
Mississippi Forks | 67-25, 70-12, 70-19, 76-01, 78-47, see also "Leech and Mississippi Forks" and "Leech River" and "Mississippi River" |
Mississippi Rapids | 61-27 (bears in camping spot), 66-24 (father's logging camp) |
mistakes | 01-06, 08-42, 12-xxx, 13-84, 41-24 |
Mitchell, Jim | 08-04A, l0-26, 27-74, 41-06, 49-30, 74-23, 76-14 |
Mitchell, Johnny | 47-37 |
"mixedbloods" | 35-16, 68-33, see also "breed" |
moccasin | 31-10, 63-32 |
moccasin drum | 79-03, 80-03, see also "drums" |
moccasin game | 03-12, 03-13, 08-01, 08-52, 13-73, 38-11, 49-29, 51-28, 54-01, 73-01, 79-01, 79-22, 79-27, 80-03 (drum), 81-26, see also "games," "gambling" |
moles | 40-05, 76-10 |
money | 08-22, 08-50, 09-12, 10-14, 11-37, 12-06 (no charge for meditation), 41-03, 58-24, 58-25, 61-17, 65-28, 66-15, 67-13, 78-09, 78-21, 78-36, 78-37 |
monsters | 15-32, 27-62, 45-21, 62-05 |
Montgomery Wards | 40-10 |
months | 63-33, 71-02 |
moon | 12-14, 12-27, 36-17, 45-27, 52-25, 63-34, 69-08, 71-02, see also "sun," and "light" |
moose | 31-09, 57-17 |
moose hide | 63-32 |
Morgan, Cecil | 08-33 |
Morrell, William | 13-109, 13-116, 20-02 |
Morrell, Sandy | 45-06, 74-29 |
Morse, Father | 66-21 |
mosquitoes | 79-26 |
moss | 61-15 |
mother | 05-11, 08-34 (Leech Laker), 08-95 (and la crosse), 12-11 (dream), 12-61 (last day, "you're the oldest"), 13-43 (talking to her after death; brothers and mother), 13-47 ("you're the oldest" and last day), *13-109 (life pulling two ways; her youth; oldest son), 17-55 (ling.), 30-15 (dying), 36-06 (story at Leech Lake, and belief), 36-10 (medicine -- fertility -- and birth), 39-14 (dream of mother dying, 1916), *39-25 (seeing someone -- father?), 56-01 (as medicine woman - horse), 57-29 (old place going to heck >> Ball Club), 58-34 ("Who's his mother?"), 63-02 (building shack, 1912, and Nason), 65-24 (Paul Buffalo getting medicine for mother), 65-28 (talking of mother's funeral -- Fred Nason), 66-15 (Paul Buffalo -- 6 years old; mother and food from old days), 66-16 (dream about priest; I remember my mother, 1902; sister >> Catholic), 67-05 (meeting [future step-father] Nason at Portage Lake), 67-36 (Kim S. Roufs in hospital), 68-09 (age of; learning from), 69-04 (responsibilities of a father / mother), 69-22 ("When I first noticed her she was. . . ."), 70-08 (at Leech Lake, with old people), 70-09 (Fred Crow), 70-12 (helping mother with fire; playing), 70-13 (and Nason, and building Bena shack >> Leech Lake), 70-22 (as midwife), 71-21 (travelling around; green meat), 71-33 (doctgoring, was a good person), 71-34 (born and reaised with Indians), 75-01 (dream of mother's death, from 39-14), 75-04 (death -- 1932?), 78-44 (and Paul Buffalo's birth), see also "parents" |
mother's dream | 12-11 |
motor | 05-13 (boat?), 06-22 |
mourning | 07-13, 07-14, 39-21, 55-03, 75-02, see also "wakes," "funerals," and "burials" |
"mouth" | 73-25 |
movies | 14-44 |
moving around | 15-30, 51-23 (leaving equipment; oldays were more stationery; sugar bush, half would go), 78-47 (searching for land -- tract -- at White Oak), see also "migration," "wild rice camps," and "seasons and seasonal movements" and individual seasons |
mowing machines | 66-29, see also "machines / machinery" |
Mud Lake | 14-32 (black [shadow] spirit man in window; man seeing daughter), 14-90 (general; trip to), 51-21 (food; sugaring), 53-01 (mills; lumbering), 53-17 (hotel), 54-09 (and steam sovel with grandmother), 66-13 (loggers), 66-27 (haying; divisions), 66-28 (divisions), 72-37 (horses in powwow ring), 73-24 (campfire talk), 81-23 |
Munnell [sp?], Jake | 73-35 |
murdock | 61-20 |
music | see "songs" |
muskrats | 51-30, 51-32, 64-26, 68-11 |
mu-zaan (wild rice "dust") | 64-08 |
"my Indians" | 77-06 |
myths | 14-51, 42-01, 46-21, 60-11, see also "legends," "stories" |
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Last Modified
Tuesday, 29-May-2018 21:29:02 CDT
Department of Studies in Justice, Culture, & Social Change
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science
215 Cina Hall
University of Minnesota Duluth (maps)
Duluth, MN 55812 - 2496 (maps)
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