Index of Authors and Certain Themes in the Classified Bibliography
Headnote: Certain bibliographic entries are listed in more than one category; as a result, each bibliographic listing has a separate number in the bibliography and therefore in the index.
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AAbram, David, I.1
Achebe, Chinua, I.2, XII.2
Adeeko, Adeleke, I.3, VII.1
Adler, Mortimer J., VII.2, IX.1, IX.2
agonistic structures, Category III
Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks, I.4
Alter, Robert, XII.2
Altick, Richard D., VIII.1
Amodio, Mark C., I.5, I.6
Anderson, Amanda, XII.3
Anderson, Patricia, IX.3
Anderson, R. Dean, Jr., I.7, I.8
Anonymous, The First Book of Kings, I.9
Anonymous, The Gospel According to John, III.1
Anonymous, The Gospel According to Mark, III.2
Appleby, Joyce, II.3, XII.4
Aquinas, Thomas, III.4
Aristotle (by), I.10, IX.4
About Aristotle, Adler (IX.1); Aquinas; Copleston (III.22); Garver (I.67); Koziak (III.51); Lonergan (IX.45); Nightingale (IX.49); Nussbaum (IX.51); Mann (IX.46); Ong (I.132, III.74)
Armstrong, Karen, I.11
Armstrong, Nancy X.1
art of memory, Category VI
Arthos, John, X.2
Aune, David E., I.12
Bailey, Gauvin Alexander, XII.85, XII.86, XII.87
Bakan, David, III.5
Baldwin, T. W., VII.3
Ballew, Lynne, II.1
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, I.13
Bamford, Karen, XII.63
Barchas, Janine, IX.5
Baron-Cohen, Simon, III.6, III.7
Beck, Guy L., I.14
Beer, Gillian, II.2
Beinhocker, Eric D., II.3
Belting, Hans, IX.6
Bercovitch, Sacvan, III.8
Berman, Morris, I.15, I.16, I.17, XII.5
Bettelheim, Bruno, I.18
Bible (Christian, including the Hebrew Bible), I.9, III.1, III.2
About the Christian Bible, Anderson (I.7); Aune (I.12); Bloom (I.20); Boman (IX.1); Borg (I.21); Borg and Crossan (I.22); Brueggemann (I.24); Bullinger (VII.4); Bultmann (IX.13); Byrskog (I.28); D. M. Carr (I.29); Cross (I.35, I.36); Crossan (I.38, I.39, III.23); Crossan and Reed (IX.17); Crowe (I.40); Draper (I.45); Dundes (I.48); Engberg-Pedersen (I.50, I.51); Eriksson, Olbricht, and Ubelacker (I.53); Fowler (I.61); Fredriksen (III.30); R. E. Friedman (I.63, II.9); Gospel of John (III.1); Gospel of Mark (III.2); Graham (I.70); Harris (I.72); Hart (I.73); Harvey (I.74); Horsley and Draper (I.78); Horsley, Draper, and Foley (I.79); Isser (III.43); Jaffee (I.82); Jeffrey (VII.11); Kelber and Byrskog (I.86); Kennedy (I.87); Kinneavy (I.88); MacDonald (I.95); B. L. Mack (I.96); B. L. Mack and Robbins (I.97); Mitchell (I.106); Mobley (III.60); Neusner (I.112); Niditch (I.116); Peters (I.136); Shaheen (VII.31); Stahmenr (I.155); Voegelin (I.168); Wilder (I.176); Winter (I.179); Wolterstorff (I.180).
Also see King James Bible
Biernoff, Suzannah, IX.7
Bilton, Nick, IX.8
Binnis, J. W., XII.6
Bird, Kai, XII.7
Blackwell, Richard J., XII.8, XII.9
Blaeser, Kimberly M., I.19
Bloom, Harold, I.20, III.9, III.10, IX.9, X.3, XII.10, XII.11
Agon, III.9
The American Religion, XII.10
The Anatomy of Influence, III.10
Jesus and Yahweh, I.20
Ruin the Sacred Truths, IX.9
The Shadow of a Great Rock, XII.11
Shakespeare, X.3
Bobrick, Benson, XII.12
Bochenski, I. M., XI.1
Bolzoni, Lina, VI.1
Bolter, Jay David, IX.10
Boman, Thorleif, IX.11
Borg, Marcus J., I.21, I.22
Bowra, C. M., III.11
Boyarin, Jonathan, VIII.2
Brakke, David, X.4
Brennan, Gillian, XII.13
Brennan, Teresa, IX.12
Bright, William, IV.1
Broich, Ulrich, III.12
Brueggemann, Walter, I.24
Buber, Martin, I.25
Bullinger, E. W., VII.4
Bultmann, Rudolf, IX.13
Burckhardt, Jacob, I.26
Burrow, Rufus, X.5, X.6
Butler, Shane, V.1
Buzzard, Karen S. Falling, I.27
Byrskog, Samuel, I.28, I.86
Cairns, Douglas L., III.13
Campbell, Gordon, XII.14
Campbell, Joseph, III.14
Carley, Kathleen M., XII.61
Carr, David M., I.29
Carr, Nicholas, IX.14
Carroll, James, III.15, III.16
Carroll, Joseph, II.4, III.17
Carruthers, Mary J., VI.2, VI.3, VI.4
Cary, Phillip, X.7
Cavallo, Guglielmo, VIII.3
Cavanaugh, John Richard, VII.5
Cavanaugh, William T., III.18
Chadwick, H. M., I.30
Chadwick, Nora K., I.30
Chambers, Douglas, XII.15
Chartier, Roger, VIII.3, XII.16, XII.17
Chaytor, A. J., IX.15
Chidester, David, IX.16
Chretien, Jean-Louis, I.31
Clark, Joseph T., XI.2
Clanchy, M. T., V.2
Cohen, Dov, III.65
Colclough, Stephen, XII.140
Collingwood, R. G., I.32
Commonplaces, Category VII
Connor, James L., X.8
Connors, Robert J., I.33, I.34, III.19, III.20, III.21
Copleston, Frederick, III.22
Crain, Patricia, VIII.4
Cressy, David, XII.18
Crosby, Alfred W., XI.3
Cross, Frank Moore, I.35, I.36
Crossan, John Dominic, I.22, I.37, I.38, I.39, III.23, IX.17
Crowe, Frederick E., I.40
Crystal, David, XII.19
Curtius, Ernst Robert, VII.6
Cushman, Robert E., X.9
cyclic/linear thought, Category II
Damon-Moore, Helen, VIII.7
Dancy, R. M., IX.18
Daniels, Peter T., IV.1
Darwin, Charles, II.5
Dear, Peter, XI.4
DeFrancis, John, IV.2
Dehaene, Stanislas, VIII.5, XI.5
Deme, Mariam Konate, I.41, III.24
Deskis, Susan E., VII.7
Detienne, Marcel, I.42
Dimmick, Jeremy, IX.19
Diringer, David, IV.3
disenchantment (aka secularism), Gauchet (XII.39); Taylor (XII.134)
Also see enchantment; reenchantment
Doane, A. N., I.43
Dorrien, Gary, XII.20, XII.21
Douglas, Mary, I.44
Draper, Jonathan A., I.45, I.46, I.78
Dundes, Alan, I.47, I.48
Dworkin, Craig, I.135
Edwards, Mark W., I.49
Eisenstein, Elizabeth L., XII.22, XII.23
Eliade, Mircea, II.6, II.7
Eliot, Simon, XII.24, XII.25
Ellis, Albert, X.10
Elsner, Jas, IX.20, IX.21
Enchantment, Bettelheim (I.18); Collingwood (I.32)
Also see disenchantment (aka secularism); reenchantment
Engberg-Pedersen, Troels, I.50, I.51
Enos, Richard Leo, I.52, V.3
Eriksson, Anders, I.53
Erzgraber, Willi, I.54
Ezell, Margaret J. M., XII.26
Fallon, Peter K., XII.27
Farrell, Thomas J., I.55, I.56, I.57, I.58, III.26, III.27, VII.8, IX.22, IX.23, XII.28, XII.29
“The Antecedents of [Martin Luther] King’s Message,” VII.8
“A Defense for Requiring Standard English,” IX.23
“Differentiating Writing from Talking,” I.55
“Early Christian Creeds and Controversies,” I.56
“Faulkner and Male Agonism,” III.26
“The Female and Male Modes of Rhetoric,” III.27
“Getting Our Bearings About Western Culture and Islamist Terrorism Today,” XII.28
“IQ and Standard English,” IX.22
“Literacy, the Basics, and All That Jazz,” I.57
Walter Ong’s Contributions to Cultural Studies, I.58
“The West Versus the Rest,” XII.29
Febvre, Lucien, XII.30
Feingold, Mordechai, XII.31
Felson, Richard B., III.28
Ferris, Timothy, XII.32
Fine, Cordelia, III.29
Finkelstein, David, XII.33
Fisher, David Hackett, XII.34
Fixico, Donald L., II.8
Foley, John Miles, I.59, I.78, VII.9, VII.10, VII.9, VII.10
Forrest, Kathleen Kemp, I.60
Forsyth, Neil, III.30
Fowler, Jib, IX.24
Fowler, Robert, M. I.61
Fox, Adam, I.62
Fraca-Spada, Marina, XII.35
Fredriksen, Paula, III.31
Freedman, Joseph S., XII.31, XII.36
Friedman, Benjamin M., XII.37
Friedman, Richard Elliott, I.63, II.9
Frye, Northrop, I.64
Furniss, Graham, I.65
Fussel, Staphan, XII.38
Gadd, Ian, XII.140
Gallagher, Michael Paul, I.66
Garver, Eugene I.67
Gates, Bill, IX.25, IX.26
Gauchet, Marcel, XII.39
Gellrich, Jesse M., I.68
Gerard, W. B., IX.27
Gillespie, Michael Allen, XII.40
Gillette, Douglas, I.107, I.108, I.109, I.110, III.62
Goetsch, Paul, I.69
Gottschall, Jonathan, II.10, III.32
Graff, Harvey J., XII.41
Grafton, Anthony, V.4
Graham, William A., I.70
Granfield, David X.,11
Green, D. H., VIII.6
Green, Ian, XII.42
Gregg, Richard B., III.33
Grendler, Paul F., XII.44
Gribbin, John, III.33, XII.45
Grimaldi, William M. A., I.71
Habermas, Jurgen, XII.46, XII.47
Hageman, Marielle, IX.28
Hale, Grace Elizabeth, III.35
Hamlin, Hannibal, XII.48
Harris, Steven J., XII.85, XII.86
Harris, Stephen L., I.72
Harrison, Peter, XII.49, XII.50
Hart, Ray L., I.73
Harvey, John D., I.74
Havelock, Eric A., I.75, IX.29, IX.30
Hay, Cynthia, XII.51
Headrick, Daniel R., XII.52
Heim, Michael, IX.31, IX.32
Helgeson, Vicki S., III.36, III.37
Hemingway, Collins, IX.26
Henle, Robert J., IX.33
Hicks, Donna, III.38
Hobart, Michael E., XI.6
Holt, Grace, IX.73
Homer, I.76, I.77, III.39, III.40
Hook, Brian S., III.41
Horsley, Richard A., I.78
Hotson, Howard, XII.53, XII.54, XII.55, XII.56
Huizinga, Johan, III.42
Huntington, Samuel P., III.43
Hurm, Gerd, I.80
Hurst, Isobel, XII.57
IJsewijn, Jozef, XII.58
Illich, Ivan, V.6, V.7
inward turn of consciousness, Category X
Isser, Stanley, III.44
Jackson, Tony E., I.81
Jaffe, Martin S., I.82
JanMohammed, Abdul, I.83
Janssen, Diederik F., III.45
Jardine, Lisa, XII.59
Jardine, Nick, XII.35
Jay, Martin, IX.12, IX.34
Jeffrey, David Lyle, VII.11
Jenkins, Philip, III.46
Jesuits (by and about), Copleston (III.22); Crowe (I.40); Henle (IX.33); Lonergan (IX.45); Loyola (X.13, XII.65); P. Mack (XII.68); Nixon (II.11); O’Malley (III.67, XII.64); O’Malley, Bailey, Harris, and Kennedy (XII.86); O’Malley, Bailey, and Sale (XII.87); Ong (II.13; II.14; II.15, esp. 61-82; II.16; X.19; XII.90; XII.97); Phillips (IX.59); Tade (X.26); Teilhard de Chardin (II.20, X.28); Wimsatt (I.178).
Johns, Adrian, XII.60
Johnson, David W., I.85, III.47
Johnson, Roger T., III.47
Jones, Norman W., XII.48
Jordan, Robert William, IX.35
Jordan-Young, Rebecca M., III.48
Kaestle, Carl F., VIII.7
Kahler, Erich, X.11
Kaufer, David S., XII.61
Kelber, Werner H., I.86, III.49
Kellogg, Robert, I.147, V.11
Kennedy, George A., I.87
Kennedy, T. Frank, XII.85, XII.86
Keppel, Gilles, III.50
Kevles, Daniel J., III.57, XII.71
Keyssar, Alexander, III.57, XII.71
King, Andrew, XII.62
King, Martin Luther, Jr., III.50
King James Bible, Alter (XII.2); Bloom (XII.11); Bobrick (XII.12); Bullinger (VII.4); Campbell (XII.14); Crystal (XII.19); Hamlin and Jones (XII.48); Harrison (XII.49, XII.50); Jeffrey (VII.11); McGrath (XII.73); Nicolson (XII.82); Norton (XII.83); Ryken (XII.123).
Also see Bible (Christian, including the Hebrew Bible)
Kinneavy, James L., I.88
Kintgen, Eugene R., VIII.8
Kneale, Martha, XI.7
Kneale, William, XI.7
Koerner, Joseph Leo, IX.36
Kowalzig, Barbara, I.89
Koziak, Barbara, III.52
Kozol, Jonathan, I.90
Lain Entralgo, Pedro, I.91
Lamb, Mary Ellen, XII.63
Lanham, Richard A., VII.12, IX.37, IX.38
Lausberg, Heinrich, VII.13
Lechner, Sister Joan Marie, VII.14
Lee, Dorothy, I.92, I.93, II.11
Leith, Philip, XII.64
Levin, David Michael, IX.39, IX.40
Levinson, Paul, IX.41, IX.42, IX.43
Liu, Alan, IX.44
Lloyd, Geoffrey, I.94, III.53
Lonergan, Bernard, IX.45, X.12
Lord, Albert B., VII.15
Lowrie, Michele, V.8
Loyola, Ignatius, III.54, X.13, XII.65
Low, Anthony, X.14
Lowenstein, Joseph, XII.66
MacDonald, Dennis R., I.95
Machan, Clinton, III.55
Mack, Burton L., I.96, I.97
Mack, Peter, XII.67, XII.68, XII.69, XII.70
Mackay, E. Anne, I.98
MacLean, Paul D., III.56
Maier, Pauline, III.57, XII.72
Malone, Patrick Thomas, I.99
Malone, Thomas Patrick, I.99
Man, John, IV.4, XII.72
Mann, Wolfgang-Rainer, IX.46
Mansfield, Harvey C., III.58
Mantello, F. A. C., I.100
Marenbon, John, XI.8
Martin, Henri-Jean, XII.30
Marty, Martin E., III.59
Maus, Katharine Eisaman, X.15
Maxwell, Kevin B., I.101
May, James M., I.102, I.103
McCleery, Alistair, XII.32
McGinnis, James Brown, III.60
McGrath, Alistair, XII.73
McKitterick, David, XII.74
McLuhan, Marshall, XII.75
McWhorter, John, I.104
memory (see art of memory)
Menn, Stephen, X.16
Mieder, Wolfgang, VII.16, VII.17
Mignoli, Walter D., XII.76
Miller, Keith D., VII.18
Miller, M. Rex I.,105
Miller, Perry, XII.77, XII.78
Milton, John, XII.79
Milward, Peter, VII.19
Minnis, Alastair, V.9
Mitch, David F., VIII.9
Mitchell, Margaret M., I.106
Mobley, Gregory, III.61
modern capitalism, Appleby (XII.4); B. M. Friedman (XII.37); Habermas (XII.46); Mokyr (XII.80); Ong (XII.110); Poovey (XII.116); Sota (XII.131); Stark (XII.133); Warsh (XII.139).
modern democracy, Ferris (XII.32); Richard (XII.121); Shalev (XII.126); Tocqueville (XII.136); Winterer (XII.144, XII.145); Ziff (XII.147).
modern science, Berman (XII.5); Bird and Sherwin (XII.7); Blackwell (XII.8, XII.9); Ferris (XII.32); Frasca-Spada and N. Jardine (XII.35); Gribbin (XII.45); Harrison (XII.49, XII.50); O’Malley, Bailey, Harris, and Kennedy (XII.85, XII.86); Ong (III.68; XII.89, esp. 72; XII.107); Saliba (XII.124); Stark (XII.132); Whitehead (XII.141); Wills (III.96); Yeo (XII.146).
Mokyr, Joel, XII.80
Moore, Robert, I.107, I.108, I.109, I.110, III.62
The King Within, I.107
The Lover Within, I.108
The Magician Within, I.109
The Warrior Within, I.110, III.62
Morris, Ian, I.111
Morrison, Karl F., IX.48
Moss, Ann, VII.20, XII.80
Mostert, Marco, IX.28, IX.48
Mulroy, David, IX.47
Myhrvold, Nathan, IX.25
Nagler, Michael N., VII.21
Nagy, Gregory, III.63
Nash, Andrew, XII.25
Neumann, Erich, III.64
Neusner, Jacob, I.112, I.113, I.114
Nicolaisen, W. F. H., I.115
Nicolson, Adam, XII.82
Niditch, Susan, I.116
Nightingale, Andrea Wilson, IX.49
Nie, Giselle de, IX.48
Niles, John D., I.117
Nisbett, Richard E., I.118, III.64, IX.50
Nixon, Jude V., II.12
Norton, David, XII.83
Novak, Michael, X.17
Nussbaum, Martha C., IX.51, X.18
Obiechina, Emmanuel, I.119
Ogbonnaya, A. Okechukwo, I.120
Olbricht, Thomas H., I.53
Oliver, Robert T., I.121
Olson, David R., IX.52
O’Malley, John W., III.67, XII.84, XII.85, XII.86, XII.87
Ong, Walter J., I.122, I.123, I.124, I.125, I.126, I.127, I.128, I.129, I.130, I.131, I.132, II.13, II.14, II.15, II.16, II.17, II.18, III.68, III.69, III.70, III.71, III.72, III.73, III.74, III.75, III.76, IV.5, V.10, VI.5, VII.22, VII.23, VII.24, VIII.10, VIII.11, VIII.12, IX.53, IX.54, IX.55, IX.56, IX.57, X.19, X.20, X.21, XI.9, XII.86, XII.87, XII.88, XII.89, XII.90, XII.91, XII.92, XII.93, XII.94, XII.95, XII.96, XII.97, XII.98, XII.99, XII.100, XII.101, XII.102, XII.103, XII.104, XII.105, XII.106, XII.107, XII.108, XII.109, XII.110, XII.111, XII.112
“The Agonistic Base of Scientifically Abstract Thought,” III.68
“A.M.D.G.: Dedication or Directive?” X.19
“Artis Logicae,” XII.88
“The Barbarian Within” [the essay], III.69
The Barbarian Within [the book], I.122, IX.52, XII.89
“Bird, Horse, and Chevalier in Hopkins’ ‘Windhover,’” XII.90
“Commonplace Rhapsody,” VII.22, XII.91
“Digitization Ancient and Modern,” IV.5
“Ecology and Some of Its Future,” II.13
“English as English,” XII.92
“Evolution, Myth, and Poetic Vision,” XII.93
Faith and Contexts (4 vols.), I.123, XII.94
Fighting for Life, III.70
“From Mimesis to Irony,” I.124
Frontiers in American Catholicism, II.14
“Hermeneutic Forever,” I.125
“Historical Backgrounds of Elizabethan and Jacobean Punctuation Theory,” VIII.10, XII.95
Hopkins, the Self, and God, II.15, X.20, XII.96
“Humanism” [Renaissance Humanism], XII.97
“‘I See What You Say,’” IX.54
“‘Idea’ Titles in John Milton’s Milieu,” XII.98
In the Human Grain, II.16, XII.99
Interfaces of the Word, I.126, VII.23
Introduction [To Milton’s Logic], III.71, XII.100
“Latin and the Social Fabric,” XII.102
“Latin Language Study as a Renaissance Puberty Rite,” III.72
“Logic and Rhetoric,” XII.104
“Logic and the Epic Muse,” XII.103
“The Mechanical Bride,” II.17
“Memory as Art,” VI.5
“Milton’s Logical Epic,” XII.105
An Ong Reader, I.127, XII.106
Orality and Literacy, I.128
The Presence of the Word, I.129, III.73
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, III.74, IX.54, XI.9, XII.107
Ramus and Talon Inventory, IX.55, XII.108
“Ramus, Peter,” XII.109
“Reading, Technology, and the Nature of Man,” VIII.11
“Rhetoric and the Origins of Consciousness,” III.75
Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology, III.76, VII.24, XII.110
“Technological Development and Writer-Subject-Reader Immediacies,” VIII.12, XII.111
“The Vernacular Matrix of the New Criticism,” XII.112
“Voice and the Opening of Closed Systems,” I.130
“Voice as Summons for Belief,” I.131
“Where Are We Now?” II.18
“World as View and World as Event,” I.132, IX.57
“The Writer’s Audience Is Always a Fiction,” V.10, X.20
Opland, Jeff, I.133
orality, Category I
Owen, David, IX.58
Pagels, Elaine, III.77
Parkes, M. B., VIII.13
Parks, Ward, III.78
Parry, Milman, VII.25
Pasternak, Carol Baun, I.43
Pastor, John, II.19
Patel, Aniruddh D., I.134
Pavur, Claude, XII.113
Perkinson, Henry J., XII.114
Perloff, Marjorie, I.135
Peter of Spain, XI.10
Peters, F. E., I.136
Pettegree, Andrew, XII.115
Phillips, Catherine, IX.59
Phillips, John, IX.60
Phillips, Jonathan, III.79
Picker, John M., I.137
Plato (by), I.138, IX.61
About Plato, Copleston (III.22); Cushman (X.9); Dancy (IX.18); Havelock (I.75, IX.29); Henle (IX.33); Jordan (IX.35); Marenbon (XI.8); Menn (X.16); Nightingale (IX.49); Ong (I.132, III.74); Rhodes (X.23); Stewart, trans. (I.138).
Plett, Heinrich F., VI.6, VII.26
Plunkett, John, XII.62
Poovey, Mary, XII.116
Porter, Stanley E., I.139
Postman, Neil, I.140, XII.117, XII.118
Powell, Barry, I.111, IV.6
presence, Balthasar (I.13); Belting (IX.6); Bloom (I.20); Cushman (X.9); Loyola (X.13); Menn (X.16); Ong (I.129 Sokolowski (I.154).
Price, John, I.160
print culture, Category XII
quantification of thought, Category XI
Quine, Willard Van Orman, XI.11
Ramus and Ramism, Feingold, Freedman, and Rother (XII.31); Freedman (XII.36); Hotson (XII.53, XII.56); P. Mack (XII.68); Milton (XII.79); Ong (XII.101, XII.107, XII.108); Sharratt (XII.127, XII.128, XII.129).
Ong’s Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, III.74, IX.54, XI.9, XII.107
Ong’s Ramus and Talon Inventory, IX.55, XII.108
Rauh, Sister Miriam Joseph, VII.27
Raven, James, XII.119
reading, Category VIII
Reagan, Ronald, VII.28
Rechtien, John G., VII.29, VII.30, IX.62
Reed, Jonathan L., IX.17
reenchantment, Berman (I.16); Brown (I.23); Ong (II.13, esp. 104-25; II.16)
Also see enchantment; disenchantment (aka secularism)
Remer, Gary, III.80
Renevy, Denis, X.22
Reno, R. R., III.41
Reynolds, Gregory Edward, I.141
Rhodes, James M., X.23
Rhodes, Neil, XII.120
Richard, Carl J., XII.121
Richards, I. A., IX.63
Rickford, Angela E., IX.64, IX.65
Rickford, John R., I.142, IX.64, IX.65, IX.66, IX.67, IX.68
Riesman, David, X.24
Rigg, A. G., I.100
Rinearson, Peter, IX.25
Robbins, Vernon K., I.97
Robey, David, I.143
Robinson, Pamela, XII.140
Rose, Jonathan, XII.24
Rossi, Paolo, VI.7
Rother, Wolfgang, XII.31
Roy, Olivier, XII.122
Rubin, David C., VI.8
Russell, Jeffrey Burton, III.81, III.82, III.83, III.84
Rutherford, Ian, IX.21
Ryken, Leland, XII.123
Sacks, David, IV.7
Saenger, Paul, VIII.14
Sale, Giovanni, XII.87
Saliba, George, XII.124
Salzman, Philip Carl, III.85
Sanders, Barry, I.144, V.7
Sawday, Jonathan, XII.20
Schiappa, Edward, I.145, I.146
Schiffman, Zachary S., XI.6
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, IV.8
Schmidt, Cannon, II.20
Schmidt, Leigh Eric, XII.125
Scholes, Robert, I.147, V.11
Shaheen, Naseeb, VII.37
Shalev, Eran, XII.126
Shapiro, Gary, IX.69
Sharpe, Kevin, VIII.16, VIII.17
Sharratt, Peter, XII.127, XII.128, XII.129
Sherwin, Martin J., XII.7
Shevlin, Eleanor F., XII.140
Shirky, Clay, IX.70
Shlain, Leonard, I.148
Simpkins, Charlesetta, IX.73
Simpkins, Frank, IX.74
Simpkins, Gary, IX.71, IX.72, IX.73, IX.74
Simpson, James, IX.19
Sivin, Nathan, I.94
Sloane, Thomas O., I.149, III.86, III.87, XII.130
Smith, Bruce R., I.150, III.88
Smith, Charles G., VII.32, VII.33
Smith, Daniel B., I.151
Smith, David M., I.152
Smith, James K., I.153
Smith, Jonathan, IX.75
Smith, Merritt Roe, III.57, XII.71
Sokolowski, Robert, I.154
Sota, Hernando de, XII.131
spirituality, Berman (I.17); Bloom (I.20, XII.10); Brakke (X.4); Burrow (X.5, X.6); Connor (X.8); Cushman (X.9); Engberg-Pedersen (I.50); Loyola (X.13); Menn (X.16); Ong X.19, X.20); Schmidt (XII.125); Tade (X.26); Teilhard de Chardin (X.28); Voegelin (I.168); Wilshire (I.177).
St Clair, William, VIII.17
Stahmer, Harold, I.155
Stanley, Keith, I.156
Stark, Rodney, I.157, I.158, I.159, XII.132, XII.133
Starkey, Kathryn, VIII.18, IX.76
Stedman, Lawrence C., VIII.7
Steiner, Emily, IX.77
Stevens, Anthony, I.160
Stock, Brian, V.12, X.25
Stuckey, Sterling, I.161, I.162
Sullivan, Patricia A., III.89
Tade, George T., X.26
Tadie, Alexis, I.163
Taylor, Charles, X.27, XII.134
Tebeaux, Elizabeth, XII.135
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, II.21, X.28
Tennenhouse, Leonard, X.1
Thompson, Emily, I.164
Thorne, Alison, IX.78
Tillich, Paul, III.84
Tinsley, Katherine, VIII.7
Tocqueville, Alexis de, XII.136
Trolinger, William Vance, Jr., VIII.7
Tuman, Myron C., IX.79
Turner, Victor, I.165
Tyson, Gerald P., XII.137
Ubelacker, Walter, I.53
Vahanian, Noelle, I.166
van Beeck, Frans Jozef, I.167
Van Gennep, Arnold, III.91
van’t Spijker, Ineke, X.29
Vincent, David, XII.138
visuality, Category IX
Voegelin, Eric, I.168, I.169
Volkan, Vamik D., III.92
Wadlington, Warwick, III.93
Wagonheim, Sylvia S., XII.137
Wahrman, Dror, X.30
Waith, Eugene M., III.94
Walker, Jeffrey, I.170
Warsh, David, XII.139
Webb, Stephen H., I.171
Webster, John, I.172
Weedon, Alexis, XII.140
Weissman, Judith, I.173
Welch, Kathleen E., I.174, IX.80
Wenzel, Horst, IX.76
West, M. L., I.175, VII.34
Whitehead, Alfred North, XII.141
Whitman, Cedric, III.95
Wilder, Amos, I.176
Williams, Bernard, X.31
Williams, Megan, V.4
Willison, Ian, XII.25
Wills, Gary, III.96, XII.143
Wilshire, Bruce, I.177, XII.142
Wilson, David Sloan, II.10, III.31
Wilson, Edward O., III.97
Wimsatt, James I., I.178
Winter, Bruce W., I.179
Winterer, Caroline, XII.144, XII.145
Wolterstorff, Nicholas, I.180
writing systems, Category IV
written authorship, Category V
Wyrick, Jed, V.13
Yates, Frances A., VI.9
Yeo, Richard, IX.81, XII.146
Young, Dudley, I.181
Zeeman, Nicolette, IX.19
Ziff, Larzer, XII.147
Zinn, Howard, XII.148
Ziolkowski, Jan M., VI.4
Zwicker, Steven N., VIII.16