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When Everybody Called Me Gabe-bines,

Teachings from Paul Buffalo

Timothy G. Roufs (Ed.)
University of Minnesota Duluth

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"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society."

"This publication was made  possible in  part by the  people of  Minnesota  through  a grant funded by an appropriation  to  the  Minnesota  Historical Society  from the  Minnesota  Arts and Cultural  Heritage  Fund. Any views,  findings,  opinions,  conclusions  or recommendations expressed in this publication  are those  of  the authors  and  do not necessarily represent those of the State of  Minnesota, the  Minnesota  Historical Society, or the  Minnesota  Historic Resources Advisory Committee."

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Paul Buffalo Interviews Index


video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.

tape number:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 (videotape)

taffy 14-102, 14-110, see also "candy"
talking 06-28, 06-29, 06-30 (old way), 06-41 (to in-laws), 07-20 (listening to others), 16-13, 39-10, 50-02, 50-05, see also "language"
talking to trees 74-03
tallow 57-20, 73-31
tamarak 63-23
tanning 27-03, 57-17, 60-21, 25-08
tape 02 57-01
tape 04 63-01
tape 05 53-01, 54-01 (p. 17), 54-03 (p. 21), 54-05 (p.24), 54-06 (p. 32)
tape 06 54-06 (p. 22), 54-11 (p. 33), 55-01
tape 07 55-02
tape 08 79-01, 80-01, 81-01
tape 15 55-13
tape 16 56-01
tape 18 58-01
tape 21 xxx-xxx
tape 22 60-01
tape 25 60-01, 61-01
tape 27 61-01, 62-01
tape 28 62-01, 62-15
tape 29 57-03, 57-05
tape 30 62-01, 62-22, 62-24, 63-01
tape 31 63-01, 63-07, 64-01
tape 32 64-01, 64-33, 65-01
tape 34 65-01, 65-11
tape 35 66-01, 67-01
tape 36 70-01, 71-01
tape 37 63-27, 72-01
tape 38 72-16, 73-01
tape 39 74-04, 74-27, 75-01
tape 40 75-01, 76-01
tape 41 78-01
tape 42 68-01, 69-01
tape 43 73-17
taping 13-109, 13-113, 13-139, 14-114, 27-30, 52-01, 68-02, 68-07, 68-10, 70-24, 75-11, 76-18, 75-27, 76-30, 76-31, 79-45, 81-12, 81-29, 81-36
tarpaper 72-22
taxes 06-14, 06-15 to 06-16, 34-12, 50-19, 55-11, 78-08, 78-09
tea 08-53, 62-07, 78-32
team 81-24, see also "ball team"
teamsters 11-60
technology 25-01
teenagers 01-10, 06-29, 06-31, see also "youth / younger class"
teeth 02-04 to 02-08, 12-10, 16-14 to 16-19, 37-08, 45-11, 52-02
telephone 06-23, 06-24
television 14-44
territory 31-34, 67-25, see also "hunting territories"
"testing" 79-30
Thanksgiving 55-09
theft see "stealing"
"The-One-That-Hollars" 68-15, 72-14
Third River 09-03, 09-05, 13-72, 51-24, 78-45, 80-31
thistle 14-107, 14-109
Thompson 40-01
Thompson, John 76-03, 76-04
Thompson, Maggie 57-28
thorns 01-04, 02-25, 08-56, 12-02, 13-36
threshing 78-09, 78-11
thunder 62-03, 80-12
thunderbirds 08-22, 25-06 (drum), 42-01, 44-01, 44-19, 45-01, 45-02, 45-10, 45-14, 60-23, 68-01, 82-09 (drum), see also "weather, general"
thunderstorms 80-09
Tibbetts 08-66, 08-87, 08-92, 09-22, 09-46, 36-10, 36-14, 51-36 (Ben and Jess)
Tibbetts, Ben 51-36
Tibbetts, "Bud" 70-24
Tibbetts, "Doc" 52-21
Tibbetts, Jess 09-50, 45-08, 51-36 , 76-36
Tibbetts, Tommy 09-03
timber 08-88, 20-14, 41-15, 66-13
time 12-01, 79-37, 43-09
time slips 08-66, 41-03, 78-02
tipi shakers see "jessakid"
tobacco 05-11, 08-14, 08-16, 11-60, 11-61 (chewing), 12-58, 13-127, 25-02, 28-14 (Nanabozho), 36-01, 49-01 ff, 50-01, 51-49, 52-42, 56-14, 60-16, 61-01, 67-29, 70-01, 73-26, 75-17, see also "smoking," and "snuff"
toboggans 31-10
tomatoes 80-22
tonic 70-21, see also "medicine"
tools 27-16, see also individual items
totem see "dodaim / dodaim group"
tourists and resorts 01-09, 74-03, see also names of individual resorts
Tower, MN 10-29, 11-02, 13-06, 49-12, 55-20, 56-24, 66-21
"Townsite" (near Ball Club, MN) 73-10, 76-03
toys 27-06, 14-110, see also individual items
trade (exchange) 09-07 (blueberries at Dumas), 19-18 (exchange crops for something to eat), 19-19 (exchange timber), 31-09 (traders), 31-11 (maple sugar equipment), 35-04 (beadwork to loggers), 35-24 (traders -- grandmother / Duluth), 43-03 (wild rice / sugar, etc.; and newcomers), 62-15 (908 tading fish to camps), 63-29 (to Indian villiage to trade fur -- Sugar Point -- with dad), 67-13 (Canadian beads with southern Indians)
trade (occupation) 01-07, see also "work / working"
traders 35-25, 50-11, 66-25, 67-09
trading posts 62-23, 78-28, see also "stores"
tradition 37-24
trains 06-21, 11-34, see also "railroad"
transformation, human-animal 14-50
transmitting power 13-96, see also "power"
translating 08-28, 21-32, see also "language"
trapping 09-03, 09-42, 27-34, 29-01, 41-04 (trappers), 49-21, 51-30, 57-03, 62-23, 72-25, 78-06, see also "snares / snaring"
travel 15-42, 35-23
treaties 04-06, 08-40 (settlement), 10-65, 15-23, 20-01, 20-07, 20-17, 34-04, 34-09, 44-07, 48-01, 50-11, 50-14
trees 13-02, 14-116, 14-128, 60-27, 72-20, 74-03, 78-39, see also individual types of trees
tribe 08-71, 10-65 (representing), 78-37, 80-28
trouble 80-18
trouble cases 08-35, 51-35
trout 66-11
trust 15-39
"truth of life" 43-11
tuberculosis 71-26, see also "sickness"
turnip 47-23
turtle 08-20, 46-14, 47-02, 51-44, 65-09, 68-19

see packsack

twins 17-61 ff
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Last Modified Friday, 15-Apr-2005 12:03:07 CDT

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