Questionnaire for COMP 4260/5260




Rate the degree of your experience and skills in the following areas.
(1 is no experience or skill, 5 is very experienced for a non-professional):  

Software and Hardware

1. Photoshop or other image-editing software

Before this class:


2. General computer functions such as Windows or Mac operating systems; managing folders, disks; saving and moving files 

Before this class:


3. Posting image files to the Web, managing files on a server to maintain functioning Web resources

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Community and Workshopping

4. Rate the degree of your experience at working in creative teams, communities, or workshops of writers/designers to complete and/or evaluate projects.  (1 is no experience, 5 is very experienced for a non-professional):  

Before this class:


Visual Rhetoric Principles

Rate your understanding of and confidence in applying the following principles to the creation and analysis of Web sites.  (1 is no experience or confidence, 5 is very experienced or confident):  

5. applying analytical-design principles in the creation of informational graphics, charts, maps, etc.)

Before this class:


6. applying narrative visual-design principles to storytelling and the creation of emotionally evocatve images and sequences)

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7. writing analytically and critically about images as doing cultural work

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8. creating projects that combine visual and verbal discourses

Before this class:


9. using images to communicate complex ideas

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