- Question: "What do I already know about Culture and Personality?"
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- Reading Assignment
- All readings are from the textbook: Human Behavior in Global Perspective: An Introduction to Cross-Culutural Psychology, Second Edition, by Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen, John W. Berry, and Ype H. Portinga (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999)
- You should usually read the assignments prior to consideration of their related topics in class
- if you have read the texts prior to presentation of the materials in class, you will more easily keep track of what is going on
- If you have any difficulty with either the terms or with any of the various topics, stop by my office (215 Cina Hall) and I'll go over the materials with you
- however, please do not wait day before the quiz or exam
- Read "Preface," pp. ix-xi
- Read Ch. 1, "The Sociocultural Nature of Human Beings," pp. 1-24