Marshall W. Alworth Hall
Some of our studies require some very expensive and sensitive instruments. Marshall W. Alworth Hall (MWAH) offers some wonderful departmental toys that we can utilize. The ones that are utilized in our research are outlined below.
The confocal instrument that is provided in MWAH is state of the art and provides very high end images. It is important for visualizing our cells and seeing how some of our compounds are reacting with the cells.
Luminescence and fluorescence are vital techniques in monitoring tumor progression. We have access to an IVIS imager that can measure these properties within our animal models. Luminescing cell lines and fluorescent molecules are utilized to quantitatively measure tumor density.
X-Ray Crystallography
For those air sensitive catalysts we have access to a glove box. In there we can weigh out air and moisture sensitive catalysts that we require and run reactions.