WorksUsing principles from Edward Tufte's book Visual Explanations, create an informational graphic that makes a point or argument by visualizing a set of data. In essence, this graphic will both present the data (with numbers and words) and also visualize the most relevant relationships among that data (e.g., distances, locations, time, change, etc.). More...
Produce an "graphic book"--in which graphics carry the weight of the narrative, perhaps with the help of some text--using the principles and ideas of Molly Bang in Picture This. More...
Create a "Visual Confection" like those described in Edward Tufte's chapter from Visual Explanations. More....
Write an five-to-seven-page essay analyzing a single image. Talk about the image in terms not simply of what it shows--as if it were just a window we happened to be looking out of--but as an example of cultural work that the creator of the image is performing. More...
Revise one of your previous projects with a new vision of what you want to do. By "ReVision," I don't mean a revision that fixes up a previous project with lots of local corrections and improvements. More... |
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