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Advanced Writing: Social Sciences

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Week 01: Assignments


  • "Sample Documents" (Handbook §51.e.)

  • Ch. 1, "Writing, Reading, and Research"

  • Ch. 2, "Considering Rhetorical Situations"

  • Ch. 51, "Designing Documents"
  • same as "Handbook" above

  • TBA
Daily Writing
  • Write up a draft of a descriptive incident report (set of field notes?; "journaling") on the video seen in class. Focus on description. Write this piece as if you were writing a police report on what you observed. Do not evaluate!

  • Freewrite: Sit down and freewrite for 20 - 30 minutes [yes, I know the Handbook says 10 minutes, but that is for a different type of project]; write without stopping on the video seen in class. Once you begin writing do not stop; do not stop to correct spelling, or to rewrite, or even to talk with your true love. Do not at this point worry about what the final product might look like. Describe an extended portion of the video materials as your memory allows. Establish the context first. Then describe the actions in detail. Fill in details. Make a list of behaviors non-natives might find strange or confusing or that might be interpreted differently. Provide explanation as necessary. Try to develop a sense of simply describing something without interpreting or analyzing it. Bring this freewriting exercise with you to the next class. (Handbook §3.a.1-2)

    "Take" wide angle shots, normal shots, and close-ups.

    Audience: some UMD students who have not seen the video

    Purpose: description -- pure description

    Aim/Goal: to give a detailed enough account of the action that some people who have not seen the video could re-enact the action.

Writing Projects

Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmpweek01-assignments.html
Last Modified 11:20:35 GMT 21 January 2002
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