About PBS

PBS eight-Duluth-Superior Area Educational Television Corporation (WDSE TV) based in Duluth, Minnesota is well known for producing award-winning historical documentary programs focusing on regional topics including the 13-part series ALBUM. Other productions include the weekly series, VENTURE NORTH, ALMANAC NORTH, and most recently IRON COUNTRY.

PBS eight has already completed six documentaries in 1997-98 on topics of interest about the Ojibwe by award-winning producer, Lorraine Norrgard. Titles include: "George Morrison Reflections", "Wild Rice Harvest I & II", "Traditional Ojibwe Ice Fishing", "onering the Maple Sugar", "Eastman Johnson's Ojibwe Portraits", and "Indian Princess Demystified". These programs have been aired on many PBS stations and the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in Canada. Other notable Native American titles by Norrgard include, "Enduring Ways of the Lac du Flambeau People", "Looks Into the Night", "A Gift to One, A Gift to Many-James Jackson Sr., Ojibwe Medicine Man".

PBS eight is committed to creating programming by, for, and about the diverse audience in the upper Great Lakes region. Through powerful and educational documentary programs PBS eight promotes understanding and respect among people of different ethnic backgrounds. "Waasa inaabidaa- We Look In All Directions" is our most ambitious project to date documenting and celebrating Ojibwe history and culture. With aerial photography, original music, dramatic scenes, archival photos & film, web site, book, CD, and teacher's guide this series promises to achieve new dimensions in historic documentary programming.

For more information or a preview vhs, contact:

Lorraine Norrgard
1202 E. University Circle
Duluth, MN 55811
Phone: 218-724-8567
Email: email@wdse.org
Fax: 218-724-4269

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