Peter F. Drucker Bibliography: Books and Articles available via the Kathryn A. Martin Library |
The Man Who Invented Management Peter Drucker's Monumental Legacy Books By Peter Drucker Books About Peter Drucker Articles By Peter Drucker Newspaper Articles By Peter Drucker Obituary (11/11/05) "What Executives Should Remember" |
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Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 - November 11,
2005) was a writer, management
consultant, and self-described "social ecologist". Widely considered to be "the
father of
modern management," his 39 books and countless scholarly and popular articles
how humans are organized across all sectors of business, government
and the
nonprofit world. His writings have predicted many of the major developments
of the late
twentieth century, including privatization and decentralization; the rise of
Japan to
economic world power; the decisive importance of marketing; and the emergence
of the
information society with its necessity of lifelong learning. In 1959, Drucker
coined the
term "knowledge worker" and later in his life considered knowledge work productivity
be the next frontier of management.
Drucker's books have been translated into more than thirty languages. Two are
novels, one
an autobiography. He is the co-author of a book on Japanese painting, and made
series of educational films on management topics. He also penned a regular
column in the
Wall Street Journal for 20 years and contributed frequently to the Harvard
Review, The Atlantic Monthly, and The Economist. He continued to act as a consultant
businesses and non-profit organizations well into his nineties. Drucker died
November 11,
2005 in Claremont, California of natural causes at 95. (Text taken from "Peter
Drucker" 7/27/09)
Men, Ideas, and Politics, 2010 - JA76 .D76 2010
Managing Oneself, 2008 - HF5381 .D677 2008
The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask aboutYour Organization, 2008 - HD62.6 .D777 2008
Management, 2008 - HD31 .D773 2008
People and Performance : the best of Peter Drucker on management, 2007 - HF5549 .D77 2007
Classic Drucker : Essential Wisdom of Peter Drucker from the Pages of Harvard Business Review, 2006 - HD31 .D76717 2006
The Daily Drucker : 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done, 2004 - HD31 .D7754 2004
A Functioning Society: Selections From Sixty-Five Years of Writing on Community, Society, and Polity, 2003 - HM 756 .D78 2003
Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management, 2003 - HD 31 .D7742 2003
The Effective Executive, 2002 - HD 38.25 .U6 D78 2002
Managing in the Next Society, 2002 - HD 31 .D77339 2002
Harvard business review on managing your career, 2002 - HF 5381 .H278
The Essential Drucker: Selections from the Management Works of Peter F. Drucker, 2001 - HD 21 .D76 2001
Markets of one: creating customer-unique value through mass customization - eBooks on EBSCOhost
Management Challenges for the 21st Century, 2001 - HD 30.27 .D78 2001
Leader to leader: enduring insights on leadership from the Drucker Foundation’s award-winning journal - eBooks on EBSCOhost
Peter Drucker on the profession of management - eBooks on EBSCOhost
Managing in a Time of Great Change, 1998 - HD 31 .D77337 1998
Harvard business review on measuring corporate performance - eBooks on EBSCOhost
Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue Between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi, 1997 - HC 427.92 .D7813 1997
Ultimate rewards [electronic resource] : what really motivates people to achieve - eBooks on EBSCOhost
The Executive in Action, 1996 - HD 31 .D76825 1996
The Organization of the future, 1997 - HD 58.8 .O7284
The Pension Fund Revolution, 1992 - HD 7105.45 .U6 D78 1996
The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1995 - D 443 .D78 1995
Command performance : the art of delivering quality service,- 1994 HF 5415.5 .C625
The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition, 1993 - HN 57 .D76 1993
How to Assess Your Nonprofit Organization With Peter Drucker's Five Most Important Questions: User Guide for Boards, Staff, Volunteers, and Facilitators, 1993 - HD 62.6 .H69 1993
Managing for the Future: The 1990's and Beyond, 1993 - HD 31 .D7733 1993
Post-Capitalist Society, 1993 - HC 59.15 .D78 1993
The Learning imperative : managing people for continuous innovation, 1993 - HF 5549.2 .U5 L33
Milestones in management : an essential reader , 1992 - HD 31 .M4373
Drucker in the Harvard Business Review, 1991 - HD 31 .D764 1991
Revolution in real time : managing information technology in the 1990s, 1990 - HD 30.2 .R48
Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Practices and Principles, 1990 - HD 62.6 .D78 1990The New Realities: In Government and Politics, In Economics and Business, In Society and World View, 1989 - D 849 .D78 1989
The Frontiers of Management: Where Tomorrow's Decisions Are Being Shaped Today, 1986 - HD 31 .D7713 1986
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles, 1985 - HD 2346 .U5 D78 1985
The Changing World of the Executive, 1982 - HF 5500.2 .D77 1982
Toward the Next Economics, and Other Essays, 1981 - HD 31 .D775 1981
Managing in Turbulent Times, 1980 - HD 31 .D7734 1980
Adventures of a Bystander, 1979 - H 59.D75 A33 1979
An Introductory View of Management, 1977 - HD 31 .D772 1977
Management Cases, 1977 - HD 70 .U5 D69 1977
People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management, 1977 - HD 31 .D774 1977
The Unseen Revolution: How Pension Fund Socialism Came to America, 1976 - HD 7106 .U5 D78 1976
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, 1974 - HD 31 .D773 1974The New Markets, And Other Essays, 1974 - HC 59 .D693 1974
Technology, Management, and Society; Essays, 1970 - HD 38 .D72 1970
The Age of Discontinuity; Guidelines to Our Changing Society, 1969 - HC 59 .D69 1969
Preparing Tomorrow's Business Leaders Today, 1969 - HD 31 .P72 1969
The Concept of the Corporation, 1964 - HD 2731 .D7 1964X
Managing for Results: Economics Tasks and Risk-Taking Decisions, 1964 - HD 38 .D7 1964
Landmarks of Tomorrow, 1959 - CB 425 .D77 1959
America's Next Twenty Years, 1957 - HC 106.5 .D74 1957
The Practice of Management, 1954 - HD 70 .U5 D7 1954
The New Society; The Anatomy of the Industrial Order, 1950 - HD 21 .D7 1950
Concept of the Corporation, 1946 - HD 2731 .D7 1946
The Future of Industrial Man: A Conservative Approach, 1943 - HD 82 .D7 1943
Germany, the Last Four Years: An Independent Examination of the Results of National Socialism, 1937 - HC 286.3 .G4 1937
Books About Peter Drucker
Managing People and Organizations: Peter Drucker’s Legacy, Guido Stein, 2010 - HD31 .S66 2010
The Strategic Drucker : Growth Strategies and Marketing Insights from the Works of Peter Drucker, Robert W. Swaim, 2010 - HD31 .S795 2010
Living in More than One World : How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life, 2009 - HD6955 .R68 2009
A Class with Drucker : the Lost Lessons of the World’s Greatest Management Teacher, 2008 - HD31 .C589 2008
Inside Drucker’s Brain, 2008 - HD31.D776 K73 2008
The Definitive Drucker, Elizabeth Haas Edersheim, 2007 - TK 5103.2 .K588 2007
Corporate Entrepreneurship : Top Managers and New Business Creation, Vijay Sathe, 2003 - HB615 .S3117 2003
False Prophets : the Gurus Who Created Modern Management and Why Their Ideas are Bad for Business Today, James Hoopes, 2003 - HD70.U5 H65 2003
Video Interview With Peter Drucker: "Peter Drucker: An Intellectual Journey" 2003 - Multimedia VC 4679 One Week LoanWorking : Its Meaning and Its Limits, Gilbert C. Meilaender, 2000 - BJ1498 .W64 2000
Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind, Flaherty, John E., 1999 - eBooks on EBSCOhost Online Resource
Leading Organizations : Perspectives for a New Era, Gill Robinson Hickman, 1998 - HD58.7 .L4 1998
Management Innovators : the People and Ideas that have Shaped Modern Business, Daniel A. Wren, 1998 - HC102.5.A2 W73 1998
The World According to Peter Drucker, Beatty, Jack, 1998 - HD30.5 .B4 1998
The Leader of the Future : New Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the Next Era, Frances Hesselbein, 1996 - HD57.7 .L418 1996
Drucker, the Man who Invented the Corporate Society, Tarrant, John J., 1976 - HD30.5 .T37
Peter Drucker, Contributions To Business Enterprise, Bonaparte, Tony H., 1970 - HD 31 .B617 1970
Song of the Brush : Japanese Paintings from the Sansō Collection, Seattle Art Museum, 1979 - ND2071 .S36 1979
Journal Articles By Peter Drucker
Newspaper Articles By Peter Drucker
Article - "The Man Who Invented Management"
The Drucker Institute
The Drucker School - About Peter F. Drucker
Emerald on Peter Drucker
Peter Drucker on Leadership
Peter Drucker Quotes
Last Update: November 17, 2020