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When Everybody Called
Me Gabe-bines,
"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society." "This publication was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by an appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Any views, findings, opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, or the Minnesota Historic Resources Advisory Committee." |
video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.
tape number: | |
factions | 13-92, 32-11, 42-11, 73-20, see also "bunches," and "groups" |
faculties | 73-36 |
Fairbanks, Joe | 08-43, 46-43, 52-14 |
Fairbanks, Mrs. Joe | 80-25 (?) |
Fairbanks, Mike | 48-20, 51-48, 80-32 (MF's place) |
fall | 09-42, 64-31, see also 31-33 |
falling in lake | 09-22, 31-30 |
family | 01-13 (size), 05-22 (on picnic) et passim, 06-28, 07-18 (size), 07-19, 10-63, 12-71, 13-44, 13-69, 13-92, 13-104, 14-130, 19-07, 19-08, 19-14, 19-15, 19-16, 31-34, 49-09, 67-10, 68-31, 75-07, 78-45, see also "relatives," and individual names |
farms / farming | 01-05, 01-10, 09-25, 19-08, 19-09, 19-10, 19-11, 19-12, 19-13, 19-14, 20-06, 35-09 (farmers), 45-52, 47-14, 53-06 (Finns), 55-11, 57-28, 61-26, 66-23, 72-23, 78-09 |
fasting | 08-15, 09-16, 10-07, 10-09, 12-74, 13-32B, 13-87, 13-128, 13-133, 22-01, 22-03 |
fat | 71-23 |
father (Paul Buffalo's) | 04-26, 08-34, 19-12, 19-13, 19-16, 67-05, 69-04, see also "parents" and named individuals |
Father Anthanase | see "Fuchs" |
Father Dennis | 66-21 |
Father Felix | 37-14, 66-20 |
father-in-law | 62-24 |
Father Simon | 66-20 |
Father Thomas | 66-21 |
fear | 75-28 |
feasts | 07-32, 38-08, 38-09, 39-19, 55-09, 55-21, 64-37, 67-30, 75-07, see also "gatherings" |
feathers | 12-57, 12-75, 45-08 |
feather ticks | 57-19 |
Federal Dam, MN | 04-20, 62-22 (camping/living), 62-24, 62-37 |
fieldnotes | 08-97, 09-61 ff, 11-31, 11-64, 12-74, 13-51, 51-52, 65-28, 72-15 |
fieldwork | 08-29, 08-32, 08-51 |
fighting | 08-30 (with Joe Barnes), 08-62 (with Orson Weekly), 11-39 (and Sious; don't want to; leaders), 13-67 (and women), 13-74 (and women), 15-41 (arguments in John Smith's time), 48-16 (and war -- U.S.), 80-18 (and Pezehek's talk), see also "arguments," "disputes," and "uprising" |
Finnish | 03-09, 06-12, 39-20, 45-01, 45-34, 45-41, 45-48, 53-07 ff, 59-01, 67-16, 67-17, 77-09, 78-35 |
fires | 08-22 (candles; lighting fire to "Great" in storm), *13-02 (campfires; campfire talk), 27-53 (fireballs; forest fire), 45-08 (fire to "Great"), 54-07 (and Winibozho; frection-starting), 57-12, 63-19 (hearths; in wigiwams), 63-38 (and long poles; firewood), see also "forest fires" |
fireballs | 12-25, 14-48, 27-39, 40-02, 40-05, 45-17, 45-33, 61-36, 69-12, 76-05, 76-05, 76-11, 77-03, 82-12 |
fireplaces | 31-05, 31-28 |
fischer | 48-09 |
fish / fishing | 01-06, 04-26, 05-19, 05-21, 05-22 to 05-25 (Leech-Mississippi Rivers), 08-26, 09-03, 09-07, 09-20, 09-48, 11-54, 13-72, 13-81, 14-81, 27-32, 31-08, 31-28, 32-07 ff (rights), 35-03, 35-28 (fish), 37-02, 38-02, 38-04, 49-05, 49-28, 54-03, 60-11, 62-15, 63-28, 64-23, 65-03, 66-08, 72-02, 72-16, 74-32, 76-19, 77-14, 79-32, 79-33, 81-23, see also individual varieties of fish |
fishing license | 65-03 |
Five-Mile-Point | 70-08 |
flags | 72-36 |
"flash" | 58-23 |
flatgrass | 14-59 |
Flemming | 09-03 (boys selling fur to Flemming -- Bena school days), 41-16 (and lumberjacks), 66-24 (re 35-10; Flemming store and logging contractors) |
Flemming, Ernest | 78-28 (store), 41-16 (above) |
Flemming's Store | 09-36 (see above), 61-17 (store; velvet; beads, and Canada), 72-23 (supplier for tar paper), 78-28 (store) |
flies | 09-08 |
flint | 58-15 |
flood | 68-16 |
flour | 78-32 |
flu | 14-40, 27-42, 27-51, 45-33, 61-38, 77-14 |
flying saucers | 40-05, 45-29, 52-26, 76-12, see also UFOs |
folks | 10-43, 78-47, see also "family," "relatives," and individual names |
food | 01-03 (in school), 01-05 (farm, crops; and garden at Mississippi Forks), 01-06 (Onigum school), 01-09 (ate well), 01-10 (body = motor; when working need more food), 01-11 (Mississippi Forks; animals and garden stuff; berries), 01-13 (North Dakota -- plenty to eat), 02-02 (being hungry; philosophy of; and weather; milk, etc.), 02-03 (favorite = fish; eating bark; natural foods; bullrushes; balance), 03-06 (deer; fish; cod liver oil; jerk-steak; boiled food; and reboiled; salt; and no salt; greens; dandelions), 05-20s, 06-25 (in cans; don't have to cook, predictions; vitamin pills), 12-64 (and mother, liked wild game), 12-65, 14-70 (and food and tobacco; ?; medicine), 14-81 (food you shouldn't eat when sick), 15-20 (John Smith; general; teas; boiled food; corn; boiled corn), 15-43 (sharing), 27-22 (snacks; 1926; eating regular; and work; philosophy; general; johnnycake), 27-34 (checking on Mississippi; berries; natural production; potatoes; Dakota farm; soil wears out; chemicals; potatoes; fish fertilizer), 27-74 (soil wearing out; don't take care of natural resources; cranberries; fish; trading with loggers), 35-03 (berries; rations; Mississippi Forks general), 39-17 (eating; picnic >> mother's death; overeating >> dreams), 40-09 (eating well; philosophy and the Spirit), 43-03 (Great Spirit speech; trading food; and winter), 43-04, *43-16 (fry bread; pottery; grease; bannocks; salt; breads; sourdough; yeast bread; pancakes), *46-02 (breads--dumpling; learning from mother and sisters; meat; cooking meat; stew; turtle eggs; turtle; hunting), 49-24 (winter and starving and deer), 54-04 (05-21 -- fish; redhorse; wild seasoning; sharing deer), 55-10 (food inspected), 55-27 (broth; canned food; medicine; natural foods; eating charcoal), 56-02 (duck eggs; medicine), 56-16 (acornes), 57-36 (giving rice to disabled), 61-33 (summer born), 62-23 (Fedral Dam to buy food), 64-05 (sugar; 100 qts blueberries; 300 qts berries), 68-14 (Mesabi grew tall from eating natural foods), 71-21 (mother and friend eating too-fresh meat), 78-24 (root cellars; canned stuff; jars) , see also specific items |
foreigners | 09-03 |
forest fires | 62-14, 63-37, 81-19 (fighting) |
Forestry Department | see "Conservation Department," and "forestry" |
forestry | 04-16, 04-23, 08-85, 08-86, 09-17, 10-55, 20-21, 41-20 |
fortune-telling | 13-91, see also "prediction / predicting" |
Fourth of July | 66-24 |
fox | 40-03, 57-088, 62-34, 76-06 |
freedom | 02-13, 05-22 |
Freemasons | 46-41 |
French | 17-55, 36-09, 41-11 |
friends / friendliness | 01-03 (friendly to whites), 01-05 (local friend, Indian and White), 01-13 (lots of friends; help; visit), 01-14, 04-30 (friends named), 05-20s (fishing; etc.; Mississippi), 05-25 (and settlers), 08-63 (booze and problems to), 31-35 (meeting), 31-38, 31-43 (gong to friends and family when times are bad), 36-26 (Joe Barnes and "Bud" Villneuve [sp?] dying), 39-01 (thinking about friends; dream), 41-26 (and Ed Horner), 71-17 (spirits are friends; Joe Barnes and "Bud" Villneuve [sp?] |
freightened | 75-28 |
frog | 82-16 |
frontier | 45-42 |
fruit of life | 13-01 |
frybread | 09-41, 31-18, 43-13, 43-16, 73-28, see also "bread" |
Fuchs [sp?], Father Anthanase [sp?] | 66-21 |
fumigation | 14-42, 72-24 |
funerals | 12-61, 34-01, 60-11, 65-12, 67-39, see also "wakes," "burials," and "mourning" |
fur | 10-15, 13-76, 27-34, 46-18, 63-29, 64-26 |
fur buyers | 63-31 |
fur trade | 13-76 |
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Last Modified
Monday, 11-Apr-2005 00:43:30 CDT
Department of Studies in Justice, Culture, & Social Change
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science
215 Cina Hall
University of Minnesota Duluth (maps)
Duluth, MN 55812 - 2496 (maps)
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