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Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Week 11 Day 21


Sub-Saharan Africa

Flag of Nigeria.  Click for national anthem.

Map of Nigeria

enlarged map
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map




Nigerian Muslims

Nigerian Muslims


a pre-9/11 look
from Nigeria . . .

nlt 3:45 Video:

Living Islam:
What it means
to be a Muslim
in Today's World
Vol. 6
"The Last Crusade"

(ca. 50 min., 1993, VC 4603)



resource page


Discussion with Team Presenting Italy
(Week 12 Day 23)

Kano Market, Nigeria, (ZambaGrafix)

Kano Market, Nigeria

photo by Tony Page, ZambaGrafix


Mosque in Kano, Nigeria.

Masjid em Kano
Mosque in Kano, Nigeria


GCforum: Topic 11 Global Humor -- Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You, Wherever in the World you live....

Gore has taken his global warming message around the world.

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America opens in Kazakhstan, although it was filmed in Romania
Friday, 3 November 2006 -- BBC News

Global Humor

At the beginning of the semester people were dying because of global humor....

Row over Danish cartoon escalates
The row over the latest Danish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammed sparks international reaction.
10 Oct 2006 -- BBC News

Denmark rocked by new cartoon row
The Danish PM denounces the drawing of new cartoons by far-right activists mocking the Prophet Muhammad.
9 Oct 2006 -- BBC News

Denmark row : The power of cartoons
One year on, Danes reflect on how cartoons of Prophet Muhammad led to the country's worst political crisis in decades.
3 Oct 2006 -- BBC News

And ethnic jokes, though often provoking laughter, are often considered one of the lowest forms of humor....

This month the global humor news is not, so far, life threatening, but it is creating a global ferment....

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America may be "the comedy film of this generation"

Country profile: Kazakhstan

13 Sep 06 -- BBC News

by: CjBendall  06 November 06 -- BBC News

"...Sacha Baron Cohen has become perhaps the most risky man in modern comedy. Imagine dressing up as if you were from the ghetto and trying to ask questions in that style seriously to important public figures? Cohen majored in this role as Ali G. Which is why it comes as no surprise that his new alter ego, Borat, continues his shocking spree of misleading public figures."

"The plot is simple - Borat tries to improve the country of Kazakhstan by using some American influence, which is why he travels to the States to create his "movie-film" and promote his home nation. Throughout the film, he shocks and humiliates - bringing out a chicken in a New York subway train and misleading a US politician into eating cheese apparently made "from my mother's teat" is risque, even by Cohen's standards - but maintains a great sense of humour throughout, with side splitting moments everywhere you look...."

"The comedy film of the year? Nay, the comedy film of this generation."

<> -- BBC News

Global Emissions by sector.

Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen has been invited to Kazakhstan
Friday, 3 November 2006
-- BBC News

Borat Home Page
Despite its amateurish appearance, this is the official site of everyone's favourite Kazakhstani reporter.
Contains many photos and videos for make your benefit -- BBC News

Films - Borat
Our reviewer gets a bit caught up in the Borat style while reviewing Sacha Baron Cohen's comedy smash -- BBC News

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America
Cohen majored in this role as Ali G. Which is why it comes as no surprise that his new alter ego,
Borat, continues his shocking spree of misleading public figures.
23 Oct 06 -- BBC News

How Borat hoaxed America
Despite offending and humiliating Americans in his Borat movie, Sacha Baron-Cohen's film
starring the spoof Kazakh reporter is expected to be a big hit -- BBC News

Kazakh invite for Borat creator
19 Oct 06 -- BBC News

Kazakh 'challenge' to Ali G star
14 Nov 05
-- BBC News

'Sick man' Borat divides Kazakhs
Not all Kazakhs are outraged by Sacha Baron Cohen's comedy creation Borat,
as Natalia Antelava discovers.
26 Oct 2006 -- BBC News

Kazakhs 'see funny side of Borat'
29 Sep 06 -- BBC News

'Real Borat ' hopes to make film
A Turkish man who claims he is the inspiration for spoof Kazakh journalist Borat says he plans to make his own film.
9 Nov 2006 -- BBC News

Borat spoof film banned in Russia
Russia blocks the film debut of spoof Kazakh reporter Borat by refusing to issue a distribution licence.
9 Nov 2006 -- BBC News

Kazakhs counter Borat 's 'fiction'
Borat has put Kazakhstan "on the map" - but has "grossly misrepresented" the country, the UK ambassador says.
4 Nov 2006 -- BBC News

Borat brings mayhem to red carpet
25 Oct 06 -- BBC News

Global Emissions by sector.

Borat talks about his new film
Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen's character Borat talks about life in Kazakhstan.
28 Oct 06 -- BBC News


1. What is it about global humor, including ethnic jokes, that tends to make it so offensive to so many so often?

2. Do you think the power of global humor can be harnessed for constructive purposes? How?

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REM: If you have any questions, you can post them on the GCforum
e-mail or bring them up in class


Old Business




Tuesday 14 November 2006
Week 11 Day 21


Sub-Saharan African Bush Taxi

   Tim Roufs

video: Living Islam
(ca. 50 min., 1993, VC 4603)




Thursday, 16 November 2006
Week 11 Day 22


Flag of Israel.  Click for national anthem.

Map of Israel

enlarged map
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map







Old Business




Thursday 16 November 2006
Week 11 Day 22

   Tim Roufs

video: Heritage: Civilization and the Jews, "Into the Future, 1880-1990s"
(53 min., 1998, DVD 17, Disc 3, Track 3)


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