"As many nations both West and East, from Algeria to Malaysia, face an Islamic revival, this program looks at the revolutionary and reforming spirit of Muslims. Locations visited include Jerusalem, Cairo, Kadvna and Teheran."
"This series was produced to answer the question of what it means to be a Muslim in today's world, to survey the confrontations of Islamic societies with the modern West. The on-site photography in Nigeria, Iran, Mali, Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan and Egypt constantly reinforces the fact that Islam is a global religion, not limited to the Arab heartland. II. THE CHALLENGE OF THE PAST. Four major Muslim Empires of the past - Andalusian Spain, Ottoman Turkey, Mughal India and Safavid Persia were shaped by religions confrontations. III. STRUGGLING WITH MODERNITY Questions the definition of the word "modernity": the Western concept of technical prowess or in Third World concepts. IV."PARADISE LIES AT THE FEET OF THE MOTHER." First describes the ideal role of the Muslim woman then explores issues of marriage, divorce, veiling, gender roles in Egypt, Nigeria and Indonesia. V.AMONG THE NON-BELIEVERS. Examines the challenge to the 40 percent of Muslims who live as minorities. VI. THE LAST CRUSADE. The West humiliated Muslims during the Gulf War; media attacks were and continue to be a new variety of colonialism. Muslims are now the victims in Bosnia as Palestinians have been victims for years: from the Muslim perspective, is this the Last Crusade?"