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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
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Mustard seed.
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Thursday 13 July 2006
Day 07

02:10 Video clip: "ESP"
(13 min., 1998)

02:30 Video: "New Orleans Black Indians:
A Case Study in the Arts
(30 min., 1994, VC 2466 pt. 23)

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Old Business / Announcements

Blue book for exams.



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Orientation to Cognition: Perception and Conception


"Everyday Cognition" – perception . . . conception . . . and . . .



Greek Theatrical Mask -- Dionysus.

  • Cogito ergo sum

  • "Perceptual and Cognitive Processes":

    • perception
      • ([late ME < L perceptiôn- (s. of perceptiô) comprehension, lit., a taking in]

    • perceive
      • ([ME perceive(n) . . . per- PER- + -cipere, comb. form of capere to take]

    • percepts

    • "Perceptual and Cognitive Processes"

      • conception
      • conceive
    cognition perception sensory vision
    extra - sensory
    6th ?

    Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.


    Source: James P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), p. 9.

    The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind -- MSNBC

    The Formation of Concepts

    Source: James P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), p. 10.


    Species Specific Behavioral Environment

    Sex Specific Behavioral Environment

    Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environment (CCBE)


    • Discussion: How do you think?

    • What role does culture and learning play?

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Non-Everyday Cognition: Parapsychology




Plato, "Allegory of the Cave"

categorizing (stereotyping)?

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis


semantic domains




color research?

"componential analysis"?

priority of senses?

conscious / unconscious

psychological thresholds

dream states




Mardi Gras

Tuesday 20 February 2007

"The canonical rule is that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the 14th day of the lunar month (the nominal full moon) that falls on or after 21 March (nominally the day of the vernal equinox ). For determining the feast, Christian churches settled on a method to define a reckoned "ecclesiastic" Moon, rather than observations of the true Moon like the Jews did." -- Wikepedia

"...The forty days before Easter, not including Sundays." -- -- Wikepedia

(In Judaic, Christian and Islamic tradition: the tag Forty days and forty nights describes the period for which rain fell during Noah's flood, the period Moses spent on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments and the period Christ spent in the wilderness.)


Hungarian Enthusiasts

Rites of Intensification


02:30 Video:
"New Orleans Black Indians:
A Case Study in the Arts
(30 min., 1994, VC 2466 pt. 23)

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras Indians

(levitate, levity, lever)

Do masks change one's personality?

masks: per-son-ality?

Mardi Gras Schedule

Vulcan -- St. Paul Winter Carnival

Mardi Gras in Mobilie, AL
(Chief Slacabamorinico)

New Orleans Black Indian.
New Orleans "Black Indian"


Big Chief Allison

Big Chief Allison "Tootie" Montana -- Wikipedia

American Routes With Nick Spitzer

This Week on American Routes:
February 22-28, 2006

"Mardi Gras in New Orleans"

"Mardi Gras has been a part of Louisiana culture since 1699. Parades have rolled in New Orleans and Mobile since the early 1800's, and it's the 150th anniversary of the first official Mardi Gras krewe parade in New Orleans. We take the occasion to remember the life and passing of the leader of the Yellow Pocahontas, Allison “Tootie” Montana, the Chief of Chiefs who passed away in June of 2005."




Review of "Basic Conceptions of Culture-Personality Relations" (after LeVine 1982)

Revew of "Major Schools and Approaches of Psychological Anthropology" (Bock 1982)

Main Terms, Concepts, Ideas and People in Culture and Personality Studies


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© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpssday07.html
Last Modified Thursday, 13 July 2006, 02:01 (02:01 AM) CDT, day 194 of 2006
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