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- Fabric, see Textiles
- FactCheck.org -- Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
- Factory Farms
- "Fair Food" / "Ballpark Food"
- Fair Trade
- Fake Food
- "Fake Meat" . . .
- "Fake News," see "Alternative Facts"
- Family and Kinship, see Kinship and Descent and Genealogy
- Family History, see Geneology
- Family Trees
- Famine Foods, see Food Security
- Famine, see World Hunger
- Fannie Merritt Farmer
- FAQs (Frequntly Asked Questions)
- Farmers' Markets see Locavore
- Farming
- Farms, Factory
- Farms, Sustainable, see Sustainable Agriculture / Food
- Faroe Islands, see also Scandinavia
- Farrell-Roberts, Janine
- The
Far Side -- Gary Larson
- Fast Food
- Fasting
- Farmer's Markets, see Locavore
- Fats, see Lipids
- Folklife
- Folklore
- Folk Medicine
- Folsom
- Fonts, Enlarge
- Food
- see also
- Advertising, Food, see Food Marketing
- Agave
- "Ag-Gag" Laws
- Agriculture,
- Agriculture, Modern, see Factory Farms
- Agricultural Subsidies
- Agriculture / Food, Sustainable
- Agriculture, Regenerative, see Sustainable Agriculture / Food
- Allergies, Food
- Amaranth
- Animal Rights / Animal Welfare
- Anthropology of Food (General Page--see A-Z Index Above for specific items)
- Anthropophagy (cannibalism)
- Apples
- Archaeology and Food, see "Food and Archaeology" / Prehistoric Food Bibliography
- Chefs, see Restaurants
- Food and / in Art
- Artificial Sweetners
- Avocado
- Avoidances, see Taboo Food and Drink
- Baking, see Bread, and Food Chemistry
- Baklava
- Ballpark food, etc., see Fair Food
- Balti (curry)
- Bananas
- Barbeque (BBQ; bar-b-que), see Smoked Meats and "Cooking"
- Barley
- Beans
- Beef, see also Milk and Domesticated Animals
- Bentō, see Obentō
- Beverages
- Bibliography
- Big Food, see Nutrition, and Food Marketing, and Obesity
- Food-Related Biography
- Bio-Physical Anthropology and Food
- "the bliss point", see Sugar
- Food Blogs
- Booya
- Bread
- Breakfast
- Bushmeat
- Caffeine, see also Brain, Cocoa, Coffee, Coke (beverage), Cola, Energy Drinks, Kombucha, Nutritional Psychology, and Tea
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), see Factory Farms
- Cannabidiol) (CBD) in food, see Cannabis Edibles
- Cannabis Edibles
- Canning, see Food Science
- CBD (cannabidiol) in food, see Cannabis Edibles
- Charles III -- On the Future of Food
- Cheese, see Milk and Dairy Products
- Chickens
- Chinese Gooseberry, see Kiwifruit
- Chocolate
- Citrus
- Climate Change, and Food
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Comfort Food / Soul Food
- Commodities
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), see Locavore
- Competetitive Eating
- "Corn" see Maize
- Course Outline
- COVID-19 and Food
- Cranberry
- Food and Crime
- Culinary Appropriation /
Culinary Colonialism
- Culinary Colonialism / Culinary Appropriation
- Curry
- Dates (fruit)
- Dairy Products, see Milk and Dairy Products
- [Food] Deserts, not to be confused with Desserts; for those see Frozen Desserts and Sweet Treats
- Diet(s)
- Dirt / Soil, and Food
- Durian
- Eating Disorders
- Eggs
- Entomophagy (Insect Eating)
- Food and the Environment
- Exotic Foods, see Extreme Cuisine
- Extreme Cuisine
- Factory Farms (Industrial Agriculture)
- "Fair Food"
- Fair Trade
- Fake Food
- "Fake Mea"t . . .
- Famine Foods, see Food Security
- Farmer's Markets, see Locavore
- Fasting
- Fast Food
- Festival Foods and Food Festivals, see also Holiday Food
- Figs
- Fish
- Food Additction, see Nutritional Psychology, Obesity, Fat, Salt, Sweet (Sugar), and Junk Food
- Food Advertising, see Food Marketing
- Food and Bio-Physical Anthropology
- Food and Climate Change
- Food and Crime
- Food and Drink Taboos, see also Food and Religion
- Food and Language
- Food Archaeology
- Food as Medicine
- Food Chemistry, see also Food Science
- Food Crisis, see World Hunger
- Food Deserts, not to be confused with Desserts; for those see Frozen Desserts and Sweet Treats
- Food Distribution, see Locavore
- Food Ethics
- Food Etiquette and Table Manners
- Food Justice, see Food Ethics
- Food Sustainable
- Food Workers (see also COVID-19 and Food)
- Festival Foods and Food Festivals
- Food and Crime
- Food and Global Warming, see Climate Change, and Food
- Food and Law
- Food Films
- Food Guide Pyramid, see MyPlate
- Food Images / Photography / Styling
- Food Insects, see Entomophagy
- Food Irradiation
- Food Labeling, see Food Marketing
- Food of the Countries, Cultures, Regions, Areas, and Territories available on this WebSite
- Food Marketing
- Food Photography / Styling / Images
- Food Politics
- Food Preservation, see Food Science and Smoked Meats
- Food Processing, see Food Science
- Food Psychology, see Nutritional Psychology
- Food Pyramid, see MyPlate
- Food Revolutions (.pptx)
- Food Safety
- Food Science
- Food Sharing
- Food Stamps, see Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Food Styling / Photography / Images
- Food Supplements / Sports Supplements
- Food Technology, see Food Science
- Food Transportation, see also Locavore
- Food Trucks
- Frankfurter, see Sausage
- Fruit
- Fungi
- Fusion Cuisine, see also Culinary Appropriation /
Culinary Colonialism
- Future of Food
- Gender and Food
- Genetically Modified (GM) Food
- Globalization, see Global Issues
- Global Issues
- Goats
- Gluten Sensitivity / Gluten Intolerance
- GM (Genetically Modified) Food
- Guacamole, see Avocado
- Food History
- Frozen Desserts
- Health and Nutrition, see Nutrition
- Heirloom Crops
- Hogs (Pigs), see also Animal Domestication
- Holiday Food, see also Festival Foods and Food Festivals
- Honey and Bees
- Hot Dish
- Hot Dog, see Sausage
- Ice Cream, see Frozen Desserts
- "Impossible Burger" / "Impossible" Meats, see Food Science
- Individual Countries and Cultures
- Irradiation, Food
- King Charles III -- On the Future of Food
- Kiwifruit
- Kolache
- Kombucha, see also Tea
- Lactose Intolerance
- Language and Food
- Last Meals and Prison Food
- Food and Law
- Lectures from Other Universities and Organizations
- Lettuce
- Lingonberries
- Food and Literature
- Lobster
- Locavore
- Lucky foods
- Maize ("corn")
- Manioc, see Cassava
- Margarine
- Marijuana in food, see Cannabis Edibles
- Meals / Mealtime (Commensality)
- Meat Eating
- Meat, "Fake" . . .
- Medieval Cookery
- Mediterranean diet , see
Diets, and Mediterranean > Food
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Methods, Research
- Milk and Dairy Products
- Millet
- Minnesota Food
- Nanofoods
- National Dishes, see Locavore
- National Geographic Food Film Videoclips
- Nutraceuticals
- Nutrition
- Nutritional Psychology
- Nuts
- Oats
- Obentō
- Obesity
- Olives
- Onions
- On-line Resources, see also individual item(s)
- Open Courseware, Food Related
- Organic Food
- Overeating, see Obesity
- Palm Oil
- Papaya
- Peanuts
- Pepper, see Chili Pepper
- PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), see Animal Rights / Animal Welfare
- Pho
- Pickling, see Food Science
- Pigs (Hogs), see also Animal Domestication
- Pizza
- Plagues
- Plantains
- Plant-based Eating
- Politics, Food
- Pork, see Hogs / Pigs
- Potato
- Potica
- Prehistoric
Food, see also individual countries and cultures, and individual foods
- Food Preservation, see Food Science and Smoked Meats
- Prison Food, and Last Meals
- Probiotics
- Puffer Fish, see Extreme Cuisine
- Pulses, see Beans
- Food Pyramid, Food, see MyPlate
- Quinoa
- Raw Foodism
- Recipes
- Refrigeration, see Food Science
- Regenerative Agriculture, see Sustainable Agriculture / Food
- Religion and Food, including Spirituality and Food
- Research Methods
- Restaurants
- Revolutions, Food (.pptx)
- Rice
- Rituals
- Roadfood
- Safety, see also Food Security
- Salt
- Sausage
- Science, see Food Science
- Seasonal Food, see Locavore
- Security, see also Food Safety
- Seaweed
- Slow Food
- Social Networking (food and), see Nutritional Psychology, Obesity
- Soil / Dirt, and Food
- Sorghum
- Soul Food / Comfort Food
- Food Sovereignty
- Soybeans
- Special Offer
- Spices
- Spirituality and Food, including Religion and Food
- Sports Nutrition
- State Fair Food, see "Fair Food"
- Street Food, see Fast Food and Locavore and Food Trucks
- Sugar
- Sustainable Agriculture / Food
- Superstitions
- Sushi, see Fish
- Sweet Treats
- Table Manners and Food Etiquette
- Taboo Food and Drink, see also Food and Religion
- Taste
- Tax
- Tea
- Teff
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in food, see Cannabis Edibles
- THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in food, see Cannabis Edibles
- Tiger Nuts
- Timelines
- Tomato
- Transportation
- Trivia
- Turkeys
- Turtles
- Ultra Processed Foods (UPF), see Food Science
- UPF (Ultra Processed Foods), see Food Science
- Urban Farming
- Vanilla
- Veganism / Vegetarianism
- Vegetarianism / Veganism
- Vitamins, see Nutrition
- Vitamania, see Nutritional Psychology
- Waffle
- Waste
- Webography
- Wheat
- Wild Rice
- World Food Day
- Workers, Food, (see also COVID-19 and Food)
- Food Films / Videos
- Food Pyramid, see MyPlate
- Food Guide Pyramid, see MyPlate
- Food Science
- Food Stamps, see Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Food Trucks
- Food Waste
Food Webography
- Food Workers (see also COVID-19 and Food)
- Footnote to the Semester
- Foraging, see Hunting / Gathering / Foraging
- Foreign
Language Resources
- Foreign Students -- UMD, see International
Students -- UMD
- Forensics
- Forms and Handouts
- Forums, Discussion--Sample Answers / Responses w / Grades
- "Fourfold Approach" in American Anthropology
- "A
Four-Stage Model of Cross-Cultural Understanding" -- Martin J. Gannon (slides)