Country Overview Reports in EBSCO 
Here are several outstanding sources I recommend for international business research on countries. You should use the canned searches in the Permanent URL's below, and then substitute the country of your choice in the "Poland" spot.
Country Intelligence from IHS Global Insight
Comprehensive and timely analysis of economic conditions and business and investment climates and risks in over 100 countries. To see an example of this report, click here.
- Economic analysis, data, and forecasts
- Political analysis
- Regulatory analysis
- Tax laws and impacts
- Operational conditions
- Security risk analysis
To see an example of this report, click here.
Country Profile MarketLine Reports
Using the globally-recognized PESTLE country analysis framework, MarketLine Country Analysis Profiles contain insight into the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental key influences in over 150 developed and emerging markets. These profiles are a great starting point to help you understand individual countries and the industries operating within them, and they contain data on the current strengths and challenges as well as future prospects and risks facing the profiled country.
CountryWatch Country Reviews are comprehensive online reports for each country dynamically updated as major events occur.
Access over 100 pages of detailed profiling of each county’s historical, political, economic, social, demographic, business and environmental issues.
Features sections on foreign relations, political climate, economic conditions and cultural etiquette
Updated annually or as major events occur.to see an example of this report, click here
Fast, up-to-date access to…
- Five-year forecast scenarios
- Risk ratings for the future
- Full summary of risk outlook
- Political players
- Key economic data
- Country background
To see an example of this report, click here
Not every country will be in the above sources.
Last Update: Feburary 3, 2020