Data Sets for Economics and Business
Sources of United States Data Sets
Sources of International Data Sets
Sources of Corporate Business Data
Other Collections or Raw Data and Data Sets
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Sources of Minnesota Data Sets
"tracking and analyzing trends in areas that affect our quality of life in Minnesota"
Quick links to federal sources on Minnesota census information.
"To assist you in finding various open data sources, we've organized a number of data sets, categorized for your convenience. We also have put together a list of agencies participating in the Minnesota Open Data initiative."
"You’ll find data and data tools that give you a comprehensive, nuts-and-bolts look at Minnesota’s economy and workforce."
"DHS Web data portal provides citizens and lead agencies with access to local data to compare Minnesota counties on performance measures related to programs for the disabled and elderly. These tools include county profiles on specific performance measures as well as various demographic and economic indicators."
Analysis and forecasts of the Federal Reserve Ninth District, including Minnesota.
"The MPC is one of the world's leading developers of demographic data resources. We provide population data to thousands of researchers, policymakers, teachers, and students. All MPC data are available free over the internet." Also linked to IPUMS.
Sources of United States Data Sets
Statistics and aggregate data from the U.S. Decennial Census, American Community Survey, Puerto Rico Community Survey, Annual Population Estimates, Economic Census, and Annual Economic Surveys.
Part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Provides data on national accounts, international accounts, regional accounts, and industry accounts. Excellent source for local (state, county, MSA) economic data.
Statistics and aggregate data on inflation, employment, unemployment, pay and benefits, consumer spending, time use, productivity, and workplace injuries. Individual-level and household-level microdata from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is available through ICPSR.
(EDGAR stands for Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval system) All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through the SEC's EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free. Here you'll find links to a complete list of filings available through EDGAR and instructions for searching the EDGAR database.
Use searchable databases to find information on specific banks, their branches, and the industry.
Download detailed data on topics including consumer credit, industrial production, and interest rates.
Data publications, as well as statistical releases from several sources such as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and government agencies such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
20,000 time-series data sets on 14 subjects, all related to the U.S. economy.
International trade policy and statistics for the United States.
Over 1000 tables of statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. Tables are available in PDF and Excel formats only.
Here you will find a wide range of tables, articles, and data that describe and measure elements of the U.S. tax system.
The reports section of the Government site contains all the reports by program area, and the detailed data on the public debt and interest reports. Simply select the program area you need on the left to access a full listing of reports for that area, or select a specific report from one of the drop-down lists in the database.
This is a pay database, where you can access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 9,000 export commodities and 17,000 import commodities. USA TradeOnline provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level.
Sources of International Data Sets
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
must make a free account. ICPSR is a membership-based organization, with hundreds of member colleges and universities around the world. The consortium supplies data files for use with statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata. You will need basic statistical skills for using online analysis tools and more advanced skills for running your own analysis. Although SAS, SPSS, and Stata setup files are provided with many ICPSR datasets, they are not available for all data sets. The ICPSR data holdings contain some 6,000 studies and 450,000 files that cover a wide range of social science areas such as:
IMF Data (pay database, available via our Kathryn A. Martin Library)
Sign in with UMD ID and Password. International Financial Statistics (IFS Online) is the International Monetary Fund's principal statistical publication and has been published in printed form since 1948. Our Online version has a complete backfile, and contains data sets for most Fund members, as well as for Aruba, the Netherlands Antilles, and Switzerland. It provides time series data covering approximately 32,000 economic concepts.
The International Data Base (IDB) offers a variety of demographic indicators for countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more. The IDB has provided access to demographic data for over 25 years to governments, academics, other organizations, and the public. It is funded by organizations that sponsor the research of the Census Bureau"s International Programs Center for Demographic and Economic Studies. For more information and all the Release Notes see the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies (data from Quarterly External Debt Statistics and Quarterly Public Sector Debt databases). Includes over 200 time series indicators from 1970 to 2011, for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2019.
This United Nations organization tracks various labor-related statistics. Individual databases produced by the ILO include LABORSTA (most data 1969-present, some 1945-present) and Key Indicators of the Labor Market (1980-present).
The National Accounts Main Aggregates Database presents a series of analytical national accounts tables from 1970 onwards for more than 200 countries and areas of the world. It is the product of a global cooperation effort between the Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division, international statistical agencies and the national statistical services of these countries and is developed in accordance with the recommendation of the Statistical Commission at its first session in 1947 that the Statistics Division should publish regularly the most recent available data on national accounts for as many countries and areas as possible. The database is updated in December of each year with newly available national accounts data for all countries and areas.
Data sets created or used by NBER researchers.
OECD Key Tables: latest data on GDP, inflation, unemployment, health, education, agriculture and food, development, economics, environment, finance, industry, pensions, nuclear energy, science and technology, social issues, taxation and trade
The Penn World Table provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 189 countries/territories for some or all of the years 1950-2010. The European Union or the OECD provide more detailed purchasing power and real product estimates for their countries and the World Bank makes current price estimates for most PWT countries at the GDP level.
PRB's Hub for U.S. and International Data: Search hundreds of indicators, thousands of locations, and easily create custom reports to print, download, and share. The Population Reference Bureau informs people around the world about population, health, and the environment, and empowers them to use that information to advance the well-being of current and future generations. Statistics on 95 demographic variables, including education, health, and employment. Statistics are available at the state level for the United States, at the country level for more than 220 countries; statistics are also available for the world as a whole and for 28 world regions and sub-regions. Statistics can be displayed as rankings, bar graphs, or maps.
Search statistical data gathered by 15 UN agencies, including the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Program, and the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Hundreds of economic and social indicators, with 40 years of data for some series, for every country in the world.
WDI presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.
Country Comparison pages are presorted lists of data from selected Factbook data fields. Country Comparison pages are generally given in descending order - highest to lowest - such as Population and Area. The two exceptions are Unemployment Rate and Inflation Rate, which are in ascending - lowest to highest - order. Country Comparison pages are available for the following 79 fields in seven of the ten Factbook categories.
Data on international trade and tariffs.
Sources of Corporate Business Data
Mergent Online pay database, available via our Kathryn A. Martin Library

Profiles of public corporations around the world that includes summaries, company histories, property, financials, subsdiaries, joint ventures, long term, press release and annual reports. Pdf images of corporate annual reports for publicly traded US and foreign corporations are available going back to 1996. Access to WEs filings & Disclosures via EDGAR database are also included in Mergent Online
Other Collections or Raw Data and Data Sets
A site featuring free, easily available economic time series data useful for economic research and economic forecasting. There are over 100,000 data sets. Some examples: Federal Reserve data, Bureau of Economic Analysis data, stock price indexes, state statistics.
A site featuring free, easily available economic time series data useful for economic research and economic forecasting. There are over 100,000 data sets. Some examples: Federal Reserve data, Bureau of Economic Analysis data, stock price indexes, state statistics.
Other Links on Data Sets and Raw Data
David McCandless draws beautiful conclusions from complex datasets -- thus revealing unexpected insights into our world.
"In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus."
Last Update: March 28, 2020