52. Francois DURAND (1) was born in 1795 in St.Cuthbert, Quebec. He died in 1854. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Farmer He was married to Elizabeth BELANGER in 1826 in St.Michel, Quebec.

53. Elizabeth BELANGER (1) was born in 1810. !INDIVIDUAL BIRTH RESEARCH NOTES:
The birth year is a guess based on the family norm that women married at
around the age of 16. Children were:

child26 i. Pierre DURAND.
child ii. Joseph DURAND(1) was born in 1831 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child iii. Domililde DURAND(1) was born in 1833 in Muskinonge, Quebec. She died in 1836 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child iv. Joseph - Chrysostome DURAND(1) was born in 1835 in Muskinonge, Quebec. He died in 1836 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child v. Felix DURAND(1) was born in 1837 in Muskinonge, Quebec. He died in 1915 in Faribault MN. U.S.A.. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Emigrated with his brother Pierre and Sister Olivia (Durand) Thibodeau
from St.Gabriel de Brandon in 1867, possibly to homestead land in
Faribault Minnesota. Half-siblings(Children of Louise Sarrazin) Nazaire,
Joseph and Eugenie (Durand) Champagne also emigrated to Faribault with
Elizabeth's children

These relatives all had large families. Most of the Minnesota and Wisconsin
Durands can be traced to these six grandchildren of Joseph Durand (1770-1835)

Felix and Leocadie arrived in Minnesota from Canada in 1880
child vi. Leocadie DURAND(1) was born in 1838 in Muskinonge, Quebec. She died in 1850 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child vii. Philomene DURAND(1) was born in 1839 in Muskinonge, Quebec. She died in 1850 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child viii. Frederick DURAND(1) was born in 1841 in Muskinonge, Quebec. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Merchant at Saint Barthelemy, Quebec
child ix. Narcisse DURAND(1) was born in 1844 in Muskinonge, Quebec.
child x. Olive DURAND(1) was born in 1846 in Muskinonge, Quebec. !INDIVIDUAL GENERAL RESEARCH NOTES:
Emigrated with her brothers Felix and Pierre
from St.Gabriel de Brandon in 1867, possibly to homestead land in
Faribault Minnesota. Half-siblings(Children of Louise Sarrazin) Nazaire,
Joseph and Eugenie (Durand) Champagne also emigrated to Faribault with
Elizabeth's children.

These relatives all had large families. Most of the Minnesota and Wisconsin
Durands can be traced to these six grandchildren of Joseph Durand (1770-1835)
child xi. Zoe (Sister St.Claire) DURAND(1) was born in 1849 in Muskinonge, Quebec. She died in 1921 in Toledo Ohio U.S.A..
child xii. Marie - Edwidge DURAND(1) was born in 1850 in Muskinonge, Quebec. She died in 1865 in St.Gabriel, Quebec.
child xiii. Abraham DURAND(1) was born in 1854 in Muskinonge, Quebec. He died in 1854 in Muskinonge, Quebec.

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