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Kypseli: Women and Men Apart—A Divided Reality

(41 min., 1973 / 2006, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DF951.K97 K97 2006)

(41 min., 1973, VC 3286)


  Kypseli Viewing Guide


Comparative Approach


Kypseli/Vasilika/Argaki Discussion

information on the Re-view section of your Anth 3635 paper


compare: Life chances: Four Families in a Changing Cypriot Village
(39 min., 1974,  VC 4926)

Major Characteristics of American Anthropology

 Greece -- Wikipedia

Men in Kypseli, Santorini, Greece.
Kypseli, Santorini,

Greece and the Cyclades

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Emic / Etic

cf. Ethnography / Ethnology

An "etic" ethnological visit to Kypseli, Santorini, Greece

Note: This is a truly classic film in Anthropology, and as such it represents the "ethnographic present"—a practice in anthropology of treating things in whatever time or past era as if they were that way today.

Obviously, things have changed in Kypseli, and in the other Greek villages that we will have a look at in the coming weeks.

I will talk about the changes next time, after you have written your first impressions down.

For the present, treat Kypseli in the "ethnographic present"—we'll look at the "real" present and the future in the future.

An "etic" ethnological visit to Kypseli, Santorini, Greece

Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Week 2 Day 2

Kypseli: Women and Men Apart—A Divided Reality
(41 min., 1973 / 2006, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DF951.K97 K97 2006)

2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024

course viewing guide

Men in Kypseli, Santorini, Greece.
Kypseli, Santorini,

Week 6 Day 10 we will have a look at an EMIC view of a Greek Village: Life Chances: Four Families in a Changing Cypriot Village
(39 min., 1974, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 4926)
  • Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages, including one title page and one "Works Cited" (or "References") page . . .

    • Title Page (a separate page)

    • 3-4 Pages of text
      (following one of the writing strategies below, or a combination of the strategies)

    • one separate "References" (or "Works Cited") Page (see below)

      [this should NOT be called "Bibliography"]
    • You must turn in 5 - 6 pages of well-written description and personal reaction

      Shorter and/or perhaps not-so-well-written papers will be returned for revision

    • If you "run out of stuff" to say or write about, then you will be required, on your own, to view the video again in the Library


    Suggested Strategies:

    • Journalist's Questions
  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • How
  • Why

And you can do this for more than one subtopic

For example, you could have one set of "Journalist's Questions" for women's reality and a separate set for men's reality

And you could have still another for widows, etc., . . .

  • Time Sequence

    T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> T4 ---> . . .

    (In this case T1, etc., can equal scenes in the video, for example)

  • Space Sequence

    S1 ---> S2 ---> S3 ---> S4 ---> . . .

    (In this case S1, etc., could equal the spacial scenes in the video)

    (In other cases -- but not so easy to do with the information provided in this film -- with S1, etc., you could describe situations East to West, for example)

  • N number of items

    "Ten items define the importance of. . . .

    First, . . . .
    Second, . . . ."
    Third, . . . ."
    Finally, . . . ."

  • Most Important ---> Least Important:

    "The most important partition of . . . between Kypseli men and women is. . . ."

    "Next in importance to the men is . . . while women. . . ."

    "The least important to the men in Kypseli is . . . while women. . . ."

  • Comparison / Contrast

    Note how things are the same and how they are different. In the Kypseli case, a logical comparison / contrast would be with / between "The Divided Reality" of the women's world and the men's world.

    Item # 1
    Item # 2
    Item # 3
    Item # 4
    Item # N


    • Emic / Etic

    • Ethnography / Ethnology



    Working on your Field Notes

    When anthropologists are in the field participating in an event or activity it is sometimes difficult to be taking notes during that activity. One thing they often do -- as soon as they can -- is go off by themself and write notes of the event, or alternatively, expand on their notes by filling in detals.

    This is best done as soon after an event as possible.

    So generally speaking, it is a good idea to sit down and expand on your notes and as soon as possible after you have taken them. (If you are working on an interview rather than looking at video go somewhere close by immediately after the interview and write up your notes.) Expanding on your notes is especially important if you can not see the video a second time (or if you did not tape an interview, or if you were not able to take notes during a real-life interview or incident).   

    So after you have watched Kypseli go off by yourself as soon as you can and write up the acccount of your experience with the film. Be sure to take as detailed notes as you can.

    And don't forget to make a note of your personal reaction to the events and items you are writing about.



Writing up the First Draft of Your Paper

 OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
  Purdue University Online Writing Lab

Required Last Section:

After you have described what you have seen in Kypseli you must end your paper with one or more detailed paragraphs indicating your own personal response to and evaluation of the film (required)

(See Kypseli Case Study page for further details)

  criteria for grading written works
  "The Strike Zone"
  "The Curve"
  UMD Grading Policies

Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
or The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
if you do not have much experience writing college papers

Or stop by the UMD . . .

 Writers' Workship

Writers’ Workshop

The Writers' Workshop offers free one-to-one writing support to all members of UMD's campus community. Sessions are held synchronously online or in-person with a graduate student or faculty consultant. Feel free to bring any writing project at any stage in the writing process. To make an appointment, visit or stop by the Workshop’s front desk located on the second floor of Martin Library and visit with Jill Jenson and her staff.  

Students in this class have permission to see a Writers’ Workshop consultant for assistance on exams, and all written projects.

Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center on the second floor of Martin Library offers free tutoring sessions for this course. Your tutor will be a high-achieving student trained to assist you. To learn more about the Tutoring Center, find the tutor(s) qualified for this subject area, or reserve a time with a tutor, please visit the Tutoring Center website. The tutors look forward to working with you!


Research Help

Research Help is a service where librarians provide guidance, support, and instruction on how to find and use information. You can meet with a librarian when you’re not sure how to get started with a research project, when you’ve hit a wall in your research, or your usual process isn’t working. You can chat with a librarian 24/7, schedule an appointment with a subject librarian, email, or drop-in during the day



When you are finished with your paper it should look something like this . . .


Kypseli  1

[more information on your title]

A Description and Review of


Kypseli: Women and Men

apart–a Divided Reality

by Barack H. Obama II

Peoples and Cultures of Europe

Case Study

Professor Roufs

25 March 2025

Kypseli  2

I. Introduction

[more information on an Introduction]

Put an introductory statement here, explaining the nature of your case study. Include at the end a transitional statement about finding an item of interest that's a good example of some current trend or new discovery.



Kypseli  N

II. Body

[Give this section an interesting subtitle, something other than "Body"]

Describe and discuss your chosen topic(s) here. (If you do a comparison / contrast paper you will need more than one topic, otherwise a single topic is fine.)

Use some form of organizational structure, like one or more of the
"Suggested Strategies"

For this assignment your "Body" could be made up of two parts:

A. A summary of the contents
of Kypseli: Women and Men aparta Divided Reality
(41 min., 1987,  UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3286)

B. Your response / evaluation
of Kypseli

Your own personal response to and evaluation of the film is required, and you should do this response in such a way that when you look at this paper in two and a half months you will be able to recall your initial reactions/thoughts.

    Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
    or The Purdue University Online Writing Lab
    OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
    if you do not have much experience writing college papers


Kypseli  N

III. Conclusions

Put your conclusions here.

Kypseli  N


Works Cited
(or "References")
(but not "Bibliography"

Your "References" or "Works Cited" information should go on a separate page

See "Citing Electronic or Internet Resources" for information on how to cite items from the web

References should all be double-spaced


You must list videotapes and movies in your "References" section if you movies used them in your work

In APA (American Psychological Association) style reference a movie or video as follows:

  Hoffman, Susanna. M. (Director). (1973). Kypseli: Women
    and Men apart–a Divided Reality [Film].
    Distributed by Extension Media Center.
    Berkeley, CA: University of California.
  •    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024

  • Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages, including one title page and one "Works Cited" (or "References") page . . .

    • Title Page (a separate page)

    • 3-4 Pages of text
      (following one of the writing strategies above, or a combination of the strategies)

    • one separate "References" (or "Works Cited") Page (see below)

      [this should NOT be called "Bibliography"]
  • The Final Case Study counts up to 100 points
  • Your grades will be available online in your Canvas Gradebook
  criteria for grading written works
  "The Strike Zone"
  "The Curve"
  UMD Grading Policies


REM: You must list videotapes and movies in your "References" section if you movies used them in your work

In APA (American Psychological Association) style reference a movie or video as follows:

  Hoffman, Susanna. M. (Director). (1973). Kypseli: Women
    and Men aparta Divided Reality [Film].
    Distributed by Extension Media Center.
    Berkeley, CA: University of California.


About Kypseli and the Comparative Approach

  • Kypseli is part of a Comparative Approach to looking at Greece, especially rural Greece, and European Villages in General. We will be looking at . . .

    • Kypseli, on Santorini (an etic ethnological approach)

    • Vasilika, in central Greece (book by Ernestine Friedl)

    • Argaki, in central Cyprus (an emic approach, in the film Life Chances by Peter Loizos)

    • Villages in the Republic of Ireland (the textbook, Nan)

      And I will be adding materials from  . . . .

      • Stan Aschenbrenner's work in Karporfora

      • Thessalonikia (Salonika)

      • Greek-Americans in Duluth, Minnesota

      We will also look at be adding materials from  . . . .

      • Inish Óirr, in the Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland

      • Gyönk, and other villlages in Hungary

      • Italy
  • And I will be adding materials from  . . . .

    • villages in other parts of the Republic of Ireland, England, Scotland, Austria, and Italy
  • Questions about the case study project on Kypseli: Women and Men apart–a Divided Reality?

  • Or about the video Kypseli: Women and Men apart–a Divided Reality itself?
    (41 min., 1973 / 2006, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DF951.K97 K97 2006)

  • REM: Comparison / Contrast

    Note how things are the same and how they are different. In the Kypseli case, a logical comparison / contrast would be with / between "The Divided Reality" of the women's world and the men's world.

      Item # 1
      Item # 2
      Item # 3
      Item # 4
      Item # N


What changes have occurred since the making of the film?

  • Nationwide Greece has been under Austerity Programs imposed by the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since 2011.

  • In general, there has been an outmigration of the young people from the villages, largely to Athens.

  • In some villages, and more so on the mainland, and especially where there is some tourism and/or small manufacturing facilities, (and in virtually all of the cities) there is an in-migration of individuals, especially from other EU countries.

  • TVs have changed the nature of the gathering of the men in the evening at the local coffee shops

  • When the people moving in from other countries of Europe, especially from the wealthier countries, they often purchase houses but only live in the houses a few weeks of the year. In the smaller villages that changes the dynamics of the community, especially when it means that the village can no longer support a small grocery store, or a coffeehouse, or a small general store. And it affects things like the ability to support the community church.

  • The internet is opened and expanded communication network.

  • In some places grave sites (in Greece) are no longer recycled after three years. This is reducing the amount of agricultural land available.

  • The outmigration has been going on a long time, and when those who have left reach retirement age (which tends to be younger in Europe) they sometimes return to their home village.

    • sometimes to take care of elderly parents.

    • but also because they can live there fairly cheaply on their pensions.

    • and they might still own family property there.

  • Nationwide Greece has been under Austerity Programs imposed by the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since 2011. There has been some lifting of these in late 2018.

Changes in village life in Europe?

  • In Greece and in many of the European countries in general the very large numbers of immigrants coming from Africa and the Near East are changing the dynamics of the countries.

    • That has caused major political problems in many of the European countries. The effects of this are still continuing to be felt.

  • Later on we'll have a look at Prof. Willie Henderson and the Italian village he lives in during the summer . . .
  • Tim Roufs will talk about Inis Óirr (aka Inis Beag) when we cover the Aran Islands, Ireland

  • Time permitting, Tim Roufs will talk about Gyönk, a village in Hungary (and maybe also in Austria and England).

© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1604/video/Kypseli_discussion.html
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