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Week 11: Analytical Speech

Assignments for the Week

Day 21 -- Tuesday 09 April 2002

Old Business / Announcements:


  1. Video of a talk given at UMD by Michael Dorris, Saving Grace: The Waste and Destruction of Fetal Alcohol Syndrom (VC 1716), which discusses his and Louise Erdrich's son "Adam."

    • Dorris's talk, which we'll view in class, is 57 min. (Question/Answers = 22 min.)

    • As you watch this speech do two things:

      1. Outline Dorris's speech

        [Don't forget to identify Dorris's thesis statement (cf. 43a.2., pp. 500 - 501, 5.c., pp. 74 - 75, 4.d., pp. 56 - 57.]

        1. 4.e "Analyzing organization," p. 57
        2. 3.e. "Preparing a formal outline," pp. 44 - 45
        3. 21a. "Using parallel structures in series, lists, outlines, and headings," pp. 263 - 264
        4. 43b.2. "Outlining," p. 502

      2. List the kinds of things he uses to make his point, and how he uses these
        1. 48d. "Understanding the use of evidence," pp. 626 - 627
        2. 2h.2. "Offering appropriate evidence," p. 27
        3. 5d.e. "Using narratives to support anargument," pp. 76 - 77

    • Biography:
    • Review: How does Dorris organize his talk? What kind of information does he use to support his argument? What is his argument?

Case Study: Wisconsin vs. Zimmerman

In August 1996, the State of Wisconsin charged Deborah J. Zimmerman, a 35-year-old waitress from Racine, with attempted first degree murder for inducing Fetal Alcohol Syndrom (FAS) to her child. Her baby girl was born with a blood alcohol level of 0.199, nearly twice the threshold for legal intoxication in Wisconsin, and the baby appears to have FAS. Ms. Zimmerman herself had a blood alcohol level more than three times the threshold when she delivered the baby. According to a report in the Duluth News-Tribune (19 August 1996, pp. 1A, 6A) before the baby was born, insisting that she did not want to give birth, ". . . she told a surgical aide, I'm just going to go home and keep drinking and drink myself to death, and I'm going to kill this thing because I don't want it anyways."

How would you vote in the Wisconsin vs. Zimmerman case?

How might Dorris' talk or the writings below affect your reaction to the murder trial which may be getting underway this quarter in our neighboring state?


      NOTE ON AUDIOVISUAL LAB: We encourage you to watch the videotape material again, in the Library. You can view it by checking in with the people at the general circulation desk.

  1. Discussion of video
  2. Prepare bibliography and note cards on your the Dorris video. Make (1) a bibliography card, and (2) several note cards on 4 x 6 or 3 x 5 cards [or recycled paper of the same size].
      • See The New St. Martin's Handbook, §42a.1 for information on and samples of bibliography cards.
      • On the note cards briefly summarize / paraphrase topics (100 to 150 words). Do this as if you were taking notes for a 5000-level term paper. On your note cards you should also include your personal reaction / evaluation as a separate section on each card. See §42c. for examples of note cards, and information on how to prepare the note cards.
      • Put your name on each card before you hand it in. Write on only one side of each card. Turn these cards in next class meeting.

  1. PowerPoint Demonstrations (52b)
  2. Make a revised/edited outline for Paper #4. See The New St. New Martin's Handbook, Sections 3e., 4e., 43b.

  3. Indicate your audience at the top of the outline. See The New St. New Martin's Handbook, Section 2h.

  4. Work on rough draft of "Coffee and Conversation" presentation (P#4).


Day 22 -- Thursday 11 April 2002
WORD OF THE DAY: From Merriam-Webster

Old Business / Announcements:

Writing for the Web -- GDNet

  • Complete note cards for both the Oldenburg and Brissette essays. State the problem being made known. Make a list of ways in which the writers explain and demonstrate that the problem exists. Bring the cards to class with you.
  • Bring, in addition, two questions on the Brissett-Oldenburg articles to the next class period: (1) one question on writing and writing techniques, and (2) one question on substance.

  • "The Crimson Tide" sentence combining practice exercise for the final exam


  1. "The Crimson Tide" sentence combining practice exercise for the final exam

  2. Peer review and discussion of Paper #4. Generate a list of what makes for an effective analysis. Generate a list of what makes for a good speech. In-class revising of speech.

  3. Revise/edit Paper #4. Complete next-to-final draft of this, and get it ready to hand in.

    • Delete what is repetitive or verbiage from the earlier draft.
    • Add examples, statistics, comparisons to illustrate your point.
    • Get some urgency into your paper.

  4. Write a press release for your "Coffee and Conversation" piece.
    • Include information on when (including day and time) and where (including address and room numbers) it will be held
    • who to contact for further information
    • intended audience (is "everyone welcome," for example?)
    • cost, and sponsoring agency (if any)
    • do this on a separate sheet

  5. In one sentence at the top of page one write what you think is your main problem with this paper.

  6. REM: Bring two questions on the Brissett-Oldenburg articles: (1) one question on writing and writing techniques, and (2) one question on substance. Bring the cards to class with you on Day 23 Week 12.

Next Week

Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmpweek11.html
Last Modified 20:24:28 GMT 13 April 2002
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