- Advertising Law and Ethics -- College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST)
- Genoways, Ted. The Chain: Farm, Factory and the Fate of Our Food. NY: Harper-Collins, 2014.
- How the Pink Slime Industry Buys Influence in Government -- Lee Fang, Nation of Change (13 April 2012)
- Lien, Marianne (Ed.). The Politics of Food. Bloomsbury/Berg, 2004.
- Nestle, Marion. Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition, Revised and Expanded Edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
- Nestle, Marion. Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2010.
- Nestle, Marion. Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety. Berkeley, CA: University of Caliornia Press, 2010.
- Open Secrets -- Center for Responsive Politics
- Paarlberg, Robert. Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know. NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.
["For a biased assessment of global food politics, Robert Paarlberg's Food Politics ought to be called on the carpet for its lack of transparency. The subtitle, What Everyone Needs to Know, alleges that the reader will be informed about the multiple dimensions of a complex global problem. Instead, the book leans heavily toward the perspective of large, industrialized agriculture. The author also fails to present his complete biography (found online in a quick Google search), which includes being a member of the Biotechnology Advisory Council to the CEO of the Monsanto Company. . . ." Sacramento Book Review -- May 24, 2010.]
- Pinstrup-Anderson, Per, and Derrill D. Watson II, Food Policy for Development Countries: The Role of Government in Global, National, and Local Food Systems, Cornell University Press, 2011.
- The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food -- Kelly Brownell, Open Yale Courses, Fall 2008.
- Wallace Center -- Winrock International
- Watson, James L., and Melissa L. Caldwell (Eds.). The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.