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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 06:49 (06:49 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025

Mustard seed.
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Final Exam Rubrics

  • The End of Semester Exam will be an open-book / open-notes essay exam made up of the questions on the annotated Wiki Study Page? You may bring and use your texts, dictionary, thesaurus, a writing handbook, class handouts, notes, outlines, drafts, memos, and a Ouija board. You may also use references and materials from your other classes and the web, with the caveat, of course, that you properly cite any sources you use.

  • What will be covered?

  • How long should the answers be?

  • When is it?

  • Other Useful Information

  • Make-up Exams

The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop


The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

REM: Bring your Laptop

Makeup Exam Information


General Information

reading assignments summary

Sample Midsemester Exam Format

Check your grade in your Moodle logo. Gradebook

Use "The Curve" to figure out your letter grade

     ~ "The Strike Zone"

     ~ Information on Standard Deviation (sometimes useful for interpreting your grade)

Criteria for Grading College Papers

Academic Integrity Policies


How long should your answers be?

Answer: About the same length as Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

The question of length is a good one. It's also a difficult one to answer as it depends on the question itself, your style of writing, the detail which you give to your examples, and—since this is an open-book exam where you basically could prepare questions in advance and then cut and paste from other sources (with proper credit given to those sources)—a good answer can vary quite a bit in length.

At a minimum you should have a beginning, a middle, and an end (sometimes also known as introduction, body, conclusion).

You should also be sure to answer the question(s) asked, and if there are two, three or more parts to a question, be sure to answer all of them.

Be sure to give examples when you make a statement.

I think it is a good thing to have a look at the OWL's advice before every exam:

Writing Essays for Exams
 OWL logo--Online Writing Lab, Purdue University

To use their recommendations, a well focused, well organized, well supported, well packaged essay answer could be done (for most of the questions) in the equivalent of about a page and a half to two "normal" pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, #11 or #12 font)—which is about 375-500 words.

How long was the Gettysburg Address?

263 or 268 or 270 words depending on which printed version you check

A standard "letter size" 8-1/2 X 11 sheet of paper has about 255 words, with a size 12 font

So your answer should be about one page long, two if you use the Owl's recommendations



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Midterm Exam

The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop


  • For the Midterm Exam you will have four (4) questions randomly selected from a pool of questions made up from your Midterm wiki questions.

    • In a nutshell, the exam will consist of four questions drawn at random by “James” Moodle from a pool of questions generated from the questions you have submitted to the Midterm wiki, plus a couple more that I have added (also included in the wiki).

    • Use the list of questions you generated in the Midterm wiki as study questions. Be sure to note the notes added, the ones which comment on the submitted questions.

  • up to 400 points (up to 100 points each)

  • The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

    REM: Bring your Laptop

  • It is recommended (and best) to use the list of questions you generated in the Midterm wiki as study questions.

    Useful Information

     OWL logo--Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
     Writing Essays for Exams

    • The exam will cover materials up to and including day (12): text materials, in-class videos, lectures, and important E-mails.

    • Major class-related materials that you may have received on E-mail may be included on the exam.

    • Summary of all Course Requirements

    • Check your grade in your Moodle logo. Gradebook. Use "The Curve" to figure out your letter grade.


    General Information

    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop

    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.

    [4 questions randomly generated from a pool of questions made up of the questions from the Final Exam wiki for up to 400 points]

    • Once you begin you exam you will have two and one-half hours to complete it



    • The Final will also be an open-book essay exam

      • Essay exams usually provide a better learning experience and, in addition, afford practice in writing

      • You may bring and use your texts, dictionary, thesaurus, a writing handbook, class handouts, notes, outlines, drafts, memos, a laptop, and a Ouija board. You may also use references and materials from your other classes and the web, with the caveat, of course, that you properly cite any sources you use.

      • You may bring and use your laptop

        • . . . but you must upload your exam to your Moodle folder at the end of the exam period

    Final Exam

    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop


    • The exam will cover materials up to and including the end of Week 15

    • Some of the questions will be cumulative, but most will focus on the materials covered since the midsemester exam.

    • This includes the lecture materials, in-class videos, e-mails, the Forum, the basic introductory materials of the text, and the text and class materials.

    • There will also be questions available on the final asking you to compare and contrast things in two or more items included in the entire semester

      • these comparison/contrast questions will include countries covered earlier in the semester

    • This is an open-book exam

      • You may bring and use your texts, dictionary, thesaurus, a writing handbook, class handouts, notes, outlines, drafts, and memos

      • You may also use references and materials from your other classes, with the caveat, of course, that you properly cite any sources you use

      • You may bring and use their laptop

        • but you must upload your exam to your Moodle folder at the end of the exam period

        • REM: Be sure to have your batteries charged

        • Please be prepared to upload the entire exam as one file

        • NOTE: It does not work simply to type in the .rtf extension on an existing .wps file. You must load the original document and then resave it as a .rtf file type


    • The final exam counts up to 400 points (4 X up to 100)

    • You must answer the four (4) questions on the final randomly generated by “James” from the pool of questions put together from the study questions on the Wiki. Each question is worth up to 100 points each. They may include . . .

      • At least one current affairs question

        There could also be one question on a major topic during the semester that for one reason or another doesn’t happen to end up in the Wiki list. You could also have on your exam a theoretical question on a major topic that may also have not made it onto the Wiki list (one that attempts to have you bring together and synthesize various major topics of the semester).

        • You could also have on your exam one theoretical question on a major topic that may also have not made it onto the Wiki list (one that attempts to have you bring together and synthesize various major topics of the semester)

      A caveat: there is always a possibility that there might be some very last-minute fast-breaking current-affairs news announced (that’s announced too late to make it onto the Wiki list) that might also be included in the pool from which the four questions are taken. But it would have to be closely related to a topic that you have studied during the semester.

    How long should your answers be?

    Answer: About the same length as Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

    The question of length is a good one. It's also a difficult one to answer as it depends on the question itself, your style of writing, the detail which you give to your examples, and—since this is an open-book exam where you basically could prepare questions in advance and then cut and paste from other sources (with proper credit given to those sources)—a good answer can vary quite a bit in length.

    At a minimum you should have a beginning, a middle, and an end (sometimes also known as introduction, body, conclusion).

    You should also be sure to answer the question(s) asked, and if there are two, three or more parts to a question, be sure to answer all of them.

    Be sure to give examples when you make a statement.

    I think it is a good thing to have a look at the OWL's advice before every exam:

    Writing Essays for Exams
     OWL logo--Online Writing Lab, Purdue University

    To use their recommendations, a well focused, well organized, well supported, well packaged essay answer could be done (for most of the questions) in the equivalent of about a page and a half to two "normal" pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, #11 or #12 font)—which is about 375-500 words.

    How long was the Gettysburg Address?

    263 or 268 or 270 words depending on which printed version you check

    A standard "letter size" 8-1/2 X 11 sheet of paper has about 255 words, with a size 12 font

    So your answer should be about one page long, two if you use the Owl's recommendations



    • There will be a live Final Exam chat on Moodle—for last-minute questions about the exam. Join in; the live chat for the midterm was fun, and useful . . .
    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.

    *(The total number of points available for the forum postings will depend on new discoveries and announcements that appear during the semester. New topics will be added as appropriate. In the end, "participation" will likely account for about 25% of your grade)

      • The final exam will cover materials from the entire semester, i.e. it will be cumulative, but with emphasis on the materials covered since the midsemester exam.

      • Focus on the textbooks, in-class videos, lectures, and e-mails.

      • Major class-related materials that you may have received on E-mail may be included on the exam.

      • Please see me if you need to make other arrangements for your final exam.

      • UM Final Examination Policy

      • Check your grade in your Moodle logo. Gradebook. Use "The Curve" to figure out your letter grade.

      • Summary of all Course Requirements

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    TR HomePage
    Makeup Exams
    1. With prior consent of the instructor, you may take makeup exams at a mutually agreeable time.

    2. It usually takes several days for makeup exams to be returned to you

    3. Makeup Exam scores will be posted as soon as they are ready on the web on Moodle logo..

    4. Use "The Curve" to figure out your letter grade
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    Useful Information

     OWL logo--Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
     Writing Essays for Exams

    © 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
    Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpexams.html
    Last Modified Monday, 27 September 2021, 21:31 (09:31 PM) CDT, day 270 of 2021
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