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- Open Secrets -- Center for Responsive Politics [The Center for Responsible Politics was originally founded in 1983 by a bipartisan team of United States senators who were concerned about the increasing influence of money in American politics. The Center's OpenSecrets website came online just after the 1996 elections, and has been publishing analyses of money in politics ever since. The site's landing page, where readers can find daily blog entries and up-to-date coverage of the intersection of money and politics, is a good place to start. From there, readers may delve into four categories, including Politicians & Elections, Influence & Lobbying, News & Analysis, and Resources. The Resources page is especially compelling. Here readers may explore frequently asked questions, download a Follow the Money handbook, and even proffer an iPhone App. They may also participate in creating mashups with the Center's bulk data. -- CNH, The Scout Report, July 31, 2015 -- Volume 21, Number 29.]
- Paarlberg, Robert. Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know. NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.
["For a biased assessment of global food politics, Robert Paarlberg's Food Politics ought to be called on the carpet for its lack of transparency. The subtitle, What Everyone Needs to Know, alleges that the reader will be informed about the multiple dimensions of a complex global problem. Instead, the book leans heavily toward the perspective of large, industrialized agriculture. The author also fails to present his complete biography (found online in a quick Google search), which includes being a member of the Biotechnology Advisory Council to the CEO of the Monsanto Company. . . ." Sacramento Book Review -- May 24, 2010.]
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