12. Joseph Eugene Ludger DURAND (1) was born in 1860 in St.Gabriel De Brandon. He died in 1929 in Cathederal Place, St.Paul MN.. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL SOURCE NOTES:
Joseph Eugene could not read. Had to make an X to sign his name, Gertrude
remembers Joseph, her father going with Joseph her grandfather, to witness the
grandfather's signature. Spoke only French understood a little English.

Farmer and Carpenter and woodsman. His grandson Hank worked with
him and marveled at his ability to build and repair from scratch with out
sophisticated tools. Hank Durand gave as an example Joseph Eugene repairing a
broken wheel in the woods and straightening a barn and pulling stumps with a
lever and a team of horses.

Joseph taught his son Joseph how to make a wooden cutting tool to husk corn
and cut small twigs. Joseph in turn taught it to his daughter Gertrude and
his son Hank. The tool involved a piece of hard wood with a point and a
leather thong to hold it to the hand. Learned at age of 12 when the family
moved to the farm. The cutting device (knife) was about 3 inches long and
about an 1/2 inch in diameter A leather thong was lashed to the one end
Whittled often at night making toys, tool handles

He spoke French fluently Gertrude remembers him

Hazel nut in hole and you would hit it with a little stone
Playing Ukar,5 cards keep three draw two until you can take tricks. Cancer of
the Stomach. Gertrude would scald milk, broken bread and sugarfor his stomach
You little Shit, "Cacha"

Joseph Eugene's home was the family gathering place when Gertrude was a child.
The home was a duplex was on Cathederal Place and Central Avenue. Joseph
Eugene died while living at that address.

This is a guess based on the age of thier oldest child Joseph He was married to Dehlia DURAND in 1883 in Possibly Boston.

13. Dehlia DURAND(1) was born in 1858 in Sorel, Quebec. She died in 1942 in St.Paul MN. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL SOURCE NOTES:
Dehlia spoke only french.

Dehlia worked in a thread factory at the age of 9. They only hired children
in the factory because their hands were small and they worked faster winding
thread on the spool. She worked there until the family moved to Turtle Lake
Wisconsin. When she was older she went to Boston and married Joseph Eugene

Dehlia's name is also spelled `Delia' Sixteen years old when she got married.

Dehlia's maiden name is also Durand and a review reveals that she is a cousin
of Joseph-Eugene

This is a guess based on the age of thier oldest child Joseph

Dehlia was living in Higland Park on Elenor St. living with several of her
children. Children were:

child6 i. Joseph Peter DURAND.
child ii. Aurora(Auri) DURAND(1) was born in 1886 in Turtle Lake WN. She died in 1957 in Mount Angel Oregon. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Aunt Auri was reported to have married Medore Muloin, a metis,(mixed blood)
and lived
on a reservation.(Source Gertrude Lillian) It was reported that she could not
have children as female organs underdeveloped or not developed. Died of
cancer Mount Angel Oregon approximately 1942-3. Auri spoke French fluently.
Auri took Medore Moloine away from her sister Clotilda
after Clotilda introduced Medore to the family as her boyfreind. Clotilda
was quiet and conservative and she never married as a result of
loosing Medore.
child iii. Paul DURAND(1) was born in 1888 in Turtle Lake WN. She died in 1957 in LKE(Lake Elmo, Mn). She was buried in Fort Snelling Military Cemetary, MN. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Paul was WWI veteran and shell shock condition, Carpenter. Suffered severe
sleep disturbance. One time Joseph Durand slept in the same bed and was
attacked by Paul during the night. It was as though Paul was fighting the
war again. Owned houses and apartments. Provided housing for parents in
St.Paul as well as other family including the Joseph and Sara Begin family in
1930-31. Joseph and Dehlia lived in the house, (A Duplex on Cathederal Place
in St.Paul). Others that lived there were Paul,Elizabeth, Josephine,
Clotilda,Anthony,Peter. Auri lived in seperate Apartment upstairs. The
freeway took the house street and all. Dehlia and Joseph moved to live with
Pete and Bernadine

Paul fell in love with a French woman but rejected her when he learned that
she smoked cigarettes. He always loved her though and as a result never
child iv. Emma DURAND(1) was born in 1889 in Faribault MN. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Worked at Schunman's in St.Paul in early 1900's
child v. Mary(SisterSt.Louis) DURAND(1) was born in 1891 in St.Paul, Mn. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Mary joined the order of the Sisters of St.Joseph,(C.S.J.) her religious name
was Sister St.Louis of St.Paul, She lived and worked as a cook at the
St.Joseph Novitiate all her life.
child vi. Clotilde DURAND(1) was born in 1893 in Faribault MN. She died in 1974 in Stillwater MN. She was buried in 1974 in Holy Angel Cemetary, Stillwater, MN.. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Clotzal-Nickname, Took care of her parents and then lived
with Elizabeth and Josephine.
Auri, Clotilda's sister took Medore Moloine away from Clotilda
after Clotilda introduced Medore to the family as her boyfreind. Quiet and
conservative. She never married as a result of loosing Medore.
child vii. Elizabeth DURAND(1) was born in 1895 in Faribault MN. She died in 1987 in Stillwater. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Elizabeth was of Lake Elmo(LKE). Worked at Lohman's lik Josephine, Casket
Drapes, Alter Clothes. Also worked in Dress factories.
She was in the convent with her sister Mary(St.Louis) for a time.
child viii. Eli DURAND(1) was born in 1896 in Faribault, MN. He died in 1897 in Faribault, MN.
child ix. Josephine DURAND(1) was born in 1900 in Faribault MN. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Josephine was of St.Paul, MN. Old maids,(Afraid to show there leg because they
were afraid that a man would get excited.) Worked at Lohman's Catholic Book
Store for her whole working life. she was a seamstress making casket drapes
and cassocks for alterboys. She was in the convent with her sister
Mary(St.Louis) for a time.
child x. Anthony DURAND(1) was born in 1902 in Faribault, MN. He died in 1968 in HAS. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
At age 25 went to Boston shoe factory and worked there as there were no jobs
in St.Paul at the time(1930's). Anthony was mentally ill. He bought things
on others credit, he was reckless with cars and he prayed all the time.
Died in Hastings state hospital after a long stay.
Esther Durand(Niece) knew him as good dancer.

Anthony's birhday may be wrong. Gertrude believes that Anthony is older than
child xi. Peter DURAND(1) was born in 1902 in Faribault MN. He died in 1995 in Lake Elmo, MN. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Peter was of Lake Elmo, MN, - Professional Painter, Ran a boat rental
business on Lake Elmo, Lived on little farm near the lake(about 6-7blocks
from the boat business)- Baby of Family. All his children except Clyde were
painters as well.
child xii. Rose DURAND(1) was born in 1906 in St.Paul, Mn. She was buried in 1907 in St.Paul, Mn. !INDIVIDUAL BIRTH RESEARCH NOTES:
Supposition that Rose was named after Dehlia's sister Rose who died as a
result of a drowning accident (around 1860's)
child xiii. Joseph DURAND(1) was born in 1909. He died in 1909.

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