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When Everybody Called
Me Gabe-bines,
"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society." "This publication was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by an appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Any views, findings, opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, or the Minnesota Historic Resources Advisory Committee." |
video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.
tape number: | |
cabbage | 80-21 |
calendar | 70-05 |
calico | 72-28 |
calumet | see "peacepipe" |
Campbell | 74-27 |
Campbell, J. C. | 78-03 |
"camper Indians" | 67-18 |
campfires / campfire talks | 02-23 (old age thinking of experience; hopiing youngsters will follow; general), 08-02 ff. (moccasin game) (stories), 08-51 (talk), 08-55 (general), 12-01, 13-02 (fire; general), 13-32B (talking about building campfire by Mud Lake), 13-51 (general), 13-118 (general), 13-137 (general), 14-01, 27-34, 43-07 (general), 73-24 (reflecting on, at Mud Lake), see also "lectures" |
camps / camping grounds | 13-68 (seasonal camps), 13-71 (seasonal camps), 27-73 (winter), 49-06 (location; hunting; general), 49-07 (location; hunting; general), 49-13 (seasonal), 66-32 (and wood), 67-20 (campsites), 79-26 (wood; bugs), see also "wild rice camps," and "winter camps" |
Canada / Canadians | 09-48, 12-12 (liquor coming in from), 13-76 (people coming in from Canada for fur), 13-78 (Canadian "sly" [dialect]), 17-55 (and Nett Lake school; ling), 52-14 (going for Grand Medicine), 61-17 (beads), 61-20 (beads), 67-09 (and grandmother going to), 67-13 (and grandmother going to), 67-20 (nets) |
"Canada John" Qually [sp?] | 57-07 |
candle | 08-22 |
candy | 01-12, 09-47, 64-03, see also "taffy" |
canned food | 55-27 |
cannibalism | 50-08 |
canning | 78-27 |
canoes / canoeing | 09-06 (patching; ricing time; fixing leaks), 12-73, 31-20 (patching; last many years; sewing; ribs; deadhead; took care of; designs; getting out at rapids; ready for ricing), 32-20, 54-09 (Grandmother Buffalo and dredging machine cutting trench, the "Manido"), 57-25 (ling; big canoe, small canoe), 62-11, 62-23 (canoing to Federal Dam?), 64-07 (patching canoes; ling; # ribs on a canoe; basswood, cedar sewing; hand-drawn designs), 67-12 (bought canoes; description), 67-15 (portaging; Great Lakes canoes, 79-22 (betting; patching boat) |
"canoe days" | 49-13 (1911-1913 travelled by water; knew everyone; visiting with campers), see also "canoes / canoeing" |
Canton, IL | 51-37 |
can openers | 11-44 |
"Canuks" | 13-78, see also "Canada / Canadians" |
cars | 06-19 to 06-21, 09-30, 19-20, 41-05, 61-25 |
Cass Lake, MN | 01-08, 07-22 (ball team), 08-81, 11-02 (Indian Office), 12-69, 13-92, 20-14, 53-04, 56-10, 56-11, 58-10, 62-08, 62-27, 72-09, 72-23, 79-30, 80-34, 81-14 |
Catholics | 10-44, 13-92, 14-37, 35-37, 46-45, 52-16 |
cattle | 09-25, 09-31, 56-10, 66-23 |
Cauken [sp?], George | 53-06 |
CCC | see "Civilian Conservation Corps" |
CC Camps | 78-40 |
cedar / cedar boughs | 14-91 (fumigation), 20-09, 29-09 (roofing), 31-03, 31-06 (weaving cedar bark mats), 59-07 (and sweatbath), 61-01 (ling), 63-08 (cedar threads/bark; resoaking bark, cf. 31-03), 63-20 (boughs in wigiwams, 63-24, 63-27 (63-26 ling; 37-07 cleaning mats; ricing paddles), 69-24 (purifying air), 76-21 (curing horse), 76-25 (purifying air) |
cedar poles | 66-26, see also "cedar / cedar boughs" |
ceremonies | 08-22, 09-68, 13-125, 14-88, 14-90, 32-01, 34-01, 37-08, 47-32, 82-17, see also "meetings" and "offerings" |
changes | 06-18, 06-21, 06-22, 06-25 ff, 08-36, 10-46, 12-28, 14-11, 15-20s (prediction), 16-05, 27-54, 31-01, 31-36, 55-10, 73-01, see also "enculturation" |
chaps | 46-19 |
charcoal | 55-28, see also "black face" |
Charet, Joe | 49-26 |
charging (energy) | 10-32 |
checks | 41-03 |
cherry trees | 76-27 |
chickens | 09-33 |
chiefs | 08-69 (Jim Wakenabo, 1911-1912; Ed Wilson; Hole-in-the-Day; Buffalo; divisions; "Old Man" Boyd, ca., 1912; chief; advisory chief; J.S. Smith; Wakefield; etc.; councils -- 1920s; BIA), 09-51 ("Old Man" Jackson), 10-65 (Smith; Wakefield; councils and government; Bena, MN), 12-73, 13-59 (heros, leaders, etc.), 43-32 (Pezeke; and government), *44-02 (Pezeke; general characteristics), 64-33 (32-04 ricing chief), 64-44 (Wayne Cronin ?), 65-13 (and mineral rights), 67-21 ("Leech Lake chiefs stationed"), 80-34 (Green Hill at Cass Lake; divisions; John Smith not chief; Wakefield; "advisory chief"), 80-36 (ling), 80-38 (ling; advisory chiefs), see also "leaders / leadership," "advisors," "speakers," "Indian chiefs," "Pezeke," and the name(s) of the other individual chief(s) |
childhood (Paul Buffalo's) | 66-16 |
children | 01-10 (children coming up; PB happy to see them; talk to them, learn them), 03-03 (song, sweetheart with baby), 05-04 (has to leave something for the younger generation), 06-29 (now older class wants to listen to the younger class = change intermarriage = no Indians; forgetting Indian ways), 07-06 (and separation), 07-07, 08-55 (campfire talk), *09-50 (training), 10-61 (welfare talking kids from woman), 12-13 (Bena childhood), 12-25 (tell your children your words), 12-48 ff (hate to leave the dhildren; ch. see Paul Buffalo working; Paul Buffalo likes to see them playing; they know Paul Buffalo, etc.), 12-73 (natural resources for children, migwitch; playing in the canoes; children were happy), 13-122 (campfire talks), 14-103 (pop from sumac), 20-05 (? training stories) (training, stories), 22-38 (leave the children a betterment; they'll remember you after you're gone), 43-10 (campfire talk), 47-12 (education coming in, not much interested in the old ways; when lecture is over that's all the farther it goes; but their kids will have to think of something later on; will be easier for them if you teach them to practice the easy way; education and practice; good neighbor policy and children), 47-20 (drink medicine during pregnancy; born on snowshoes), 50-05 (whispering), 62-09 (kids ot asking John Smith questions), 65-09, 65-25 (women nursing and drinking), 67-32 (thinking of their energy), 69-02 (truth of life map), 69-29 (young = new crop coming, your crop; kids crying for nothing = bad sign), 74-26 (TR duty to kids; husband and wife and kids), 80-01 (crying for nothing), see also "youth / younger class" |
Chippewa | 51-11, see also other listings |
chisel | 63-44, 64-01 |
choir | 03-11 |
Christianity | 10-44 (Christian holidays; Paul Buffalo's baptism; Ball Club priest; changing times), 12-05 (some power; Christian earth), 35-06 (Ball Club church; missionaries; churches taking hold) |
Christian Science | 12-20 (Christian Science belief), 61-08 (Christian Science belief) |
churches | 08-71 (log church), 10-19 (Joe Barnes), 15-12 (boarding school church), 15-14 (White church vs. Indian), 15-15 (White church vs. Indian), 35-06 (see above; open place), 37-16 (and government schools; money; and Grand Medicine), 52-16 (superstition and Fr. Anthanase; log cabin), 66-16 (mother's dream and Baptism), 66-32 (log house), 66-33 (costumes), 69-24 |
cigarettes | 67-01, see also "tobacco" |
circles | 07-30 |
cities | 01-03 |
citizenship | 04-32, 34-06, 65-12 |
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | 41-21 |
civil service | 20-24 |
clams | 62-18 |
clans | 52-29, see also "dodaim / dodaim group" |
"class" | 47-11 |
cleanliness | 14-96 |
Cloquet, MN | 35-25, 67-07 |
cloth | 61-17 |
clothing | 03-12 (betting in moccasin game; wore heavy fur coats), 14-96 (best clothes for wild ricing), *31-08 (scouts; cloth), 53-23 (Finns), 61-17 (velvet; in store 1st, in 1918; and Canadian beads), 66-33 (costumes in church), 67-27 (1907/1908 army surplus), 71-30 (and new at menstrual hut), 73-17 (blanket shoes; wool from Canada, 1910-1912, knitted socks) |
coffee | 09-15, 70-21 |
colds | 71-34, 73-19 |
comets | 45-26, 45-31, see also "meteors" |
commandments | 12-34 |
community | 12-48, see also "village" |
Community Action | 47-14 |
Community Action Program (CAP) | 20-10, 20-33, 27-51, 38-01, 47-14, 48-13 |
community center | 09-31 |
community development | 04-11, 05-01 to 05-04, 08-77, see aldo "betterment," and "development" |
committees | 18-28 (ricing), 18-29, 18-30, 18-31, 58-09 |
communion | 10-05 |
commuting | 08-90, 09-14 |
competition | 09-23 |
confession | 10-06, 13-93, 14-01, 14-56, 55-15 |
"confirmation" | 79-47 |
congressmen | 04-16 |
Conner, Kenny | 08-54 |
consensus | 64-44 |
Conservation Department | 62-14, see also "forestry" |
constitution and by-laws | 08-80 |
conversation | 08-43 (Ojibwa) |
cooking | 03-06, 05-11, 29-12, 46-02 |
coopertion of people | 01-01, 02-20, 05-02, 05-24, 09-14, 10-63, 43-05, 48-17, see also "sharing," and "good neighbor policy" |
co-ops | 78-34 |
corn | 66-08 (soup), 80-23 |
cornmeal | 66-08 |
costumes | 66-33, see also "clothing" |
council | 04-23 (and forestry; concilmen = Jack Nason, J.S. Smith, Charlie Wakefield, ca., 1912 and 1914) , 08-29 (chi-sah-gah-sway-dii-wIn; Ball Club approval of TR; cf., 80-13) , 08-32 ("got power in his voice" --ling, 08=83), *08-72 (big general council, ling; chiefs; 08-71 - ling; local councils; BIA; BIA and local councils; Wayne Cronin and Ball Club Local Indian Council), 08-82 ("he listens to what action" - ling; and 81-12 and 81-14), 10-65 (old days; Smith/Wakefield/Rogers and government; drinking deligates and Bena Council), 20-25 (Ball Council and Paul Buffalo on it; Duluth), 32-07 (AIM; CAP [Community Action Program] and local councils; "radical"; Ball Club Council), 49-31 (Gilfillan), 64-44 (Wayne Cronin; White people; "OM"; Indian-White marriages), 73-26 ("mouth"; smoke meething - council and meeting-all-together description), 80-38 (advisory chief; ling; council speakr, ling), 81-01 (ling; general council;p local council, ling; Wilson), 81-11 (reorganization; Ball Club Council advisor), 81-13 (council = su-su-sway-gii-wIn = rel. to smoking), 81-14 (listener / watcher; small council; local council; Wilson) |
court (Paul Buffalo in) | 62-28 |
courtship | 03-04 (singing as a hint), *06-33 (folks discussing; keeps an eye on her), 06-34 (meet by a tree; ceremonically), *07-16 (desirable qualities in mate), *07-17 (folks discussing, desirable qualities in mate), 13-69 (canoe days), 27-15 (sisters teasing; mother's lecture to daughters; fathers to sons), 32-04 (testing a boy to see if he was man enough; sitting by a tree; giving presents; ceremony), 35-19 ("race" mixture; intermarriage), 35-29, 54-11 (studying one another; feast), 62-26 (Paul Buffalo's wife and in-laws; and wife leaving), 64-34 (#32-05; two fathers talking; ceremony --feast; gifts to in-laws) |
cows | 08-41, 57-27, 72-38 |
cradle board | 27-01, 61-15 |
cranberries | (after first frost; end of July - 1st of August), 11-54 (high bush and low bush here), 62-14 (ling = "swamp berry"), 76-28 (OK for medicine, but you have to make high-bush cranberries into a sauce) |
crappies | 66-10 |
crawlers | 21-33 (and stories), 21-34, 21-35, 47-16, 51-49, 62-50, 65-09, 69-31 |
crayfish | 62-18 |
creation | 42-01, 68-01, 68-10, 68-16 |
credit union | 09-12 |
criticism | 81-01 |
Cronin, Wayne | 05-37, 08-82, 64-44, 70-17, 80-25 |
Crookston | 78-10, 78-12 |
crow | 14-53, 22-30, 49-16, 74-28 |
Crow, Betsy | 70-10 (general), 70-16 |
crow, first one in spring | 14-53 (1982 = 14 March; 1981 = 09 March) |
Crow, Fred | 31-14, 49-03 (store; mother; = Paul Buffalo's grandfather), 62-37 (Crows-Buffalo Landing; logging camps), 63-44 ("breed"; related to grandmother on mother's side), 70-10 (general), see also "grandfather" |
Crow's Landing | 62-37 (see above) |
crying | 03-01, 03-02, 07-14, 13-75, 69-29, 76-05, 80-01 |
"crying eye" | 40-02, 44-01, 44-15, 76-14 |
cucumbers | 80-22 |
cultural loss | 38-06 |
curing | 48-22, see also "medicine" |
curing ceremonies | 13-96, 48-22, 61-03, 69-25 |
curing failures | 10-04 |
cursing, (swearing) | 70-07 |
Custer, George | 65-25 |
Cut Foot Sioux, MN | 49-01, 51-24 |
cycles | 25-01 (yearly), 76-38 |
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Last Modified
Monday, 11-Apr-2005 15:09:51 CDT
Department of Studies in Justice, Culture, & Social Change
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science
215 Cina Hall
University of Minnesota Duluth (maps)
Duluth, MN 55812 - 2496 (maps)
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