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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

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Tuesday 25 July 2006
Day 15

Video: The Amish: People of Preservation
(54 min., Revised 1996 edition, VC 3244)

Video: Ocamo is My Town
(23 min., 1988 [1975], VC 1339)

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  • Anishinabe Curing
    (slides) -- cure, Dalai Lama

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acculturation / cultural change


    • If you want to control the effect of social change on your culture, or at least control the rate of change, what do you need to do?

    • For this film make a list of items that the Amish people try to control in order to control the rate of change in their society

      • Reference: Systematic Data Collection. Susan C. Weller and A. Kimball Romney (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988)

      • "Qualitative Quantitative Mix"

      • Pertti Pelto Projective Pictures (PPPP), TATs, FIAT . . .

    • Question: Is it true that, "Horses have their own personality anyway?"

    • Hostetler, John A. (1918-2001)

    Biography John A. Hostetler -- Federation of East European Family History Societies

  • Review of the list of items that the Amish people try to control in order to control the rate of change in their society

    • Reference: Systematic Data Collection. Susan C. Weller and A. Kimball Romney (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1988)

    • "Qualitative Quantitative Mix"

    • Pertti Pelto Projective Pictures (PPPP), TATs, FIAT . . .

  • Review of video: The Amish: People of Preservation
    (54 min., Revised 1996 edition, VC 3244)

    • What was the newest item seen in The Amish: People of Preservation?

    • If you want to control the effect of social change on your culture, or at least control the rate of change, what do you need to do?

    • Video: Ocamo is My Town
      (23 min., 1988 [1975], VC 1339)

      • What things have changed among the Yanomamö since the filming of Magical Death and Children's Magical Death?

      • Will this likely change the modal personality of the Yanomamö?

      • Can adult personality change?

      • If so, what kinds of experiences will result in an adult change of personality?



    Source: Spindler, George & Spindler, Louise. Dreamers Without Power: The Menomini Indians
    (NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971), p. 5.

    Cf ., Spindler, Louise. Menominee Women and Culture Change.
    merican Anthropological Association, vol. 64, no. 1, pt. 2, February, memoir 91.
    Menasha, WI: Banta and Sons, 1962, p. 28.

    Cf ., Spindler, George & Goldschmidt, Walter. "Experimental Design in the Study of Cultural Change,"
    Southwestern Journal of Anthropology , Vol. 8, Spring, 1952, p. 73.

    • "Acculturation" -- Cf., Text , ch. 11

    • The Menominee -- Louise Spindler and George Spindler
      (units of analysis)

    • A. I. Hallowell also compared three levels of acculturation among Ojibwa Indians at different localities (using Roschach tests)

      • "Revitalization Movements" -- Anthony F.C. Wallace
        (American Anthropologist, Vol. 58, April 1956, pp. 264-281)

    • I. Steady State
      II. The Period of Increased Individual Stress
      III. The Period of Cultural Distortion

      The Period of Revitalization

      1. Mazeway Reformulation
      2. Communication
      3. Organization
      4. Adaptation
      5. Cultural Transformation
      6. Routinization
      Varieties and Dimensions of Variation

      Choice of Identification

      • revive
      • import
      • utopian
      2. Choice of Secular and Religious Means
      3. Nativism
      4. Success and Failure

    • "Intercultural Relations in a Shrinking World"


    • Reading Assignment
      • Ch. 10, "Intercultural Relations in a Shrinking World," pp. 273-298

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© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpssday15.html
Last Modified Tuesday, 25 July 2006, 15:39 (03:39 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2006
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