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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 06:32 (06:32 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025

Mustard seed.
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Written Assignments

        1. Case Study Focus: Person

        2. Term Paper / Class Presentation Focus: Problem

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Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.

UMD Library Assignment Calculator.


General Considerations for Written Assignments

While preparing each paper, carefully consider the following:

  1. The audience of your writing, and how that affects the way you write.

  2. The purpose of the paper, and how the purpose shapes the form of your paper.

  3. The differences between observation / description and assessment / evaluation.

  4. The review of gathering / sorting social science data from a rhetorical point of view, including (a) critical viewing, interviewing, reading and thinking, and (b) assembling, sorting, and interpreting data.

  5. The revision process.

  6. The specialized vocabularies of social science disciplines.
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Writing Handbooks

Papers must follow a college writing handbook such as:


Lunsford, A., & Connors, R. (1999). The New St. Martin's Handbook. New York: St. Martin's. (ISBN 0-312-18927-3)

Use either the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style or the MLA (Modern Language Association) style. Do not make up your own.

© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cppaper.html
Last Modified Wednesday, 06 February 2008, 09:40 (09:40 AM) CST, day 037 of 2008
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