The Command class is the parent class for subclasses whose instances
are commands that can be stored in a CommandTable for execution in a
command interpreter program.
new Command() returns a command whose name is "#", whose argument
string is an empty string, and whose brief and full descriptions
are "line is a comment"
copyToken() copies the current token of this LineScanner into
currentToken and sets currentTokenEnd to the position just beyond
the end of the current token string.
Formatting.fixedPoint(x, w, p) returns the fixed point
representation of x, right justified in a string field of width
at least w, with p digits after the decimal point.
Formatting.floatingPoint(x, w, i, p) returns the floating point
representation of x, right justified in a string field of width
at least w, with i digits before the decimal point and p digits
after the decimal point.
Pair.getLexComparator(cmp1, cmp2) returns an comparator that
compares pairs by applying cmp1 to the first members and using
cmp2 on the second members if the first members are equal.
Program synopsis:
java gshute.trees.SearchTreeTester nodeClass [ file ]
If this program is executed with no file name argument then it
executes commands entered from the terminal.
Comparators.resolved(c1, c2) returns a comparator whose compare()
method returns the same result as except that ties
are resolved by
new SearchTree(nc, c, s) returns a new search tree that constructs
nodes from class nc, uses c for key comparisons, and that uses s to
select keys from data.
When this compound filter calls the isAcceptable() method of
its constituent filters, it stops after the first returned
value that is equal to stopValue and returns !defaultValue.
translateEscapeCharacter(pos) appends the translation for the
escape sequence at pos to currentToken and returns the position
just beyond the escape sequence.
A TreeEdge is an edge between two nodes in a binary tree, providing
operations for navigation and obtaining information about nearby nodes,
and providing support for implementing iterators.
Formatting.whiteEquivalent(str) returns a string that displays in
the same space as str, but contains space characters replacing the
non-white characters of str.
Formatting.whiteEquivalent(str, ch) returns a string that displays
in the same space as str, but contains copies of ch replacing the
non-white characters of str.