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When Everybody Called Me Gabe-bines,

Teachings from Paul Buffalo

Timothy G. Roufs (Ed.)
University of Minnesota Duluth

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"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society."

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Paul Buffalo Interviews Index


video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.

tape number:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 (videotape)

saddle 78-18
Saint Joseph Society 70-07
salamanders 69-31
saloons 49-02
salt 03-06 (if didn't have), 14-17, 43-17, 51-31, 57-11, 60-02, 66-29, 72-20
"salt-leaf plants" 73-31, see also "plants"
sand 68-27
saunas 45-01, 45-34, 77-09, see also "sweatbath," and "Finnish"
saving 05-07 (Polish)
sawmills see "lumber mills"
scalping 50-08
Scanlon, MN 08-67
schedule 06-03
school house 78-33
school / schooling 01-02 to 01-07, 05-01 to 05-04, 06-27, 06-31, 07-18 (and family size), 09-01, 10-47 9schools), 13-06, 13-113, 15-11 (government), 19-15, 35-18 (boarding), 37-04, 37-15, 38-02, 38-05, 50-10, 55-20, 66-08, 66-21, 66-35
Scott, George 53-17
Scott's Landing 45-42, 63-37
scouts 09-48 (scouting food; protect women harvesting), 11-48, *13-64, 25-03, 31-08, 57-34 (ling; = lower chiefs), 67-04 (searching for berries), 80-20 (scouts enforcing "law")
scrolls 55-02
sea-lion 68-19
seashells 62-18
seasons / seasonal movements 01-03 (and school), 09-42 (seasons; getting ready for; winter; rice; syrup), 13-71 (join upl etc., split up), 13-83, 14-54 (and tipi shaker), 14-66 (July and pickng herbs time), 14-85 (and crops -- picking crop of the season; how to pick), 25-01 (movement; summary of seasons), 31-01 (seasonal camps; camps -- winter, wigwams), 38-02 (radio interview -- summary), 49-16 (first sign of spring), 61-32 (summer born -- Tim Roufs note), 67-18 ("camper Indians," campsites), see also "migrations," "moving around," "wild rice camps," and individual seasons
secrets 13-02, 74-02, 74-25, 79-39, 80-10, 80-20
Seelye 09-05
self-doctoring 52-09
separation 07-05 (in marriage), 07-06, 07-07, 07-09, 07-10, 07-11, 55-05
sermons 10-01, 12-30, see also "lectures," and "speakers / speaking"
services 66-32
settlement 05-07, see also "community," and "village"
settlers 09-25, 45-41, see also "homesteads / homesteading," and "White settlers"
sewing 63-08
"shadow man" 75-23, see also "black man"
shaking hands 09-65
sharing 05-24, 25-05, 29-06, 32-02, 54-06, 78-43, see also "cooperation of people"
sheepshead 66-11, see also "fish / fishing"
shells 51-04
Shing-o-bii 64-47, 65-15
Shi-shiib 73-34
shocking hay 41-10, see also "hay / haying"
shoes 49-23 (hanging), 69-14 (hanging), see also "clothing"
shu-shu-may 56-24
shyness 04-17
sibling relations 06-35 (and husband), see also "relatives"
sickness 12-10, 12-26, 13-02, 14-40, 14-79, 14-81, 14-131, 15-35, 16-14 to 16-17, 39-21, 44-15, 45-32, 47-16, 48-20, 50-10, 50-17, 51-46, 52-26, 61-32, 61-35, 64-34, 66-16 (PB's stroke), 69-04, 71-26 (TB), 72-01, 73-19, 75-28, 80-08, see also "health" and individual ailments
signs 01-04 (stop, look, listen), 08-19 (beaver / turtle; Grand Medicine), 14-43 (warning; study that; signs in movies etc.; owl), 14-44 (owl, etc.; ff. fireballs) , 21-35, 27-44 (crawlers; fireballs; signs), 36-25 (Bud Tibbits and Joe Barnes dying); 39-03 (dream; fish; sign), 39-12 (39-12), 39-16 (dreams), 39-20 (dog howling / warnings), 40-02 (warnings; dog; fireball), 40-05 (robbins), 45-26 (comet), 45-28 (moon), 45-31 (stars falling), 45-33 (fireballs), 56-16 ff (directions; oak; symbolism), 58-23 ("flash" and egs.), 62-01 (crawler), 69-30 (kid crying), 70-16 (ling and mother at Leech Lake), 71-12 (shooting stars), 74-16 (black horse dream), 74-29 (dream), 75-17 (snakes), 76-07 ff (robbins; etc.; !) , 82-09 (TV), see also "messegers / messages," and "warnings"
silver box 58-17, 58-18
Simon [Jackson], Barbara 08-29, 11-55
sin 10-13, 12-36, 55-15, 69-03, 69-06, 69-13, 70-07
Sioux [Dakota] *06-29 (whispering because of), 09-10 (uprising; scared to meet Sioux "when it was wild"), 13-65 (tipis; scouts and), 13-66 (scouts; mother tells of whispering -- 13-68), 13-67, 13-75, 14-61 (and wi-kay), 35-15 (and bees = "Sioux"; name because "touchy"), 49-15, 45-19 (and medicine, snakeberries), 49-15 (by river -- "shh"), 50-05 (by river -- "shh"), 61-20 (beaded clothes fro Sioux xxx), 66-31 (and bees), 78-27 ("Sioux [or Sault?] wool"), check also "Dakotas"
sisters [of Paul Buffalo] 41-06, see also "relatives" and individual names
Six-Mile Lake 45-02, 49-24, 51-24
Sjojund, Cliff (I) 48-24, 64-45, 68-08
skating 09-21, 31-29
skunks 57-10
Sky, Tom 49-25
sleds 41-13, 78-20
Slater, Mr. (Godfry) 14-74, 57-35
"sly" 13-78, see also "accents"
Smith, John ("Old John") ("Wrinkle Meat") 05-08 to 05-12 (age; and kids), 08-70 (name), *11-49 (rapids story), 12-35, 13-80, *15-16 to 15-19, 15-22 to 15-34, 15-26, 15-39, 15-40, 16-01 to 16-11, 16-21 to 16-26, 22-16 ff, 27-61, 27-73 (name), *30-xxx, 35-21, 36-20, 45-21 (snakeballs; dragons), 45-31 (stars falling), 48-27 (fishing with Orson Weekley), 52-31 (dragons), 55-22, 55-23, 56-20, 58-30, 62-05 (monsters, ling), 62-07 (grave), 62-08 (home; asking questions), 62-23 (place), 67-03, 68-08, 71-11, 71-22, 72-11, 80-36 (name)
Smith, John S. 58-32, 66-17, 67-03, 70-07, 80-37, 80-40, see also "grandfather"
Smith, Josephine 73-36
Smith, Tom 62-08
smoke 76-19, see also "tobacco"
smoking 02-01, 05-12 (young), 08-27, 25-02, 56-13, 67-01, see also "tobacco"
smudge 79-26
snakeballs 45-20
snakes 14-61, 14-66, 45-19, 62-01, 75-17, 82-16
snakeberries 45-01, 45-18
snakeroot 14-59, 14-97, 82-16, see also "wii-kay"
snares / snaring 29-01, 30-07 et passim, 57-03, 62-35, see also "trapping"
snowblindness 72-25
snowmobiles 30-18, 62-38
snowshoes 31-09, 49-24, 49-25, 81-32
snuff 02-01, 05-11, 36-01
social control 80-20, see also "gossip," "humor," "law," "councils," and "jibik
social security 02-20, 10-56, 14-17, 57-01, 72-27
songs 01-01, 01-02, 01-04 (meaning of), 03-01 to 03-06, 03-09, 03-10 (medicine, and religion), 03-11 to 03-14, 07-28, 08-06, 08-13, 11-57, 11-59, 11-60, 13-125, 13-129, 14-87, 26-01 ff, 60-17, 62-20, 67-34, 70-05, 72-38, 73-10, 82-18
sons 10-55, 13-106, see also "Buffalo, 'Tiny'"
soul 60-09, 60-32, 65-19, 74-07
soup 09-09 (and bones and jerk steak), 46-02, 65-23 (ling, naa-búub), 66-08 (corn soup), 79-43 (and Tower midewiwin)
sourdough bread 43-20, see also "bread"
southerners 61-34
sowthistle see "thistle"
speaker / speaking 67-28, 73-27, 81-17, see also "leaders," "lectures," "speeches," and "sermons"
speeches 06-30 (old man's), 06-31, 13-61, 42-32, 52-27, see also "lectures" and "sermons"
Spike, Charles 46-01, 46-42
spirits 03-02 (Great), 07-29 (and powwow), 12-02, 12-34 ff, 13-12, 13-18, 13-83, 13-84, 13-101, 13-127, 13-136, 14-24, 14-25, 14-32, 14-35, 14-58, 14-87, 36-05, 36-26, 39-14, 40-01, 45-23, 51-01, 52-19, 55-03, 55-16, 60-32, 65-19, 69-18, 70-07, 70-12, 70-19, 71-17, 72-40, 73-22, 74-30, 75-19, see also "guardian animals / spirits," "God," and "spirit of life"
spirit houses 52-20, see also "graves / grave houses"
spirit of life 70-07, see also "spirit"
spiritual doctors 47-03, see also "medicine doctors," and "jessakid"
spoons 64-01
sports 01-02 (in school), 05-25 (sportsmen)
spring 08-26 (= it's a big refreshment in your life when spring coms), 49-16 (crows), 75-07 (energy of life), 75-09 (gathering; zugubuge), 79-40 (May meeting), see also "maple sugar time"
spruce 63-16, 63-34, 70-24
spud 67-26
squash 29-12, 80-23
"squaw" 72-33
"squaw dance" see "giveaway dance"
"staffs" 79-39
Staples, Dave (Dave "Buffalo") 09-62, 10-58, 10-60, 52-08, 59-15, 61-12, 65-04
stars 22-16, 22-17, 27-64 (falling), 36-19, 45-29, 45-31 (falling), 71-07, 71-12
starvation 49-24
state 08-73, see also "Minnesota"
stealing 15-38, 51-23
steambath see "sweatbath"
stepfather see "Nason, Jack"
"stiches" 13-35
storage 64-30, see also "food"
stores 53-01, 78-28, see also "general stores," and "trading posts"
stories 08-27 (campfire stories), 21-01 ff (Windigo; Nanabozho), 21-33 (winter), 22-01 (creation), 22-06 ff (campfire; and listening to Windigo tape), 22-16 ff (John Smith), 22-23 ff (crows), 22-39 (general), 27-18 (and kids and keys and king), 27-25 (woodchuck -- spring), 27-66 (John Smith; general), 28-10 ff (Nanabozho), 28-15 ff (Nanabozho, and raccoon), 28-17 (woodchuck -- spring), 31-07 (campfire, general), 46-21 (general; Windigo; Bebukoway; Gwashun), 58-12 (stone and big lake), 58-20 (general; castle), 60-11 (big sea whale animal), 60-16 25-03), 62-05 (John Smith; monsters), 82-14 (racoon), 82-16 (frog), see also "legends," and "myths"
storms 08-22, 14-86, 80-13
strangers 01-03, 13-64, 13-66, 13-100, 42-11, 51-21, 77-20, see also "outsiders"
style of living 51-08
Substead [?] 63-05
sucking doctors 10-08, 14-57, see also "medicine doctors"
suffering 13-87, 21-36, 22-01, 22-04
Sugar Lake 51-25
Sugar Point 07-28, 10-50, 12-71, 13-71, 49-31, 51-21, 63-30, 70-09, 70-12, 72-37, 80-36
suitor service 06-34, 06-36, 12-xxx
sumac 14-102, 14-110
summer 01-03, 61-32, 79-26, see also "seasons / seasonal movements"
"summer born " 27-39, 27-47, 61-32
"summer complaint" 14-79
sun 03-01, 03-02, 10-07, 12-14, 45-28, 52-25 (ring), 63-34, 71-03, see also "light," "sunlight" and "moon"
Sunday 08-22, 12-30, 80-14
sunfish 66-10
sunlight 69-18
"superstitions" 76-09
swamps 53-06 (farming), 53-07
swearing (cursing) 70-07
sweat bath 45-35, 59-01, 77-07, 77-09
Swedes 45-48
sweetheart 17-61, see also "girlfriend"
swimming 01-06
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