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Homo sapiens neanderthalensis


In the News


"Neanderthal" -- Guardian

see also
 Archaic Archaeological Stage
  Homo sapiens heidelbergensis

Prehistoric Diets

In the News . . .


Top Science Stories Of 2010 Include Neanderthal DNA -- NPR (30 December 2010)

2010: A Good Year For Neanderthals (And DNA) -- NPR (28 December 2010)

Top 10 Discoveries of 2010 . . . Decoding the Neanderthal Genome Leipzig, Germany -- Archaeology, Volume 64 Number 1, January/February 2011

Neanderthals cooked and ate vegetables -- BBC News (27 December 2010)

Neanderthals May Have Feasted on Meat and Two Veg Diet -- Guardian (27 December 2010)

Siberian Fossils Were Neanderthals’ Eastern Cousins, DNA Reveals -- New York Times (22 December 2010)

Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us -- BBC News (22 December 2010)

Neanderthal Relative Bred With Humans -- Discovery News (22 December 2010)

New Type of Ancient Human Found—Descendants Live Today? -- National Geographic News (22 December 2010)

Ancient Bone's DNA Suggests New Human Ancestors -- NPR (23 December 2010)

Bones Give Peek Into the Lives of Neanderthals -- New York Times (20 December 2010)

Grisly Scene Gives Clues to Neandertal Family Structure -- Science (20 December 2010)

Neanderthals Fashioned Earliest Tool Made From Human Bone -- Live Science (15 December 2010)

Modern Man Outlived Neanderthals Due to 'Live Slow and Grow Old' strategy -- Telegraph (16 November 2010)

Growing Slowly, Humans Outsmarted Neanderthals -- NPR (16 November 2010)

Neanderthals really were sex-obsessed thugs -- Telegraph (03 November 2010)

Early humans 'more promiscuous' -- Telegraph (03 November 2010)

Neanderthal Children Were Large, Sturdy -- Discovery News (10 October 2010)

Did Neanderthals Make Jewellery After All? -- ScienceDaily (26 October 2010)

Neanderthals Had Deep Sense of Compassion, New Study Suggests -- Telegraph (05 October 2010)

Neanderthals' Tools Were Their Own Work -- New York Times (27 September 2010)

Volcanoes Killed Off Neanderthals, Study Suggests -- National Geographic News (22 September 2010)

Neanderthals were able to 'develop their own tools' -- BBC News (24 September 2010)

Neanderthals More Intelligent Than Thought -- Discovery News (22 September 2010)

Neanderthal's Cozy Bedroom Unearthed -- Discovery News (06 August 2010)

Neanderthal Males Had 'Popeye'-Like Arms -- Discovery News (06 July 2010)

When Humans and Neanderthals Split -- Discovery News (23 June 2010)

Artefacts Hint at Earliest Neanderthals in Britain -- BBC News (06 June 2010)

How Neanderthal Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out -- Wired (13 May 2010)

Ancient DNA Set to Rewrite Human History -- Nature (12 May 2010)

To Mate, or Not to Mate: The Neanderthal Question -- BBC News (11 May 2010)

Neanderthal App Turns You into a Caveman -- Live Science (11 May 2010)

This Is Your Brain On Neanderthal -- NPR (10 May 2010)

Neanderthal genes 'survive in us' -- BBC News (06 May 2010)

Many people alive today possess some Neanderthal ancestry, according to the results of a landmark genetic study.

Family tree of ancestors, relating to Neandertal.

Hey Good Lookin': Early Humans Dug Neanderthals
-- NPR (06 May 2010)

Neanderthal Genome Offers Clues On Early Humans -- NPR (07 May 2010)

Neanderthals, Humans Interbred—First Solid DNA Evidence -- National Geographic News (06 May 2010)

Neanderthals may have interbred with humans -- naturenews (20 April 2010)

Should We Clone Neanderthals? -- Archaeology (11 February 2010)

Last Neanderthals in Europe Died out 37,000 Years Ago -- ScienceDaily (27 January 2010)

Neanderthals Enjoyed Surf and Turf Meals -- Discovery News (12 January 2010)

Study: Neanderthals Wore Jewelry And Makeup -- NPR (12 January 2010)

Neanderthal 'Make-Up' Discovered -- BBC News (09 January 2010)

30,000-Year-Old Child's Teeth Shed New Light on Human Evolution -- ScienceDaily (08 January 2010)

Why Did Our Species Survive the Neanderthals? -- New Scientist (08 November 2009)

The Many Mysteries of Neanderthals -- LiveScience (05 November 2009)

Modern Man Had Sex with Neanderthals -- Telegraph (26 October 2009)
Neanderthals ‘had sex’ with modern man -- Times (26 October 2009)

When Darwin Met a Neandertal -- Science (22 September 2009)

Neanderthals Likely Didn't Like Brussels Sprouts -- Discovery News (13 August 2009)

Neanderthal Women Joined Men in the Hunt -- The New York Times (5 December 2006)

'Taste Test' for Neanderthal DNA -- BBC News (11 August 2009)

Neandertals Led Bitter Lives -- Science (12 August 2009)

Seafood Gave Us the Edge on the Neanderthals -- New Scientist (12 August 2009)

The Mysterious Downfall of the Neandertals -- Scientific American (07 August 2009)

Human Likely Killed Neanderthal, Weapons Test Shows -- National Geographic News (22 July 2009)

More on Stone Age flutes found in Germany -- Bruce Bower, Science News (18 July 2009)

Neanderthals were likely poised for extinction -- MSNBC (16 July 2009)

Prehistoric flute in Germany is oldest known -- PATRICK McGROARTY, Associated Press\Yahoo News (24 June 2009)

Infectious disease carried by Homo sapiens was responsible for the demise of the Neanderthal, according to a new theory -- Jyllands-Posten (07 July 2009)

Neanderthals Made Mammoth Jerky -- Jennifer Viegas, Discovery (23 June 2009)

Sea Gives Up Neanderthal Fossil -- BBC News (15 June 2009)

Neanderthals Made Mammoth Jerky:Findings show how first Europeans transported meat over long distances -- Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News (23 June 2009) [and MSNBC]

A new study reveals that Neanderthals survived the often chilly conditions of Northern Europe by wearing tailored clothing and drying chunks of big game meat — like that of mammoth.

Biodiversity Hotspot Enabled Neanderthals To Survive Longer In South East Of Spain -- ScienceDaily (02 February 2009)

Neanderthal Weaponry Lacked Projectile Advantage -- Discovery News (14 January 2009)

European Neanderthals had ginger hair and freckles -- Telegraph (29 December 2008)

Were Neanderthals stoned to death by modern humans? -- New Scientist


New Evidence of Neanderthal Violence -- BBC News (2002.04.22)

List of Neanderthal Sites -- Wikipedia

Neandertals Had Big Mouths, Gaped Widely
-- National Geographic News (5/2/08)

Last of the Neanderthals, Stephen S. Hall -- National Geographic, October 2008

Neandertals, Modern Humans Interbred, Bone Study Suggests
-- National Geographic News (10/30/06)

"Trace your family tree all the way back to Stone Age Europe, and you may find Neandertals among your ancestors. A new study suggests that modern humans and Neandertals (often spelled Neanderthals) interbred fairly regularly and even mingled physical features as Homo sapiens spread across Europe some 35,000 years ago. . . ."

Images of find.



From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology


Why Did Neanderthals Have Such Big Noses? New Scientist (10/27/08)


Neanderthals Ate Dolphins, Seals, Cave Remains Suggest National Geographic News (9/22/08)

Neanderthals Conquered Mammoths, Why Not Us? Discovery News (9/9/08)

Neanderthals Grew Fast, but Sexual Maturity Came Late National Geographic News (9/8/08)

New Evidence Debunks 'Stupid' Neanderthal Myth EurekAlert (8/25/08)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(14/25 August 2008)

Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Discovery News (8/22/08)

Scientists in Germany Draft Neanderthal Genome -- New York Times (2009-02-12)

Neanderthals 'distinct from us' -- BBC News (2009-02-12)

Neanderthal Genome "First Draft" Unveiled -- National Geographic News (2009-02-12)

First Neanderthal Genome Completed New Scientist (8/7/08)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(1 July 2008)

'Neanderthal Tools' Found At Dig BBC News (6/23/08)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(5 May 2008)

Neanderthals Speak Out After 30,000 Years New Scientist (4/15/08)


From Anthroplogy in the News, Texas A&M (3/28/08)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(20 March 2008)

Culture Gave Humans Edge Over Neanderthals MSNBC (3/17/08)



From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(24 September 2007)

Neanderthal Climate Link Debated BBC News (9/13/07)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(18 October 2008)

How the Hyoid Bone Changed History -- LiveScience (2/4/08)

Neanderthals: Did They Have Language? CNN (10/18/07)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(2 October 2007)

Neandertals Ranged Much Farther East Than Thought National Geographic News (10/1/07)


From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(30 October 2007)

Red Hair and Freckles ... Max Planck Society (10/26/07)


Neanderthal Demise

From Sunday's Dulth News Tribune and the Washington Post:

Study points finger at humans for Neanderthal Demise
By Rick Weiss
Duluth News Tribune (September 16, 2007, p. A8)

 Neandertal with spear.
a reprint of Climate Link To Neanderthal Demise Abates By Rick Weiss
Washington Post (September 13, 2007)

"Contrary to a popular hypothesis that Neanderthals succumbed to a suddenly colder climate, the new research indicates that southwestern Europe, where our beetle-browed cousins made their last stand, enjoyed relatively mild weather when their last campfires went cold."
"Neanderthals were widespread in Europe for more than 100,000 years but went extinct 26,000 to 32,000 years ago. Some scientists have blamed climate, which was then undergoing wild fluctuations between thousand-year cold spells and warmer periods, separated by as little as a decade or two. A few of those cold spells were extreme, leading some scientists to suggest that one of those mini-ice ages finally did in the climate-stressed Neanderthals."
"Others have placed the blame on the ancestors of modern humans, who emerged from Africa about 40,000 years ago and then spread north and west through Europe."

Related news and stories ....
Freeze 'condemned Neanderthals'
(20 February 2007)  Science/Nature

"A sharp freeze could have dealt the killer blow that finished off our evolutionary cousins the Neanderthals, according to a new study."
Neanderthals' 'last rock refuge'
(September 13, 2006) Science/Nature

Neandertals' Last Stand Was in Gibraltar, Study Suggests
(September 13, 2006)
National Geographic News

The icy truth behind Neanderthals
(February 10, 2005) Science/Nature

 Rebuilding the Neanderthal past.
Rebuilding the Neanderthal past
BBC News
(10 February 2005)

Neandertals, Modern Humans Interbred, Bone Study Suggests
(October 30, 2006)
National Geographic News

Gendered Division of Labor Gave Modern Humans Advantage Over Neanderthals
(December 04, 2006) EurekAlert

Neanderthal DNA secrets unlocked
(15 November 2006) Science/Nature

Neanderthals 'not close family'
(27 January 2004)  Science/Nature

Neandertals Beaten by Rivals' Word Skills, Study Says
(24 November 2004)
National Geographic News

Neanderthals and Humans: Perhaps They Never Met
(08 May 2006) Live Science

Did Starving Neanderthals Eat Each Other?
(12/4/06) New Scientist

List of Neanderthal Sites -- Wikipedia

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Other Stories

"Neanderthals 'were flame-haired'"
(BBC News, 25 October 2007)"

"Boffins uncover ginger gene in neanderthal DNA"
(The Register, 26th October 2007)

Cannibalism May Have Wiped Out Neanderthals
Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News (27 February 2008)

"Neandertals' Last Stand Was in Gibraltar, Study Suggests"
(13 September 2006)

Neanderthals' 'last rock refuge'
(13 September 2006)

Interactive Map: Major Human-Ancestor Finds

Jawbone hints at earliest Britons
(27 April 2005)

Neandertals Hunted as Well as Humans, Study Says
(25 January 2006)

Neandertals Beaten by Rivals' Word Skills, Study Says
(24 November 2004)

The Genographic Project: A Study of the Human Journey

Neanderthals and Humans: Perhaps They Never Met -- Live Science
(08 May 2006)

Scientist: Humans Strange, Neanderthals Normal -- Live Science (08
September 2006)

Gendered Division of Labor Gave Modern Humans Advantage Over Neanderthals
EurekAlert (12/4/06)

Neanderthal DNA secrets unlocked
15 Nov 06 |  Science/Nature

Neanderthals 'not close family'
27 Jan 04 |  Science/Nature

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| Primates -- Contemporary | Primates -- Prehistoric | Hominids | Australopithecus |




Alternative Name






Heidelberg, Steinheim, Swanscombe, Kabwe, etc.





"Early Moderns"

Cro-Magnon, Border Cave, Qafzeh, etc.



UMD Students

Special Case: Piltdown

Adapted from Intoduction to Physical Anthropology, 8th ed, Jurmain, Nelson, Kilgore, and Trevathan
(Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000, pp. 285 - 290).

"The time period from which this object comes is prior to the time that anatomically modern man entered western Europe. This would imply that this was, like the flute at Divje Babe, Slovenia, a neanderthal instrument. This 40,000 year old flute is shown in a drawing below."
Music of the Ages

Neanderthal flute.


Neandertal child.

"Gibraltar I:
Reconstruction of a
. four-year-old

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