GCforum Topic 10 The big global news on Tuesday, 31 October 2006:
Gore has taken his global warming message around the world
(Tuesday, 12 October 2006)
BBC News
Britain Hires Former Vice President Al Gore as Adviser
"Britain hired former Vice President Al Gore, who has emerged as a powerful environmental spokesman since his defeat in the 2000 presidential election, to advise the government on climate change -- a clear indication of Prime Minister Tony Blair's dissatisfaction with current U.S. policy."
How can it be that one of President Bush's arguably last remaining major international allies has so publicly abandon the US position on Global Warming?
Is this a sign of things to come?
What does it mean to Bush-Gore and US-UK relations?
(Tuesday, 31 October 2006)
BBC News
"A report by economist Sir Nicholas Stern suggests that global warming could shrink the global economy by 20%. But taking action now would cost just 1% of global gross domestic product. . . . Tony Blair said the Stern Review showed that scientific evidence of global warming was 'overwhelming' and its consequences 'disastrous'. . . . And Chancellor Gordon Brown promised the UK would lead the international response to tackle climate change. . . . The report says that without action, up to 200 million people could become refugees as their homes are hit by drought or flood. . . . Mr. Blair said the consequences for the planet of inaction were 'literally disastrous. . . . .'"
. . . If no action is taken:
Floods from rising sea levels could displace up to 100 million people
Melting glaciers could cause water shortages for 1 in 6 of the world's population
Wildlife will be harmed; at worst up to 40% of species could become extinct
Droughts may create tens or even hundreds of millions of 'climate refugees'"
(Tuesday, 31 October 2006)
BBC News
Star-Tribune -- Minneapolis-St. Paul: "Report: Unchecked global warming will devastate world economy"
"Blair, President Bush's top ally in the Iraq war, said unabated climate change would eventually cost the world between 5 percent and 20 percent of global gross domestic product each year. He called for 'bold and decisive action' to cut carbon emissions and stem the worst of the temperature rise. . . ."
"Blair made his displeasure with U.S. environmental policy clear when he signed an agreement this year with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to develop new technologies to combat the problem."
(after 7 days there will be a charge for this article)
Herald Tribune -- Duluth: "Warming threatens economic depression, report says" (p. A3)
(after 7 days there will be a charge for this article)
BBC News -- London: "Climate change fight 'can't wait': The world cannot afford to wait before tackling climate change, the UK prime minister has warned"
(as usual, BBC News articles remain on the web and are accessible without charge)
Related Stories:
At-a-glance: Stern Review
Analysis: A stark warning
Analysis: Stern's impact
The global picture
World 'warmest for 12,000 years'
A global call to arms: A seminal report on climate change deserves the world's attention -- Nature ( 2 November 2006)
Trailer for Al Gore 's movie
Embattled Kerry seeks low profile

"Emission paths to stabilisation."
See what people on the BBC website are saying:
Have Your Say: Is it economic to be green?
Climate change: Contacts, information and advice to help you take action
In-depth BBC links:
Stark climate warning
1. How can it be that what some consider one of President Bush's last remaining major international allies has so publicly and blatently abandon the US position on Global Warming?
2. Is this action by Great Britain a sign of things to come?
3.A. This announcement was very likely embargoed (held by the news media, which is common practice in the media) for realease on Tuesday, 31 October 2006, at 00:32 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 32 minutes after midnight on the day which was exactly one week before the US November 7 elections. Do you think this was an attempt on the part of Great Britain to interfere with or influence the US election process?
3.B. On Tuesday, 31 October 2006, later in the very same day of the announcement that Great Britain had hired Al Gore as an adviser, the Bush White House led a coordinated media attack on Sen. John Kerry, the person Bush defeated in the 2004 election. Question: In your opinion was this coordinated "spin" from The White House just hours after the British announcement likely a response to the Blair announcement about Al Gore?
4. Regardless of how you responded to Question 3.B, do you think it is legitimate and ethical for countries to try to interfere in the internal election processes of other nations? As usual, why or why not?
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