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Life Chances:
Four Families in
[Argaki] a Changing Cypriot Village

(43 min., UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DS54.35 .L54 1974 )

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via AVON 2023.05.12

old link expires: 12/07/2023

by Peter Loizos and G. Harris

compare: Kypseli: Women and Men apart -- a Divided Reality
(41 min., 1987, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3286)

Greece -- Wikipedia
Turkey -- Wikipedia

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Alexander Street

An "Emic" analysis of a Greek family in Cyprus

(Peter Loizos)

"A careful account of social change in a prosperous Greek Cypriot village, which follows four closely related families before the Turkish made them all refugees. Their lives reflect the possibilities available to individuals and families in the village society."

Diagram of family members.


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  • Friedl, Ernestine. Review of Life Chances: Four Families in [Argaki] a Changing Cypriot Village by Peter Loizos. American Anthropologist, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Dec., 1976), pp. 955-956.

    "This excellent expository film concentrates on conveying a specific and, in my judgment, important idea -- in developing societies, a definable combination of factors contributes to the fates of contemporary rural individuals:

    1. a national policy whereby credit is granted to farmers to improve their agricultural technology and their marketing opportunities

    2. economic development which increases employment possibilities outside of agriculture

    3. the amount of land and cash the grandparent generation had available

    4. the number, birth order, and sex distribution of the children who live to inherit the property in each generation

    5. the individual's personal qualities of health, strength, and willingness to take risks. . . ."

  • video:

     Life Chances:
     Four Families in
    [Argaki] a Changing Cypriot Village

    (43 min., 1974, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD DS54.35 .L54 1974)

    An "Emic" analysis of a Greek family in Cyprus ...

    (Peter Loizos)

    (course viewing guide)

    • Major Characteristics of Anthropology


      • one of which is . . .

        • comparative methods: as major approaches to the study of human behavior development and structure

    • REM: Comparison / Contrast
      from the suggested writing/development strategies and the discussion of
      Kypseli: Women and Men apart -- a Divided Reality

      • Note how things are the same and how they are different.

        In the Kypseli case, a logical intravillage comparison / contrast would be with / between "The Divided Reality" of the women's world and the men's world.

      Item # 1
      Item # 2
      Item # 3
      Item # 4
      Item # N

    • Compare / Contrast

      • How are they Greek?

        [or Irish, or English, or French, or Scottish, or Hungarian?]

      • How are they villages?

      • How are they "peasant communities"?

      • How are they "island communities"?
        (as per discussion in Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination)

      • How are they part of
        larger social/cultural systems?

      • How are they representative of
        larger social/cultural systems?

      • How are all three of these "Master Texts" relevant to today's Anthropology of Europe?

    (viewing guide for Life Chances)

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    Bread baking in Cyprus.

    Bread baking in Cyprus

    The Telegraph

     Peter Loizos (1937-2013) obituary -- The Guardian (20 March 2012)

    Peter Loizos (1937-2013) obituary -- The Telegraph (08 May 2012)


    Loizos, Peter. 1974. Life Chances: Four Families in [Argaki] a Changing Cypriot Village. (video, 43 min.)

    Loizos, Peter. 1975. The Greek Gift: Politics in a Cypriot village. New York: St. Martin's Press.

    Loizos, Peter. 1981. The Heart Grown Bitter: A Chronicle of Cypriot War Refugees. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Loizos, Peter. 1985. Sophia's People—Eventful Lives. (video, 37 min.) United Kingdom.

    Loizos, Peter. 2008. Iron in the Soul: Displacement, Livelihood and Health in Cyprus. New York, N.Y: Berghahn Books.

    © 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
    Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1604/video/Life_Chances.html
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