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When Everybody Called
Me Gabe-bines,
"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society." "This publication was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by an appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Any views, findings, opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, or the Minnesota Historic Resources Advisory Committee." |
video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.
tape number: | |
labor | 01-07 |
lacrosse | 08-94, 13-71, 13-72, 54-01, 81-24, 81-30, 81-32 |
lakes | 13-04, 68-27, 78-45, see also "nature," "water," and individual lakes |
Lake Superior | 67-09, 35-23 |
Lake Vermillion | see "Vermillion Lake" |
land | 11-19 (claims), 13-11, 13-14, 13-81, 13-116 (claims), 32-20, 34-11, 34-12, 35-01, 43-31, 45-48, 48-01 ff, 50-14, 55-11, 62-26, 65-15, 66-25, 67-24, 67-25, 73-31, 73-36, 78-08, 78-47, 80-19 |
language | 08-74, 08-79, 13-78, 13-114, 15-43, 17-01, 26-06, 42-09, 44-14, 47-26, 51-10, 53-22, 55-20, 60-14, 68-30, 69-23, 71-07, 78-14, 79-43, 80-24, 81-06 (cf., 08-79) , 81-07, 81-27, 81-30, 57-20, see also "talking" and "translating" |
lard | 66-12 |
laughing (at people) | 22-36 |
law | 08-35, 12-73, 15-34, 16-09, 18-24, 18-25, 18-26, 18-27, 34-12, 62-27, 80-20 |
lawyers | 08-67 |
leaders / leadership | ling, "voice," 08-69 (see "chiefs"), 10-65 (see "chiefs"), 13-55, 13-59 (heroes, leaders, etc.), 13-63 (council men), 20-25 (Paul Buffalo on council), 20-31 (Frank Broker; council; deligate), 21-32 (king), 31-21 (ricing scouts and leaders), 32-16 (voting; younger leaders), 43-32 (Pezeke and government), 44-02 (Pezeke; general characteristics), 73-25 (Paul Buffalo = "one with mouth"; smoke-meeting, ling; council, ling; speakers nervous), 79-23 ("village"; song leader), 80-34 (see "chiefs"), 80-36 (see "chiefs"), 81-01 (ling, general council; local councils; community), 81-11 (original reorganization; Ball Club Council reorganization, original, 1930s; ling, meeting; advisory; 0-bii-zIn-dan = listener; vote; Ed Wilson; talking in council, also could talk), 81-15, see also "chiefs," "advisors," and "speakers" |
leaving | 03-01 |
lectures | 01-04 (listened to old Indian lectures; watched), 01-09 (Paul Buffalo as lecturer; body as motor; talk to children; started thinking when old man, etc., talked to him), 06-30 (way they used to talk, now talk on one subject in straight line), 06-31 (chief's speech, going to vanish; 1918 realized could use the words; "Strong Cloud" from Bena; intermarriages), 06-35 (lecturing marriage couple), 08-55 (campfire lectures), 10-12 (respect, talking to children; others seeing you life a good life; life to be old; can't take it with you; look forward to saying you done well after you're gone; money, never get enough; if you life a decent life you won't starve; join the discussions), 12-24 (talking with friend about campfire lectures; didn't want money for preaching; wanted life to be good life; and tell your children; lecturing children), 12-25, 12-33 (admit faults; own eyes, etc., I can't be there to tell you that; bell; got in the habit of asking questions; commandments, you're not living alone; live decent life; admit wrong; John Smith; liquor; overdoing; believe in something; you can go by lectures; power), 13-95, 14-11 (school because couldn't learn all by lectures in modern time; laughing shows you don't have interest; education; lectures are starts, never quit; respect other guy; friends), 31-02 (lectures at campfire inside the wigwam; general; predictions; younger class respected them), 35-07 (missionaries), 43-02 (lectures; young growth coming into the world; experience of older class; meet the world, one an dall; love one another; explain historical part of your life; listening to lectures allows avoiding danger spots, ice is weak; left wigwam in storm to get breadfast; natural resources; prepare food for rainy day), 48-18 (Paul Buffalo talking to young folks; a lecture to young people is like shaking up the plant to make it grow; value of lecturing), 56-25 (sending children outside from winter lectures; play shu-shu-may), 68-16 (gaa-bii-baa-gIt; "Whites put everything in books"; people from old country don't lecture, they do everything by books), 77-16 (Paul Buffalo uses father and mother's words; crisis in the world because they don't lecture any more; putting lectures on paper; practice lecturing), see also "campfire talks," "sermons," "speaker / speaking," "speeches" |
Leech Lake | 10-38, 12-71, 20-30, 35-27, 49-08, 63-37, 67-21, 68-28, 70-08, 77-15 |
Leech and Mississippi [River] Forks | 05-09 (John Smith; childhood), 05-15 (mill; dead-heads; travel; channel; steamboats; game; trip), 09-01 (settlers; going to school), 09-27 (Barnes; cattle; hay), 53-01 (lumber days), 67-25 (wild hay; "establishing" area), 70-12 (White Oak birth), 70-19 (spirits, 36-10), 76-01 (renting boat; 40-01; spirits; claim--home), 78-43 (land), 80-40 ("Nason Village"), see also "Mississippi Forks" |
Leech River | 14-73 (gardening; haying; medicine), 62-23 (by John Smith's place; selling furs at Federal Dam), 62-37 (Buffalo and Crow's place by Federal Dam), 63-04 (Jack Nason's place), see also "Leech and Mississippi [River] Forks" and "Mississippi Forks" |
Legal Services | 65-02 |
legends | 52-30, 60-11, 68-01, 68-10 see also "myths," and "stories" |
letters | 15-03, 77-17 |
life cycle | 14-11, 69-02, see also "birth," "death," "initiation rites," "rites of passage," "marriage" |
life | 01-04 (path of), 01-05, 03-02, 03-03, 05-04, 05-05, 05-08, 07-20 (others), 22-35, 22-36, 37-21, 37-24 (Indian way), 38-01 (history), 43-01 (history), 43-08 (way of), 43-08 (history), 51-07, 76-38, 80-12, see also "Road of Life" |
life histories | 75-11, 80-16, 81-36, 82-01 |
light | 13-02 ff, 13-13, 13-19, see also "sun," and "moon" |
lightning | 10-34, 62-03 |
Limbo | 69-03 |
"lime food" | 13-81, 77-14, see also "fish" |
limits | 05-05, 14-130 |
linguistics | see "language" |
liquor | see "alcohol" |
"little people" | 27-63, 42-06, see also "brown-ees," and "dwarfs" |
Littlewolf | 56-08, 56-11 |
loans | 78-13 |
"lobster" | see "crayfish" |
Local Councils | 32-07, see also "council" |
log cabins (and houses) | 51-27, 59-20, 66-32, 72-24 |
logging / loggers | 05-11, 05-14, 05-15, 06-03 to 06-13, 08-54, 08-64, 09-03, 09-04, 09-11, 11-60, 18-23, 19-17, 19-18, 19-19, 20-14, 27-31, 35-03, 45-45, 48-04, 51-49, 53-01, 53-05, 56-03, 56-08, 61-26, 62-06, 62-37, 66-13, 77-09, 78-04, 78-21, 81-24, 82-03, see also "lumberjcks," and "lumber camps" |
logging rafts | 62-15 |
loners | 55-26 |
lonesome | 07-12 |
loons | 10-17, 67-24, 80-07 |
Losh [sp?], Walter | 70-03 |
loss, cultural | see "cultural loss" |
lost tribes | 10-53 |
love | 17-50, 48-18, 75-18 |
Loveless, Nancy | 65-28 |
love medicine | 14-107, 75-18, 76-34, see also "medicine" |
luck | 79-29, 79-30, 79-35 |
lumber camps | 01-08, 01-09, 05-11, 35-01, 41-01, 41-15, 57-29, 59-09, 66-13, 66-14, 66-24, 70-02, 78-01, 80-30, see also "logging" |
lumberjacks | 28-02 ff to 28-09, 35-04, 53-04, 78-01, 78-02, 80-30, see also "logging" |
lumber mills | 05-15, 12-69, 53-01, 56-10, 62-16, 67-01 |
Lyons, Jimmy | 09-20 |
Lyons, John | 70-04 |
Lyons, Mrs. | 58-17 |
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Last Modified
Monday, 11-Apr-2005 15:20:47 CDT
Department of Studies in Justice, Culture, & Social Change
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science
215 Cina Hall
University of Minnesota Duluth (maps)
Duluth, MN 55812 - 2496 (maps)
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