Interface Summary |
Converter |
A Converter provides a strategy for converting objects. |
Dictionary |
A Dictionary is a random access collection in which search keys are
an integral part of a data entry. |
Dispenser |
A Dispenser is a collection of entries with a distinguished
entry, called the accessible entry, that can be examined or removed. |
Filter |
A Filter provides a strategy for filtering objects in a
FilteredIterator. |
IteratorConverter |
A IteratorConverter object provides a strategy for converting
objects to iterators. |
ListGenerator |
A ListGenerator provides a strategy for generating a list of
objects based on a configurator object. |
Namer |
A util.Namer object provides a strategy for naming objects. |
PriorityQueue |
A PriorityQueue is an explicit priority version of a prioritized
dispenser. |
RandomAccess |
The RandomAccess interface defines the common methods of the Table and
Dictionary interfaces. |
Reporter |
A Reporter is a strategy for reporting events such as adds and removes
in a ListDispenser. |
Selector |
A Selector is an object that can select a value from an object. |
Table |
A Table is a collection that supports random access of data by key. |
Table.Entry |
A Table.Entry is an entry in a table. |
Class Summary |
Comparators |
Class Comparators is a factory class that provides comparators for
comparing Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, and String objects. |
ConvertedIterator |
A ConvertedIterator is an iterator that converts the items in a
base iterator. |
ConvertedListGenerator |
FIXME - add documentation. |
Converters |
Class Converters is a factory class that provides converters for
accepting classes and methods based on various criteria. |
DatabaseTable |
A DatabaseTable is a poor-person's table in a database. |
DatabaseTableTest |
Class DatabaseTableTest provides a main() method for testing the
DatabaseTable class. |
DictionaryTester |
The DictionaryTester class provides a main() method for testing all
implementations of the Dictionary interface. |
DispenserTester |
The DispenserTester class provides a main() method for testing all
implementations of the Dispenser interface. |
FilteredIterator |
A FilteredIterator is an iterator that filters the items in a
base iterator. |
FilteredListGenerator |
FIXME - add documentation. |
Filters |
Class Filters is a factory class that provides filters for
accepting classes and methods based on various criteria. |
Iterators |
Class Iterators is a factory class that provides filters for
accepting classes and methods based on various criteria. |
Iterators.ArrayIterator |
Class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator implements the
ListIterator interface for arrays. |
Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator |
Class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator implements the
ListIterator interface for arrays. |
IteratorTest |
Class IteratorTest provides a main() method for testing the
methods of NestedIterator, FilteredIterator, and ConvertedIterator
classes. |
ListDictionary |
A ListDictionary is an implementation of the Dictionary interface using an
ArrayList implementation. |
ListDispenser |
The ListDispenser class is a factory for Dispenser that are implemented
with a java.util.ArrayList. |
ListGenerators |
FIXME - add documentation. |
ListPriorityQueue |
A ListPriorityQueue is an implementation of the PriorityQueue interface
using a java.util.ArrayList. |
ListTable |
A ListTable is an implementation of the Table interface using an
ArrayList implementation. |
Namers |
FIXME - add documentation. |
NestedIterator |
A NestedIterator consists of an outer iterator for a set of
objects, each of which can provide an inner iterator for a set of
objects. |
Pair |
A gshute.util.Pair is an object with two member objects. |
RandomAccessTester |
The RandomAccessTester class provides a main() method for testing
the common methods for implementations of the Table and Dictionary
interfaces. |
TableTester |
The TableTester class provides a main() method for testing all
implementations of the Table interface. |