- maize / agriculture
- Amazing Maze Of Maize Evolution: Study On Maize Domestication May Help Improve Crop Yields -- ScienceDaily (02 October 2009)
- American Corn Growers Association (ACGA)
- Archeology And Genetics Team Up To Put A Much Earlier Date On South American Agriculture -- Science Daily (5 March 2006)
- Archaeology of Maise -- jlv2@infomagic.net
- A Zillion Uses for Corn
- Aztec Cooking --World Hearth Circle of International Cooking
- Aztec cuisine -- Wikipedia
- Baker, Lauren E. Corn Meets Maize: Food Movements and Markets in Mexico. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press, 2013.
- Brown, Lester R. Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity. NY: W.W. Norton, 2012.
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- Corn: It's Not for Cocktails -- Science (23 March 2009)
- Corn Refiner's Association
- Corn smut? Tastes great and good for you, too: Gnarly huitlacoche fungus has high nutritional value, new test shows -- MARTHA MENDOZA, MSNBC (27 April 2010)
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- Cushing, Frank Hamilton. Zuni Breadstuff. NY: Museum of the American Indian, 1920.
- Domesticated plants of Mesoamerica -- Wikipedia
- Does the Bible have errors, since it says that corn existed in the Middle East over 2,000 years ago? -- Rich Deem, godandscience.org
- The earliest archaeological maize (Zea mays L.) from highland Mexico -- D. R. Piperno and K. V. Flannery
- Earliest Evidence Of Domesticated Maize Discovered: Dates Back 8,700 Years -- ScienceDaily (25 March r 2009)
- Earliest Signs Of Corn As Staple Food Found After Spreading South From Mexican Homeland -- Science Daily (25 March 2008)
- Eddy, F.W. Metates and Manos: The Basic Corn Grinding Tools of the Southwest. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1979.
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- The Food Timeline –
Lynne Olver, Morris County Library NJ
- Fussell, Betty Harper. The Story of Corn. NY: Alfred A. Knop, 1994. [Reprinted, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004.]
- Have a look at La Maestra Diana Kennedy, 88, show you how to make a proper corn tortilla: <http://www.texasmonthly.com/multimedia/video/15303> -- Texas Monthy (December 2010, 113)
- Kennedy, Diana. The Tortilla Book, Revised Edition. NY: HarperCollins, 1991.
- Maize [Research & Impact: Areas of Research] -- Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
- Maize (Corn) May Have Been Domesticated In Mexico As Early As 10,000 Years Ago -- ScienceDaily (30 June 2008)
- Maize of Guatemala
- Maize May Have Fueled Ancient Andean Civilization: Prehistoric skeletons yield evidence that farming of crop led to the rise of an early state society -- Science News (08 July 2009)
- Maize Was Passed from Group to Group of Southwestern Hunter-Gatherers, Study Suggests -- ScienceDaily (08 December 2009)
- Maya Murals Give Rare View of Everyday Life -- LiveScience (09 November 2009)
- Morton, Paula E. Tortillas: A Cultural History. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2014.
- Mutant Corn Calls for Rescue When Killers Attack -- National Geographic (03 August 2009)
- Newman, Kara. The Secret Financial Life of Food: From Commodities Markets to Supermarkets. Columbia University Press, 2012.
- New World foods: introduced to Europe by the Columbian Exchange
- Popcorn: A Symposium -- Diner's Journal, New York Times (6 April 2007)
- Popcorn Board
- Pre-Conquest Aztec Cooking -- Jennifer Edwards Ring
- Researchers find the earliest evidence of domesticated maize -- EurekAlert (23 March 2009)
- Robinson, Jo. Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health. NY: Little, Brown and Company, 2014.
- Sandstrom, Alan R. Corn Is Our Blood: Culture and Ethnic Identity in a Contemporary Aztec Indian Village. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1991.
- Staller, John E., Robert H. Tykot, and Bruce F. Benz, Eds. Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Prehistory, Linguistics, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize. Burlington, MA: Academic Press, 2006.
- Super, John C. Food, Conquest, and Colonization in Sixteenth-century Spanish America. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988.
- Taube, Karl. "The Maize Tamale in Classic Maya Diet, Epigraphy, and Art." American Antiquity 54 (1989): 31-51.
- Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. A History of Food. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons/Blackwell 2009.
- Tracking the Ancestry of Corn Back 9,000 Years -- New York Times (24 May 2010)
- Twitty, Michael W. The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South. NY: HarperCollins, 2017.
- USDA Economic Research Service
- Vogt, Evon. Tortillas for the Gods: A Symbolic Analysis of Zinacanteco Rituals. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976.
- Weed to Wonder -- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Corn kernels

Aztecs storing maize.
Florentine Codex,
late 16th century

An Aztec woman blowing on maize before putting in the cooking put, so that it will not fear the fire.
Florentine Codex,
late 16th century

Gold Maize. Moche Culture A.D.300
Larco Museum, Lima, Peru

Early Maize Cobbs -- Tehuacán Valley |
- Atkinson, Sonja. The Aztec Way to Healthy Eating. 1992. NY: Paragon House.
- Coe, Sophie D. America's First Cuisines. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1994.
- Johannessen, Sissel, and Christine Ann Hastorf. Corn and Culture in the Prehistoric New World. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994.
- Mangelsdorf, Paul C. Corn: Corn: Its Origin, Evolution and Improvement. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Presss, 1974.
- Visser, Margaret. Much Depends on Dinner: The Extraordinary History and Mythology, Allure and Obsessions, Perils and Taboos of an Ordinary Meal. NY: Grove, 2010 [1986].