- general information
- timelines
- holidays
- travel
- national anthem
- newspapers / newsnetworks specific to Scotland and its environs
- newspapers / newsnetworks of regional and European scope
- radio
- Independence
- government/government resources
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- The European
- European Union related WebSites
- language
- food
- "Scotland," in Timothy G. Roufs and Kathleen Smyth Roufs. 2014. Sweet Treats around the World, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 289-293.
- eLook.org > European Recipes > Scotland
- Wikipedia
- Saveur: Savor a World of Authentic Cuisine > Scottish
- World Food Habits: Bibliography -- Robert Dirks
- Scotland -- Anthropology of Food-Food Science
- World Hearth Circle of International Cooking > Scottish
- Porridge with a drop of whisky - now that's comfort food -- Lady Claire Macdonald, MailOnline, Daily Mail (11 January 2010, pp. 32-33)
- practicallyedible.com
- Fenton, Alexander. Food of the Scots. Birlinn, 2007.
- Brown, Catherine. Broths to Bannocks: Cooking in Scotland 1690 to Present Day. Lonndon: John Murray, 1990. Waverley, 2010).
- FitzGibbon, Theodora. A Taste of Scotland. London: Pan Books, 1970. (Lindsay, New edition, 1995.)
- Hope, Annette. Caledonian Feast. Canongate Classic, 2002.
- Haggis recipe 'should be tweaked' to beat US import ban -- BBCNews (09 November 2015)
- Red Deer Came to Scottish Islands From Unexpected Places -- Science (05 April 2016)
- Riddle of the red deer: Orkney deer arrived by Neolithic ship, study reveals -- Guardian (05 April 2016)
- Grigson, Jane. The Observer Guide to European Cookery. London: Michael Joseph, 1983.
- religion
- the arts
- architecture
- cities
- archaeology