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When Everybody Called Me Gabe-bines,

Teachings from Paul Buffalo

Timothy G. Roufs (Ed.)
University of Minnesota Duluth

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"This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society."

"This publication was made  possible in  part by the  people of  Minnesota  through  a grant funded by an appropriation  to  the  Minnesota  Historical Society  from the  Minnesota  Arts and Cultural  Heritage  Fund. Any views,  findings,  opinions,  conclusions  or recommendations expressed in this publication  are those  of  the authors  and  do not necessarily represent those of the State of  Minnesota, the  Minnesota  Historical Society, or the  Minnesota  Historic Resources Advisory Committee."

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Paul Buffalo Interviews Index


video and audiotape index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This is an index of the hardcopy transcripts, not the 0n-line chapters.
Index numbers refer only to where a discussion starts, or resumes.

tape number:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 (videotape)

babies 61-16, 65-25, 69-02
background 07-11
bacon grease 64-22
"bad" 15-35, 15-36
bag 79-35, see also "medicine bag"
Bagley, MN 66-21
balance 02-02, 05-05, 05-06, 12-31, 14-130
ball 81-27, see also "games"`
Ball Club, MN 08-63, 08-77 (council), 08-80, 08-94, 13-72, 13-92, 13-95, 45-08, 52-14, 52-45, 53-02, 61-24, 63-03, 66-16, 66-20, 66-33, 77-09, 78-11, 78-16, 78-29, 81-30
Ball Club Lake 08-92, 81-22
Ball Club River 66-27
ball team 07-22 (Cass Lake, MN), 07-23, see also "team"
balsam 14-131, 61-01, 63-20, 63-22, 63-23, 63-35, 70-24
Balsam (sp?) [Indian agent] 11-03
bands 04-05 (Mississippi; general discussion), 06-18 (population), 06-19 (and cars; population increase), 08-12 (moccasin game), 08-71 (White Oak and Mississippi; 1920s councils and resolutions), 08-79 (band = en-dah-nah-kiid = "that's where he works"),, 10-63 (and working together; Old Council -- pre-New-Deal; and government), 15-43 (and food), 31-34 (family groups getting together), 41-03 (?), 81-06 (linguistics, cf., 08-79) , see also "group," "bunches," "divisions," "residence / residential groups"
bank 14-80, 78-03, 78-13
baptism 10-44 (mother's willing), 12-11, 12-12, 52-16, 66-15 (leg stroke >> dream), 66-16, 69-03,
bark 01-11 (in April), 01-12 (baskets; bird houses); 29-09 (roofing), 31-01, *31-03 (wigiwams; preparing bark) , 35-30 (spots in the river picked over), 42-07 (Hiawatha / Winibozho), 55-02 (scrolls), 57-21 (cutting ash diamond shape), 63-07 (ash; birch), 63-14, 68-23, see also individual trees
Barnes, Joe 05-12, 05-36, 09-26, 09-59, 10-18, 41-24, 63-04, 66-20, 71-14
baskets 13-73 (maple sugar storage), 29-06 (deer-hoof), 31-11 (sap baskets), 57-16 (deer-hoof), 58-07 (winnowing), 63-35 (ling; large syrup; sap;mah-kak), 63-39 (ling; small naa-du-bin; cf . 31-11) , 64-04 (mah-kak for sugar) , 80-26 (young people buy baskets, old people make them; resthome baskets)
bass 66-11
basswood 63-23, 80-27
Battle Point 10-38
Bay-bu-ka-way 52-41
beads / beadwork 35-04 (to sell; selling to lumberjacks), 51-04 (beads from megis), 52-12 (?), 61-17 (and velvet in store; 1st = 1918; Canadian), 66-13 (ling; # on items sold), 79-10
bear / bear claws 01-03 (could see in right seasons; and porcupine), 09-50 (and birchbark picking; and Steve Jackson; and bear getting deer), 09-52 (bear getting deer, and hunting with Michaud; eating meat), 09-54 (killing bear), 09-58 (stepping on cubs, and eating), 10-37 (raising bear story), 25-28 (bear claw; and philosophy; raising bear story; eating meat), 27-29 (eating; shooting bear), 57-06 (bear deadfall), 61-14 (ling), 61-26 (mating; in camping spot)
Beaulieu, Paul 49-11
beaver 08-19, 68-19, 80-05
Bebeau, Jim  
bedding 63-19
bedwetting (cure of) 37-11
beer 49-10
bees 10-40, 10-68, 35-13, 66-30
beliefs 08-22, 13-140, 13-126, 27-54, 37-02, 74-04, 82-06, see also "values," and "views"
Bellengers 79-25
Bemus 72-23
Bena, MN 08-81 (council), 09-01 (Bena school = 1st, ca. 1909, 1906) , 09-31 (and farm at Bena), 10-67 (council and interpreting letter re drinking representative) , 11-01 (council), 13-72 (as early camping grounds), 13-114 (gong to Bena Indian school), 41-21 (CC camp), 49-03 (Fred Crow = grandfather; store; mother), 57-01 (logging/gardening; selling place >> social security), 57-28 (Tom selling mother firewood; Bena place ? going to heck), *60-02 (name ceremony), 61-17 (Flemming's general store, ca. 1925), 62-27 (and wife leaving, 1917; dance incident and Ed Rogers, 1919), 62-32 (dance hall), *63-02 (paper shack -- Jack Nason), *66-16 (man; sickly -- baptism), 66-19 (Bena church), 66-24 (Flemming's store), 70-08 (mother >> Bena; distance oved = 10-11 mi.), *70-13 (s....), 70-14 (wigiwam; Jack Nason) , 72-21 (rations), 72-23 (Flemming's store; Bemis [?] = agriculture agent), 78-28 (Flemming's store), 78-40 (CC camp)
berries 01-11 (blueberries = sure of the season), 01-12 (energy for blueberry picking for sugar), 29-12 (maple sugar >> blueberries), 31-16 (scouting for blueberries; drying blueberries; etc.), 35-02, 63-23 (and dye), 67-21 (selling), see also individual types of berries
best years 51-13, 51-51
betterment 05-03, 13-15, 14-04, 22-30 (et passim), 22-40, 55-10, see also "development," and "community development"
BIA see "Bureau of Indian Affairs"
Bible 66-17 ff.
birch bark 01-12, 55-02 (scrolls), 57-21, 63-07, 63-08, see also "bark"
birch trees 14-91, 14-129, 70-20
birds 45-02, 45-14, 60-23
birth 27-39, 36-12, 47-17, 47-18, 61-32, 70-22, 70-23, 78-44
blackberries 14-72, 72-26
black face 44-17
blackgowns 12-15
black horses 44-12
"black man" 75-23, see also "shadow man"
black (wild) rice 64-19
Blacks 08-67, 27-65, 49-09
"blanket shoes" 73-17
blood 06-31 (white), 14-43, 37-09, 72-07
bloodletting 12-55 (headache, high blood pressure, snowblind >> Paul Buffalo's bloodletting), 14-57 (sucking doctor), 45-15 (and women), 59-04 (and sweatbath; Mati Kaups interview; scar), 69-25, 72-10 (stopped doing it), 77-08 (ling and general description)
bloodroots 47-24
blowing 68-13
blueberries 09-07 (looking for blueberries on river; selling, at Dumas' store or Deer River; seeing deer along the river when it was hotter, during blueberry time), 31-16 (scouting for blueberries; drying; etc.), 38-02 (drying blueberries; didn't have jars), 62-15 (ling; swamp berries; cranberry; blueberry), 64-05 (100 quarts sauce; 300 quarts picked), see also "berries"
boarding schools 35-18, 56-24, see also "schools" and "education"
boat 05-13, 05-19, 27-32 (river), 57-25, 76-01, 78-45, 79-22
bobcat 62-33
Boblink, John 10-74
body 01-10, 13-02, 13-137, see also other entries
body movements 08-05
boiling over 09-45
Bois Forte see "Nett Lake"
"bone doctor" 77-01, 79-29, see also "medicine doctors"
bones 14-57, 46-02, 52-30
bood / "book" 08-27, 08-32, 14-36, 38-01, 43-07, 47-13, 68-16, 80-17
bootlegging 62-88
borrowing 27-16
bounty 30-
Bovey, MN 77-11
bow and arrow 09-09 (partridge hunting; descripton), 29-06, 46-16 (hunting; description), 57-13 (general), 57-15 (shooting distance)
bowl 64-02
Bowstring 79-04, 80-37
Bowstring, Tom 79-19
Boyd, George 47-35
boyhood days 10-65, see also other listings
Boy River, MN 57-35, 78-33, 79-20, 79-25
Bradley, Tom 45-39, 74-27, 77-09
bragging 09-23, 13-48
brain 01-06, 03-06 (food), 65-20, 74-34

35-15, see also "scouts"

bread 05-18, 29-12, 31-17, 43-13, 43-16, 46-01, 46-02, 61-21, 73-28, see also "frybread," and "sourdough bread"
breastfeeding 65-25, see also "nursing"
"breed" 81-06, see also "mixedbloods"
brothers see "family," "relatives," and names of brothers
brown-ees 47-06, 62-06, 68-22, see also "dwarfs," and "little people"
buckskin 63-27, 63-32, 79-01, 79-36
Budreau 01-07, 08-45
Buffalo, Dave see "Staples, Dave"
buffalofish 66-10
Buffalo, Henry 21-29, 50-25, 54-, 60-06, 60-15
Buffalo, Mrs. Henry 55-23
Buffalo, Jim 58-34, 67-05, 67-06, 70-16
Buffalo, Katie 67-08
Buffalo, Mary 37-03
Buffalo, "Old Lady" 60-15
Buffalo, "Tiny" 61-13, see also sons
Buffalos 50-23, 52-28
bull 78-15
bullheads 64-23, 66-09, 80-70, see also "fish / fishing"
"bunch" / bunches 10-63 (working together), *13-63 (basic groups), *13-68 (basic groups), 13-71, 31-34, 35-25, 64-32 (ling "division"; chief = "business man of the group"), 67-10 (bunch), 67-37 (definition of bunch; buying canoes; grand mother's time in Duluth, how to portage, Canadian beads), 68-31 (; def; splitting up), 69-01 (ling), 80-13 (ling), see also "bands," "divisions," "factions," "groups," "group residence / residential groups"
Bungo 49-09
Bureau of Indian Affairs 04-06, 08-35, 08-73, 08-78, 43-36, 78-36
burials 14-25, 51-46 (scaffold burial), 52-17, 60-11, 67-39, see also "wakes," "funerals," "death / dead / dying," and "mourning"
burns 71-01
businesses 53-23
butterflies 58-26
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Last Modified Monday, 11-Apr-2005 13:57:39 CDT

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