Countries :
Mayan Dictionary --
Wired Humanities Projects , University of Oregon
Ancient Mesoamerican Cultures:
Aztec Huastec Maya
Tarascan Teotihuacán Toltec Totonac Zapotec
Lost World of the Maya (44 min., 2019)-- National Geographic, TopDocumentaryFilms
The demise of the Maya civilization: Water shortage can destroy cultures -- ScienceDaily (23 August 2016)
An ancient Mayan Copernicus -- ScienceDaily (17 August 2016)
Maya Tomb Uncovered Holding Body, Treasure and Tales of 'Snake Dynasty' -- Guardian (07 August 2016)
Laying Bare the Bones of Ancient Maya Society -- Scientific American (16 July 2016)
How did Southeastern Mayan people overcome catastrophic eruption of Ilpango? -- ScienceDaily (02 June 2016)
Experts: Teen's 'Discovery' of Maya City is a Very Western Mistake -- National Geographic News (11 May 2016)
Belize Cave Was Maya Child Sacrifice Site -- Science News (19 April 2016)
How an Ancient Civilization Conserved Water -- ScienceDaily (08 April 2016)
Severe droughts explain the mysterious fall of the Maya -- BBCEarth (22 February 2016)
See New Discoveries at the Mysterious City of the Jaguar -- NaionalGeographic (09 February 2016)
Archaeologist Discovers Maya Royal Burial -- (08 January 2016)
Archaeological Finds in El Salvador Tell a Whole Different Tale About Maya Society -- Scientific American (22 December 2015)
An Ancient Maya Village in El Salvador Frozen in Time -- Past Horizons (03 November 2015)
Beyond the temples, ancient bones reveal the lives of the Mayan working class -- ScienceDaily (29 October 2015)
Bloody Ancient Arrowhead Reveals Maya 'Life Force' Ceremony -- LiveScience (19 October 2015)
Clues from ancient Maya reveal lasting impact on environment -- ScienceDaily (03 September 2015)
Archaeologists Find Intact Maya Hieroglyphic Panels and Well-Preserved Stela -- Past Horizons (18 July 2015)
New Assessment of Recently Found Mayan Pyramid Puts It Up Among the Biggest -- (14 July 2015)
Early Urban Planning: Ancient Mayan City Built on Grid -- LiveScience (29 April 2015)
Mobile and sedentary people came together to build a ceremonial centre at Ceiba -- Past Horizons (24 March 2015)
Archaeologists Discover Maya 'Melting Pot' -- ScienceDaily (23 March 2015)
You Can Thank the Ancient Maya for Your Grocery Store’s Papaya -- Smithsonian (19 March 2015)
Cultivated Papaya Owes a Lot to the Ancient Maya, Research Suggests -- ScienceDaily (17 March 2015)
Cultivated papaya owes a lot to the ancient Maya, research suggests -- (17 March 2015)
Scientists find stunning ruins in the Honduran jungle � and anger other scientists in the process -- Washington Post (11 March 2015)
Exclusive: Lost City Discovered in Honduran Rain Forest -- National Geographic News (02 March 2015)
Maya Mural Reveals Ancient 'Photobomb' -- LiveScience (20 February 2015)
At Newly Discovered Water Temple, Maya Offered Sacrifices to End Drought -- National Geographic News (27 January 2015)
Belize's Famous 'Blue Hole' Reveals Clues to the Maya's Demise �--��LiveScience �(24 December 2014)
The Real-Life Indiana Jones on the Hunt for Lost Ancient Mayan Cities in Mexico -- Guardian (28 October 2014)
Mysteries of the Maya Unearthed Deep in the Yucatan Jungle -- Scout Report , August 29, 2014 -- Volume 20, Number 33
Ancient Maya Cities Found in Jungle -- Discovery News (15 August 2014)
Losing Maya Heritage to Looters -- National Geographic News (08 August 2014)
Lost Maya City of Noh Kah Has Been Mapped -- Past Horizons (17 May 2014)
Ancient Maya and virtual worlds: Different perspectives on material meanings Science Daily -- (24 April 2014)
Flying Above Jungle Canopy to Spot Maya Ruins -- Past Horizons (16 December 2013)
Maya Decapitated and Dismembered Their Enemies -- ScienceDaily (10 September 2013)
Bodies at Uxul Show How Maya Dismembered Their Enemies -- Past Horizons (10 September 2013)
Returning Maya Ancestors to Their Place of Origin -- National Geographic Newswatch (23 August 2013)
Finding Lost Cities of the Maya -- Past Horizons (18 August 2013)
Mayan sculpture discovered in Guatemalan pyramid -- BBC News (08 August 2013)
Giant Maya Carvings Found in Guatemala -- National Geographic News (07 August 2013)
Unearthed Mayan Tablet Tells of Power Struggle Discovery News -- Discovery News (19 July 2013)
How Many Mayans Were There? -- LiveScience (16 June 2013)
Ancient Mayan City Discovered in Mexican Jungle -- Discovery News (21 June 2013)
Maya: Hidden Worlds Revealed -- a Special Exhibition of the Minnesota Science Museum, 21 June 2013- 6 January 2014, its world premiere and the largest exhibition about the Maya ever displayed in North America
Maya civilization's roots may lie in ritual -- ScienceNews (25 April 2013)
New Evidence Unearthed for the Origins of the Maya -- National Geographic News (25 April 2013)
Drought Led to Civilization Collapse, Mayan Calendar Suggests -- LiveScience (11 April 2013)
Mayan Calendar End Date Confirmed -- Discovery News (16 April 2013)
Volcanic Burial Ground Allows Detailed Insight Into Maya Crops -- Past Horizons (03 April 2013)
Maya Predicted 1991 Solar Eclipse -- LiveScience (08 January 2013)
2012 Doomsday Not Likely, Mayans Insist -- Discovery News (12 October 2009)
2012 "End of the World" Information
Ancient Human Skeleton Removed from Mexican Cave -- Reuters (24 August 2010)
Ancient Maya Buried Relatives, Artifacts Under Homes -- Discovery News (20 April 2010)
Ancient Mayans Enjoyed a Hallucinogenic Concoction -- Discovery News (11 January 2012)
Ancient Mayans Likely Had Fountains and Toilets -- Live Science (23 December 2009)
Ancient Mayan Theater Was Political Tool -- Discovery News (05 September 2012)
Ancient Maya Temples Were Giant Loudspeakers? -- National Geographic News (16 December 2010)
Ancient Maya Practiced Forest Conservation 3,000 Years Ago -- ScienceDaily (23 July 2009)
Ancient Mayan Rituals Revealed by Ordinary Objects -- Live Science (27 April 2010)
Ancient Maya Tomb Found: Upright Skeleton, Unusual Location -- National Geographic News (17 May 2007)
Ancient Mesoamerica's Rubber Industry -- New York Times (21 June 2010)
Ancient Mural Portrays Ordinary Mayans -- Live Science (07 March 2010)
Ancient Pyramid Found in Mexico -- BBC News (18 May 2010)
Ancient Road Found at Maya Village Buried by Volcanic Ash 1,400 Years Ago -- ScienceDaily (05 October 2011)
Ancient Tomb Could Explain Maya Collapse -- Discovery News (28 January 2010)
Archaeological Home Page -- Dr. Nicholas Hellmuth
Archaeologists Discover Tomb of a Maya Prince -- Past Horizons (30 July 2012)
Archaeologists Enter Royal Tomb in Palenque -- Past Horizons (29 October 2012)
Aztec, Maya Were Rubber-Making Masters? -- National Geographic News (28 June 2010)
Bibliography -- Víctor Mendoza Grado
Bowls of Fingers, Baby Victims, More Found in Maya Tomb -- National Geographic News (21 July 2010)
Calendar -- MichielB
Calendar -- N.A.F. McNelly
Calendar Notes -- N.A.F. McNelly
Campeche Maya -- Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (in Spanish)
Ceramics -- GBonline
Classic Maya History Is Embedded in Commoners' Homes -- ScienceDaily (14 April 2010)
Climate Change at Xcoch Mapped in Mayan Caves -- Past Horizons (25 February 2012)
Why Do Civilizations Fall? -- The Maya
Conformists May Kill Civilizations -- Nature (24 June 2009)
Cooking With Clay the Mayan Way -- Past Horizons (10 December 2012)
Copan Warriors Found in Chiapas -- Past Horizons (10 July 2011)
Culture, Oddities,
and Games -- N.A.F. McNelly
Did Belief in Gods Lead to Mayan Demise? -- Discovery News (22 March 2012)
Did Drought Kill the Mayans? -- DiscoveryNews (09 February 2011)
Discovery of the First Evidence for Pre-Columbian Sources of Maya Blue -- ScienceDaily (02 April 2012)
Divers Probe Mayan Ruins Submerged in Guatemala Lake -- Reuters (30 October 2009)
Diver "Vanishes" in Portal to Maya Underworld -- National Geographic News (29 June 2010)
Does the Slope of a Pyramid Really Matter? -- Wired (20 July 2011)
"Dramatic" New Maya Temple Found, Covered With Giant Faces -- National Geographic News (20 July 2012)
Dzibanché Discoveries Redifines the “Maya Collapse” -- Past Horizons (28 December 2012)
Languages --
Yamada Web Guide
Largest ancient dam built by Maya in Central America identified at Tikal -- Past Horizons (17 July 2012 )
in Mexico Before the Conquest -- University
of Texas
Looters Strip Latin America of Archaeological Heritage -- Guardian (21 March 2011)
Lords of the Earth
Lost City Revealed Under Centuries of Jungle Growth -- National Geographic News (26 April 2011)
Lucero, Lisa J. (2002). The Collapse of the Classic Maya: A Case for the Role of Water Control. American Anthropologist, 104(2), 814-826.
of the Maya World -- PBS
Pictures: Massive Maya City Revealed by Lasers -- National Geographic News (20 May 2010)
Mathematics --
Mathews, Jennifer P. Chicle: The Chewing Gum of the Americas, From the Ancient Maya to William Wrigley . Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2009 .
Maya -- NOVA Science Now (July 2007)
Mayan art and calendar at Xultun stun archaeologists -- BBCNews (10 May 2012)
Astronomy Page -- MichielB
Maya Axes, and Moles Under the Pyramid -- New York Times (01 March 2011)
Maya Blue source confirmed -- Past Horizons (06 April 2012)
The Maya Calendar
Maya Civilization
-- Past and Present -- Paula Giese
Maya Collapse and Modern Society -- New York Times (14 April 2011)
Maya Culture
-- Traditional Storyteller's Tales, Maya Village Life Now; Sounds, phrases,
numbers -- Paula Giese
Maya: Facts & Summary -- History
The Maya in Time -- Jeeni Criscenzo
Maya of Guatemala -- Wayne Parrott Roesch
Maya Murals Give Rare View of Everyday Life -- LiveScience (09 November 2009)
Mayan Bones Reveal Painful End -- Discovery News (14 November 2012)
Mayan Doomsday 'Safe Zone' Shut Down -- LiveScience (16 November 2012)
Mayan King's Tomb Discovered in Guatemala -- ScienceDaily (17 July 2010)
Mayan Pool in the Rainforest -- ScienceDaily (26 August 2010)
Mayan Ruins -- Ken Goehring
Mayan White Road Found in San Salvador -- Past Horizons (07 October 2011)
Maya "Painted Pyramid" Reveals 1st Murals of Daily Life -- National Geographic (12 November 2009)
Mayans Cooked Food With Clay Balls -- Discovery News (29 November 2012)
Mayans 'Played' Pyramids to Make Music for Rain God -- New Scientist (22 September 2009)
Maya Plumbing: First Pressurized Water Feature Found in New World -- ScienceDaily (05 May 2010)
Maya Prince's Tomb Found With Rare Drinking Vesse -- National Geographic News (30 August 2012)
Maya: Rise and Fall -- National Geographic News (August 2007)
Sites in Belize -- Association for Belizean
Mayan Text Details Blood Sacrifices -- Discovery News (29 December 2009)
Mayans Converted Wetlands to Farmland -- Nature (05 November 2010)
The Maya Vase Database
The Mayas --
Lee H
Mesoamericans Were The First Polymer Scientists -- Discovery News (26 May 2010)
Mild drought caused Maya collapse in Mexico, Guatemala -- BBC News (23 February 2012)
Monkey-Shaped Skull Was Sports Gear for Mayan Afterlife, Expert Says -- Live Science (17 November 2011 )
Mundo Maya
Pictures: Mysterious Maya Tomb Explored for First Time -- National Geographic News (30 November 2012)
New Mayan Sites Discovered in the Yucatan -- Past Horizons (04 June 2011)
Novels of Ancient Maya
Smith, David L. Jaguar Rising: A novel of the Preclassic Maya . CreateSpace, 2012.
Smith, David L. Jaguar Wind And Waves: A novel of the Early Classic Maya . CreateSpace, 2011.