Old Business / Announcements
- Recommendations on studying for this course
- Review of Writing Projects for the Semester
(Course Requirements Summary)
- Focus: Person
- Topic: A Culture and Personality Personality
- Case Study
- 4-6 well-written pages
- case study: 300 points
- Due to WebDrop <https://webdrop.d.umn.edu>
end of next week
- call your file something like your emailname assignment name
e.g., rouf0013 CP case study
- unexcused late Case Study paper =
- 50 points
of final grade)
- Focus: Problem
- Topic: Personally selected
topic relevant to culture and personality studies
- Term Paper
- 10-12
well-written pages
- paper: 600 points (30% of final grade)
- Picking a Topic
- Due to WebDrop <https://webdrop.d.umn.edu> end of term
- call your file something like your emailname assignment name
e.g., rouf0013 CP case study
- unexcused late Case Study paper = - 50 points (2.5% of final grade)
- Terms:
- language
Do Monkey's Count?
- per-son-ality
- cultural relativism. . . .
- Brief review of viewing guide for video: "Chimp Talk"
- nlt 02:45 Video: Chimp Talk
(14 min., 1998, VC 3479)
- Of Chimps and Humans
- 99+% [96%?] genetictool using / tool makinglanguage
Do Monkey's Count?
- Reading Assignment
- Ch. 3, "Human Development and Informal Education," 53- 93