NAICS CODES (Key Word Search)
SIC CODES (Key Word Search)
What is the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)?
What is Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)?
Industry Concordances - Industry Trade Data
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
From U.S. Census Bureau. One of the best Web sites in the federal government to monitor for information and news about NAICS.Unofficial clearinghouse concerning NAICS
From Georgetown University. Unofficial, but very, very superb! Overall, it is the most comprehensive NAICS site on the Web. It contains:
Other NAICS links
NAICS Association
Commercial organization with information and links on NAICS.
This site offers a number of NAICS related CD-ROM products, manuals and downloads for sale.Industry, Trade, and the Economy: Data and Analysis
A collection of industry sector data compiled by Export.gov using statistics from the Annual Survey of Manufactures published by the Census Bureau. The data are presented according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which replaced the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)system in 1997.NAICS Information from Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada, the central statistics gathering body of the Canadian government, offers information about the Canadian implementation of NAICS along with related Web links. NAICS manuals for sale.Other Industrial Classification Systems
Global Trade Analysis Project
From Purdue University. The Global Trade Analysis Project is a research organization interested in international trade. Industrial classification systems help them in their work, and they provide downloadable versions of different code systems in the sites below.GTAP Concordances
Contains downloadable industrial classification codes.
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Last Update: November 16, 2020