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. Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 07:54 (07:54 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025 .
BBC Food
The Gardian News/ The GardianAnimals Farmed/

World Food and Water Clock
OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.    
Sicilian ice-cream in a bread bun. A good solution to a local problem: the Mediterranean heat quickly melts the ice-cream, which is absorbed by the bread.
A Fistful of Rice.
A Fistfull of Rice
Claire Kathleen Roufs eating first food at 5 months.
Claire Kathleen Roufs

Eating rat.
"Eating Rat At The New Year"
National Geographic
Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Desert People

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Food-Related Biography

Culinary Arts / Hospitality Industry

Prehistoric Food


individual countries and cultures

Anthropology of Food Course

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Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition --
American Anthropological Association


Food writing
Gourmet Library and museum
List of cuisines
Paleolithic-style diet

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In the News . . .


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In the News . . .

The Scout Report, October 16, 2009 | Volume 15, Number 41

Chicago hot-dog stand controversy continues as activists get involved in the debate


Slaw and Order: Hot-Dog Stand in Chicago Triggers a Frank Debate

Burger Billionaires and Felony Franks

Prison Puns Annoy Neighbors of Felony Franks

Vienna Beef: History of the Chicago Hot Dog

National Hot Dog & Sausage Council [Quick Time]

How To Make Chicago Hot Dogs

A tempest in a seeded bun has been brewing in Chicago's West Side for the past few months, and the fray now includes a Catholic priest, hot-dog fans, and a local alderman. The controversy is regarding "Felony Franks", a compact hot-dog stand run by one James Andrews. Mr. Andrews believes that people deserve a second chance and that providing felons with stable jobs is a way to prevent homelessness. Andrews is known in Chicagoland for employing ex-convicts at his primary business, which is a paper goods supply company. His new venture, Felony Franks, features items like the Misdemeanor Weiner and the Chain Gang Chili Dog, and it also employs persons with a criminal record. It's also worth mentioning that the stand's slogan is, "Food so good it's criminal." While some neighborhood residents are glad to see any new business open up in the somewhat distressed community, others see the stand's image as patently offensive and at a community meeting, activist and Catholic priest Rev. Michael Pfleger referred to Andrews as "a pimp". But not everyone agrees with Father Pfleger, as former felon and Felony Franks employee Kevin Jones commented, "Working here allows me to provide for myself and my family." Andrews remains steadfast in his business operations, and he has mentioned that he has already received over 1000 job applications from former felons. [KMG]


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From The Scout Report

December 21, 2007 | Volume 13, Number 49

Ten years after Dolly, cloning livestock continues

US biotech firms launch tracking system for cloned livestock

Cloned Cows' Milk, Beef Up to Standard

Dolly for dinner? Assessing commercial and regulatory trends in cloned livestock;jsessionid=8257A00C1E76BAF39148F917A35D1712

FDA and Pew Initiative on Food and Bio-technology workshop

Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology Survey

A decade on from Dolly


It has been over ten years since the birth of Dolly the sheep was announced. The event received enormous media attention at the time, but since then the cloning of livestock animals has continued without the media scrutiny. Those who clone livestock hope to improve breeding efficiency, enhance and enrich food, preserve endangered species and even clone pets. In the past two years, researchers with the FDA have determined that milk and meat from cloned cattle are almost identical to those from conventionally bred cattle. Numerous countries and independent research groups continue to compare the products from cloned versus conventionally produced animals. The FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) published a draft executive summary entitled 'Animal Cloning: A Risk Assessment', in which it concluded "edible products from normal, healthy clones or their progeny do not appear to pose increased food consumption risks relative to comparable products from conventional animals." Most in the industry believe that products derived from the offspring of cloned cattle and pigs will enter the food chain more widely by 2010. Several thousand clones of livestock species now exist globally at both research organizations and commercial enterprises. As the cloning of livestock animals becomes more economically feasible, regulatory agencies will likely need to closely monitor the products. Just recently, a US biotechnology firm launched a program to track cloned cattle and pigs in anticipation of the possible end of a moratorium on meat and milk from cloned livestock. Although this issue seems to have been on the backburner over the past few years, it is certain that the cloning of animals to produce human food will again become a focus of public and media attention. [CMH]

In the first link users can find out more about the new tracking system designed for cloned livestock and how feasible this system may be if begun in the early stages of producing cloned animals for food. In the second link, visitors can read about the research done on cloned meat and milk and discover why it is believed they are up to standard. The next piece comes from as they assess commercial and regulatory trends in cloned livestock in a detailed and in-depth article. The fourth link leads to a FDA and Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology workshop, visitors who want to know more about cloned or transgenic animals should definitely pay a visit. By clicking on either of the Proceedings on Transgenic Animals or the Proceedings on Cloned Animals, visitors will be taken to a PDF of these very clear and succinct presentations. The fifth link is a PDF, again from the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, but this time visitors will find a comprehensive survey of U.S. consumer sentiment about the application of genetic engineering to agriculture and livestock. Finally, the last link is a nice piece from the BBC discussing Dolly and the cloning industry over the past ten years. [CMH]



Vaporized potato.

"Vaporized Potato"

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