September |
Major Projects |
Exercises |
Homework |
Campus |
Ideas, Terms, Skills |
W 9/3
Introduce Visualized Data Project |
Introduce class. rhetoric "visual rhetoric," high-resolution vs. low-resolution graphics |
F 9/5 |
Obtain books, a USB drive (a.k.a "flash" or "thumb" drive). Create the suggested set of folders on your drive.
Read Edward Tufte's Chapter 1, starting page 13,
Report on a "data set" |
Photoshop, "data points," sparklines, direct labels/ encodings / self-representing scales, informationally flat graphics, dequantification / quantification, documentation, the art and science of scaling, folder management, |
M 9/8 |
Decide on a topic for the Visualized Data Project |
Grid 1 Techniques
"My Web" icon for moving files to the Web.
Decide on a topic for the Visualized Data Project
W 9/10 |
Grid 2 Techniques, optimizing
My Web icon (uploading)
Log into Webx Discussion |
Web-ready image file formats, optimizing, "My Web" icon on lab desktops, Webx discussion board,
F 9/12 |
Discuss Tufte's Chapter 2 in relation to Visualized Data Project. |
Complete Grid 2 |
Read Tufte Chapter 2, starting page 27
displaying causality vs. descriptive narration, aggregation (of data), evidence (vs. numbers), selection of data (defining terms of the decision), chartjunk, order, enforcing comparisons, "multivariate" nature of analytic problems, "precise seeing is precise thinking"
creating and formatting Excel charts, coping them to Photoshop |
M 9/15 |
review checklist
Bring in all data for the Visualized Data Project |
Charts in Excel, Chart Elements to Maps |
Work onVisualized Data Project |
Photoshop Tools: transforming layers (perspective, distort), more layers, layer sets, paintbucket, pen, pencil, paths to selections, |
W 9/17 |
Studio Day for Visualized Data Project |
Work onVisualized Data Project |
R 9/18 |
Visualized Data due |
Symposium on Campus Architecture, Weber Music Hall, 2:00 - 6:30 |
F 9/19 |
Introduce Graphic Narrative
Brainstorming Session: Graphic Narrative |
Read all of Molly Bang's Picture This. |
M 9/22 |
W 9/24 |
plotting the tension Freytag's triangle. Kinds of tension: "Traveling Through the Dark" |
F 9/26 |
Background from Photo, Continue brainstorming, Layer sets,
Almost Famous scenes |
camera work, point of view (tension, sympathy), narrative vs. poetry (speech act). |
M 9/30 |
October |
Major Projects |
Exercises |
Homework |
Campus |
Ideas, Terms, Skills |
W 10/1

Complete Poynter Color Tutorial |
F 10/3 |
color, story, scene |
Color Moves |
"A Story is What Happens to the Viewer" (paragraph for today) |
M 10/6 |
Web Photo Gallery |
W 10/8 |
Studio Session for Graphic Narrative
cultural work, citation and documentation, framing the analysis, critical binaries and critical narratives; critical paragraphs that mingle ideas and details, |
R 10/9 |
Graphic Narrative Due by noon |
F 10/10 |
M 10/13 |
workshop |
W 10/15 |
Introduce Confection (Bring Tufte book) |
Read Tufte, C7
Confection, analytical concept; mnemonic-emblematic reductions; collage vs. confection; |
F 10/17 |
Confection brainstorming |
Bring Tufte book,
Bring in 3 written examples of analytical concepts |
inventory; content vs.administration (administrative bloat); callouts; compartments and imagined scenes; anatomy; instructed viewers; subjunctive mood (language and thought); low- and high-resolution communication (see sparklines); television-disease; reading, seeing and thinking. |
M 10/20 |
selecting with masks |
Work on Confection
Write a paragraph summarizing the concept on which your Confection is based. Bring the paragraph in on disk. |
W 10/22 |
F 10/24 |
Work on Confection ideas |
M 10/27 |
Work on Confection ideas |
Confection skills in Photoshop |
Bring your Tufte book |
types of conceptual relationships (confection parts) |
W 10/29 |
Studio day for Confection project |
Bring your Tufte book.
Bring in any books, articles, etc. detailing your Concept.
Work on Confection |
R 10/30 |
Confection due |
F 10/31 |
November |
Major Projects |
Exercises |
Homework |
Campus |
Ideas, Terms, Skills |
M 11/3
Introduce Analytical Essay, Bring Tufte book. |
W 11/5 |
Context |
F 11/7 |
Using Tufte:
analytical work vs. cultural work vs. art/camera work |
Read Tufte Chapter 4: The Smallest Effective Distance |
M 11/10 |
Using Bang |
Read Tufte Chapter 5: Parallelism |
W 11/12 |
Critical Paragraphs |
Read Tufte Chapter 6:Multiples in Space and Time |
F 11/14 |
Download 30-day free trials of Dreamweaver and Photoshop for use during the remainder of the semester |
M 11/17 |
Bring all the materials necessary to work on your essay. |
W 11/19 |
Essay due at beginning of class
Introduce The Capstone Projectand the ReVision Project
Beginning Dreamweaver |
ReVision, global revision.
Gradient Tool |
F 11/21 |
M 11/24 |
W 11/26 |
F 11/28 |
Thanksgiving Break |
December |
Major Projects |
Exercises |
Homework |
Campus |
Ideas, Terms, Skills |
M 12/1

W 12/3 |
R 12/4 |
F 12/5 |
M 12/8 |
W 12/10 |
F 12/12 |
Complete and post the Capstone Project by noon |
F 12/19 |
Complete and post Revision by the scheduled exam time of 2 p.m. |