accept(File, String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.SuffixFilter
sf.accept(dir, name) returns true if name ends with the suffix established in the constructor for sf.
accept(File, String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.AllFileFilter
aff.accept(dir, name) always returns true.
add(Command) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.add(comm) adds comm to ct.
add(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.add(dat) adds dat to disp.
add(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.add(dat) adds dat to dict.
add(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.add(k, dat) adds an entry with data dat and key k to dict.
add(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
add(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
add(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.add(dat) adds dat to disp.
add(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.add(dat, pri) adds dat to pq with priority pri.
add(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.add(k, dat) adds an entry with data dat and key k to tbl.
add(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.add(dat, pri) adds dat to pq with priority pri.
add(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.add(k, dat) adds an entry with data dat and key k to tbl.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.util.RandomAccessTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.util.DispenserTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.util.DictionaryTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.util.TableTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.FormattingTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addCommands() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester
addCommands() adds testing commands to the command table.
addError(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.addError(msg) adds msg to the error list for ls.
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
cf.addFilter(fltr) adds fltr as a constituent filter of cf.
addFirst(Object) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.addFirst(dat) adds dat as the first data item in cl.
addIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
addIndex(k) returns the index where an entry with key k should be added.
addIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
addIndex(k) returns the index where an entry with key k should be added.
addIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
addIndex(pri) returns the index at which pri should be added to this priority queue.
addIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
addIndex(o) returns the index at which o should be added to this list dispenser.
addLast(Object) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.addLast(dat) adds dat as the last data item in cl.
addReporter - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
advance() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.advance() advances the current position in ls.
advance() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.advance() advances the input position of src to the next line.
advance() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.advance() advances the input position of src to the next line.
advance() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.advance() advances the input position of src to the next line.
AllFileFilter - class gshute.ioutil.AllFileFilter.
An AllFileFilter implements the FilenameFilter interface by accepting all files.
AllFileFilter() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.AllFileFilter
new AllFileFilter() returns a FilenameFilter that accepts all files.
AND - Static variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
AND is the combination mode value for a compound filter that accepts an object if all of its filters accept the object.
append(CircularList) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.append(cl1) appends cl1 onto the end of cl and makes cl1 empty.
arguments - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Command
arguments is the list of arguments for this command.
atChar() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.atChar() returns true if the token at the current position of ls is a character.
atEnd() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.atEnd() returns true if the current position of ls is at the end of the line.
atFloat() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.atFloat() returns true if the token at the current position of ls is a float.
atInt() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.atInt() returns true if the token at the current position of ls is an int.
atString() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.atString() returns true if the token at the current position of ls is a string.


baseIterator - Variable in class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
baseIterator is the base iterator.
BatchLineSource - class gshute.ioutil.BatchLineSource.
A BatchLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines of a disk file.
BatchLineSource(String) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.BatchLineSource
BatchLineSource(fName) returns a LineSource that dispenses LineScanners for lines of the file named fName.
binary(long, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.binary(n, w) returns the unsigned binary representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
binary(long, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.binary(n, w, fc) returns the unsigned binary representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
brief - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Command
brief is a brief description of this command.
briefDescription(int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.briefDescription(nameWidth) returns the brief description string for comm.
briefHelp() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.briefHelp() returns the brief help string for comm.
BYTE - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
BYTE_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators


CircularList - class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.
A CircularList is a list with its far end linked to its near end.
CircularList.Node - class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node.
A Node is a building block for circular linked lists.
CircularList.Node(CircularList) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node
Node() returns a Node with null data and next.
CircularList.Node(CircularList, Object) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node
Node(dat) returns a Node with data dat and null next.
CircularList.Node(CircularList, Object, CircularList.Node) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node
Node(dat, l) returns a Node with data dat and next l.
CircularList() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
CircularList() returns an empty CircularList.
CircularList(Object) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
CircularList(dat) returns a CircularList with a single data item dat.
CircularListTester - class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester.
This class provides a main() method for testing the CircularList class.
CircularListTester() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester
classedMethodName(Method) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
classifyToken() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.classifyToken() sets currentType to the type of the current token of ls.
classSubclassOf(Class, Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.classSubclassOf(cl1, cl2) returns true if cl1 is a subclass of cl2.
clear() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.clear() removes all entries from disp.
clear() - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.clear() removes all entries from ra.
clear() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.clear() removes all entries from dict.
clear() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.clear() removes all entries from dict.
clear() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.clear() removes all entries from pq.
clear() - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.clear() removes all entries from tbl.
clear() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.clear() removes all entries from pq.
clear() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.clear() removes all entries from disp.
clear() - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.clear() removes all entries from tbl.
columnIndex(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
columnIndex(n) returns the index in columns of the column whose name is n.
columnNames() - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.columnNames(n) returns an iterator for the column names of dbt.
columns - Variable in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
Command - class gshute.ioutil.Command.
The Command class is the parent class for subclasses whose instances are commands that can be stored in a CommandTable for execution in a command interpreter program.
Command() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.Command
new Command() returns a command whose name is "#", whose argument string is an empty string, and whose brief and full descriptions are "line is a comment"
commandName() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.commandName() returns the command name string for comm.
commands - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
commands is the list of commands in this CommandTable.
commandStream - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
commandStream is the LineStream from which this Tester reads commands.
commandTable - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
commandTable is the table of Commands that this Tester can execute.
CommandTable - class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable.
A CommandTable provides a means for storing, retrieving, and executing commands for command-driven interpreter programs.
CommandTable() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
new CommandTable() returns a new empty CommandTable.
CommandTableTest - class gshute.ioutil.CommandTableTest.
Class CommandTableTest provides a main function for testing the CommandTable class.
CommandTableTest() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.CommandTableTest
comparator - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
comparator is the comparator for keys in this dictionary.
comparator - Variable in class gshute.util.ListTable
comparator is the comparator for keys in this table.
comparator - Variable in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
comparator is the comparator for priorities in this priority queue.
comparators - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators - class gshute.util.Comparators.
Class Comparators is a factory class that provides comparators for comparing Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, and String objects.
Comparators() - Constructor for class gshute.util.Comparators
concat(Iterator, Iterator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.concat(iter1, iter2) returns an iterator whose iteration sequence is the concatenation of the iteration sequences of iter1 and iter2.
convert(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.IteratorConverter
cvt.convert(o) returns the iterator selected for o by cvt.
convert(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Converter
cvt.convert(o) returns the value for o after conversion by cvt.
ConvertedIterator - class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator.
A ConvertedIterator is an iterator that converts the items in a base iterator.
ConvertedIterator(Collection, Converter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
new ConvertedIterator(c, cvtr) returns a new converted iterator whose base iterator is a default iterator for c and whose converter is cvtr.
ConvertedIterator(Iterator, Converter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
new ConvertedIterator(baseIt, cvtr) returns a new converted iterator whose base iterator is baseIt and whose converter is cvtr.
ConvertedListGenerator - class gshute.util.ConvertedListGenerator.
FIXME - add documentation.
ConvertedListGenerator(ListGenerator, Converter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ConvertedListGenerator
converter - Variable in class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
converter is the item converter.
Converter - interface gshute.util.Converter.
A Converter provides a strategy for converting objects.
Converters - class gshute.util.Converters.
Class Converters is a factory class that provides converters for accepting classes and methods based on various criteria.
copyToken() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
copyToken() copies the current token of this LineScanner into currentToken and sets currentTokenEnd to the position just beyond the end of the current token string.
createPrioritizedQueue(Comparator) - Static method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
ListDispenser.createPrioritizedQueue(c) returns a new prioritized queue that uses c for comparing priorities.
createQueue() - Static method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
ListDispenser.createQueue() returns a new queue (FIFO Dispenser).
createRandomizedQueue() - Static method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
ListDispenser.createRandomizedQueue() returns a new randomized dispenser.
createRandomizedQueue(long) - Static method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
ListDispenser.createRandomizedDispenser(s) returns a new randomized dispenser.
createStack() - Static method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
ListDispenser.createStack() returns a new stack (LIFO Dispenser).
current() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.current() returns the line at the current position of src.
current() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource
src.current() returns the line at the current position of src.
current() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.current() returns the line at the current position of src.
current() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.current() returns the line at the current input position of src.
currentChar() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.currentChar() returns the string value of the current token of ls.
currentFloat() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.currentFloat() returns the float value of the current token of ls.
currentInnerIterator - Variable in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
currentInnerIterator is the current inner iterator.
currentInt() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.currentInt() returns the int value of the current token of ls.
currentLine - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
currentLine is the current line for this LineSource.
currentPosition - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
currentPosition is the beginning position in text of currentToken.
currentString() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.currentString() returns the string value of the current token of ls.
currentToken - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
currentToken is a StringBuffer containing the current token of this LineScanner.
currentTokenEnd - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
currentTokenEnd the end position in text of currentToken.
currentType - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
currentType is the type of currentToken.


data - Variable in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue.Entry
e.data is the data for e.
data - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node
l.data is the data for l.
data() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.data() returns the accessible entry of disp.
data() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.data() returns the highest priority data in pq.
data() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.data() returns the highest priority data in pq.
data() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.data() returns the accessible entry of disp.
data(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.data(k) returns the data for key k in tbl.
data(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.data(k) returns the data for key k in tbl.
DatabaseTable - class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.
A DatabaseTable is a poor-person's table in a database.
DatabaseTable.Row - class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row.
A Row provides access to the data in a row of a database table.
DatabaseTable.Row(DatabaseTable, Hashtable) - Constructor for class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row
new Row(ht) returns a row object with data from ht.
DatabaseTable(String) - Constructor for class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
new DatabaseTable(tn) returns a database connection to the table named tn.
DatabaseTableTest - class gshute.util.DatabaseTableTest.
Class DatabaseTableTest provides a main() method for testing the DatabaseTable class.
DatabaseTableTest() - Constructor for class gshute.util.DatabaseTableTest
dataFor(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.dataFor(k) returns the data for key k in ra.
dataFor(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.dataFor(k) returns the data for key k in dict.
dataFor(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.dataFor(k) returns the data for key k in dict.
dataReader - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
dataReader is the BufferReader for the file named by fileName.
decimal(long, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.decimal(n, w) returns the decimal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
decimal(long, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.decimal(n, w, fc) returns the decimal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
defaultConverter - Static variable in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
defaultValue - Variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
defaultValue is the the value returned by the isAcceptable() method of this compound filter when it has no constituent filters.
Dictionary - interface gshute.util.Dictionary.
A Dictionary is a random access collection in which search keys are an integral part of a data entry.
DictionaryTester - class gshute.util.DictionaryTester.
The DictionaryTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Dictionary interface.
DictionaryTester() - Constructor for class gshute.util.DictionaryTester
dispenser - Variable in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
dispenser is the dispenser that this GraphSearcher will use to determine the order of visiting vertices.
Dispenser - interface gshute.util.Dispenser.
A Dispenser is a collection of entries with a distinguished entry, called the accessible entry, that can be examined or removed.
DispenserTester - class gshute.util.DispenserTester.
The DispenserTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Dispenser interface.
DispenserTester() - Constructor for class gshute.util.DispenserTester
displayHelp(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.displayHelp(String str) displays full descriptions for Commands in ct whose name matches str.
displayMenu() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.displayMenu() displays a menu of commands in ct.
doCommands() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
doCommands() executes commands from the command stream.
doNothingCommand(String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
CommandTable.doNothingCommand(str) returns a Command that does nothing.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
DOUBLE_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators


ECHO - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
echoOn - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
echoOn is true if this LineScanner should echo the lines that it reads.
echoPolicy - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
echoPolicy determines if this LineScanner echoes lines before printing errors.
echoPolicy - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
echoPolicy indicates whether or not a LineScanner from this LineSource should echo the line before reporting errors.
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.SearchableGraph
g.edgesFrom(ov) returns an iterator for the edges of g that leave ov.
emptyIterator - Static variable in class gshute.util.Iterators
emptyIterator is the singleton empty iterator.
endInsert() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.endInsert() terminates an insert begun by insertInteractiveLines() or insertBatchLines().
endInsertCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.endInsertCommand(nm) returns a Command whose name is nm.
endSearch() - Method in interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder
rcrdr.endSearch() performs any necessary cleanup after a search.
endSearch() - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
rcrdr.endSearch() performs any necessary cleanup after a search.
entries - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
entries is the list of entries for this dictionary.
entries - Variable in class gshute.util.ListTable
entries is the list of entries for this table.
entries - Variable in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
entries is the list of entries for this priority queue.
entries - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
equals(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.equals(Object q) returns true if q is a Pair and the first members of p and q are equal and the second members of p and q are equal.
errorCount() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.errorCount() returns the number of error messages in ls.
errors - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
errors is a Vector of errors that have been recorded in this LineScanner.
execute(LineScanner) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.execute(commLine) executes the Command whose name is the first word of commLine and whose arguments are the remaining words of commLine.
execute(LineScanner) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.execute(args) executes the command comm with arguments read from args.


fileName - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
fileName is the name of the file that this LineScanner reads lines from.
filledLeft(String, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.filledLeft(str, w) returns a copy of the string str, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
filledLeft(String, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.filledLeft(str, w, fc) returns a copy of the string str, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
filledRight(String, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.filledRight(str, w) returns a copy of the string str, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
filledRight(String, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.filledRight(str, w, fc) returns a copy of the string str, left justified in a string field of width at least w.
fillString(int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.fillString(w) returns a string of length w whose characters are all spaces.
fillString(int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.fillString(w, fc) returns a string of length w whose characters are all copies of fc.
Filter - interface gshute.util.Filter.
A Filter provides a strategy for filtering objects in a FilteredIterator.
FilteredIterator - class gshute.util.FilteredIterator.
A FilteredIterator is an iterator that filters the items in a base iterator.
FilteredIterator(Collection, Filter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
new FilteredIterator(c, fltr) returns a new filtered iterator whose base iterator is a default iterator for c and whose filter is fltr.
FilteredIterator(Iterator, Filter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
new FilteredIterator(baseIt, fltr) returns a new filtered iterator whose base iterator is baseIt and whose filter is fltr.
FilteredListGenerator - class gshute.util.FilteredListGenerator.
FIXME - add documentation.
FilteredListGenerator(ListGenerator, Filter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.FilteredListGenerator
filters - Variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
filters is the vector of constituent filters for this compound filter.
Filters - class gshute.util.Filters.
Class Filters is a factory class that provides filters for accepting classes and methods based on various criteria.
Filters.Compound - class gshute.util.Filters.Compound.
A Filters.Compound object combines the acceptance decisions of its constituent filters.
Filters.Compound(Filters) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound() returns a new compound filter that has mode AND and has no constituent filters.
Filters.Compound(Filters, Filter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound(fltr) returns a new compound filter that has mode AND and has fltr as its only constituent filter.
Filters.Compound(Filters, Filter, Filter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound(fltr1, fltr2) returns a new compound filter that has mode AND and has fltr1 and fltr2 as its only constituent filters.
Filters.Compound(Filters, Filter, Filter, int) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound(fltr1, fltr2, md) returns a new compound filter that has mode md and has fltr1 and fltr2 as its only constituent filters.
Filters.Compound(Filters, Filter, int) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound(fltr, md) returns a new compound filter that has mode md and has fltr as its only constituent filter.
Filters.Compound(Filters, int) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
new Filters.Compound(md) returns a new compound filter that has mode md and has no constituent filters.
findNextAcceptableItem() - Method in class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
findNextAcceptableItem() advances the base iterator to the next item that is accepted by the filter, if there is one.
first - Variable in class gshute.util.Pair
first is the first member of this pair.
fixedPoint(double, int, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.fixedPoint(x, w, p) returns the fixed point representation of x, right justified in a string field of width at least w, with p digits after the decimal point.
FLOAT - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
FLOAT_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
floatingPoint(double, int, int, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.floatingPoint(x, w, i, p) returns the floating point representation of x, right justified in a string field of width at least w, with i digits before the decimal point and p digits after the decimal point.
forByte() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forByte() returns a comparator for the Byte class.
forByteReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forByteReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Byte class.
forDouble() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forDouble() returns a comparator for the Double class.
forDoubleReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forDoubleReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Double class.
forFloat() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forFloat() returns a comparator for the Float class.
forFloatReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forFloatReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Float class.
forInteger() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forInteger() returns a comparator for the Integer class.
forIntegerReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forIntegerReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Integer class.
forLong() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forLong() returns a comparator for the Long class.
forLongReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forLongReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Long class.
Formatting - class gshute.ioutil.Formatting.
The Formatting class provides utility methods for formatting text for String and numerical data.
FormattingTester - class gshute.ioutil.FormattingTester.
This class provides a main() method for testing the Formatting class.
FormattingTester() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.FormattingTester
forShort() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forShort() returns a comparator for the Short class.
forShortReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forShortReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the Short class.
forString() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forString() returns a comparator for the String class.
forStringReversed() - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.forStringReversed() returns a reverse order comparator for the String class.
full - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Command
name is a full description of this command.
fullClassName(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
fullDescription() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.fullDescription() returns the full description string for comm.
fullHelp() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.fullHelp() returns the full help string for comm.
fullMethodName(Method) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers


geqIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
geqIndex(k) returns the index of the first entry with key greater than or equal to k or entries.size() if there is no such entry.
geqIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
geqIndex(k) returns the index of the first entry with key greater than or equal to k or entries.size() if there is no such entry.
getArrayIterator(Object[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.getArrayIterator(Object[] ar) returns an iterator for the entries of ar.
getClassedMethodNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getClassMethodsGenerator(boolean) - Static method in class gshute.util.ListGenerators
getClassNotSubclassOfFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getClassNotSubclassOfFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Class.
getClassNotSuperclassOfFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getClassNotSuperclassOfFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Class.
getClassSubclassOfFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getClassSubclassOfFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Class.
getClassSuperclassOfFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getClassSuperclassOfFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Class.
getCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
getCommand(str) returns the Command in this CommandTable whose name matches str.
getCommandsMatching(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
getCommandsMatching(str) returns an Enumeration of Commands in this CommandTable whose names match str.
getData() - Method in interface gshute.util.Table.Entry
e.getData() returns the data for e.
getEchoPolicy() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.getEchoPolicy(echoPol) returns the echo policy of ls.
getEmptyIterator() - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.getEmptyIterator() returns an empty list iterator.
getFileName() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.getFileName() Returns the name of the file from which src reads lines.
getFileName() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.getFileName() Returns the name of the file from which src reads lines.
getFileName() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.getFileName() Returns the name of the file from which src reads lines.
getFirst() - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.getFirst() returns the first member of p.
getFirst() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.getFirst() returns the first data item in cl.
getFirstComparator(Comparator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Pair
Pair.getFirstComparator(cmp) returns an comparator that compares pairs by applying cmp to the first members.
getFixedClassGenerator(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.ListGenerators
getFixedObjectGenerator(Object[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.ListGenerators
getFloatValue(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row
r.getFloatValue(col) returns the float value in the column named col of r.
getFromVertex(Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.SearchableGraph
g.getFromVertex(oe) returns the from (source) vertex of oe.
getFullClassNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getFullMethodNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getIncludedFrom() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.getIncludedFrom() returns the LineSource that src is included from, or null if there is no such LineSource.
getIntValue(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row
r.getIntValue(col) returns the integer value in the column named col of r.
getKey() - Method in interface gshute.util.Table.Entry
e.getKey() returns the key for e.
getKey(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.getKey(dat) returns the key that dict uses for dat.
getKey(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.getKey(dat) returns the key that dict uses for dat.
getLast() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.getLast() returns the last data item in cl.
getLexComparator(Comparator, Comparator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Pair
Pair.getLexComparator(cmp1, cmp2) returns an comparator that compares pairs by applying cmp1 to the first members and using cmp2 on the second members if the first members are equal.
getLineNumber() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.getLineNumber() returns the line number of the current line in src.
getLineNumber() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.getLineNumber() returns the line number of the current line in src.
getLineNumber() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.getLineNumber() returns the line number of the current line in src.
getList(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.FilteredListGenerator
getList(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ConvertedListGenerator
getList(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.ListGenerator
lg.getList(o) returns an array of objects generated by lg using o as a configurator object.
getMethodArgTypeConverter(int) - Static method in class gshute.util.Converters
Converters.getMethodArgTypeConverter(n) returns a converter for Method objects, converting them to the type of their n-th argument.
getMethodImpByFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getMethodImpByFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Method.
getMethodNameFilter(String, String) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getMethodNameFilter(strt, end) returns a filter that filters objects from class Method.
getMethodNotImpByFilter(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getMethodNotImpByFilter(cl) returns a filter that filters objects from class Method.
getMethodNumArgsFilter(int) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.getMethodNumArgsFilter(n) returns a filter that filters objects from class Method.
getName(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Namer
nmr.getName(o) returns the name assigned to o by nmr.
getRow(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.getRow(k) returns the table row whose key (first column) is k, or null if there is no such row.
getRows() - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.getRows() returns an iterator for all of the table rows in dbt.
getRows(String, String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.getRows(col, val) returns an iterator for the table rows whose value in the column named col is val.
getSecond() - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.getSecond() returns the second member of p.
getSecondComparator(Comparator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Pair
Pair.getSecondComparator(cmp) returns an comparator that compares pairs by applying cmp to the second members.
getShortClassNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getShortMethodNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getSignatureMethodNamer() - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
getSingleItemIterator(Object) - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.getSingleItemIterator(o) returns an iterator whose iteration sequence contains only the item o.
getText() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.getText(echoPol) returns the text of ls.
getToMatch(int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
getToMatch(pos) returns the position in text of the character just beyond the first unescaped match for the character at pos.
getToVertex(Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.SearchableGraph
g.getToVertex(oe) returns the to (destination) vertex of oe.
getValue(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Selector
sel.getValue(dat) returns the value selected by sel for dat.
getValue(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row
r.getValue(col) returns the string value in the column named col of r.
getValues(String, String, String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.getValues(col1, col2, val) returns an iterator for the values in col1 of dbt for rows whose value in the column named col2 is val.
getVia(Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
rcrdr.getVia(ov) is called after a graph search using rcrdr to get the edge that led to ov in the search.
graph - Variable in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
graph is the graph that this GraphSearcher will search.
GraphSearcher - class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher.
A GraphSearcher conducts graph searches on searchable graphs.
GraphSearcher() - Constructor for class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
GraphSearchRecorder - interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder.
The GraphSearchRecorder interface defines the methods required for an object that records visitation and results in a graph search.
gshute.graph - package gshute.graph
gshute.ioutil - package gshute.ioutil
gshute.util - package gshute.util


hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator
hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
iter.hasNext() returns true if there is another object in iter.
hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
iter.hasNext() returns true if there is another object in iter.
hasNext() - Method in class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
iter.hasNext() returns true if there is another object in iter.
hasPrevious() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
helpCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.helpCommand(str) returns a Command named str.
hexadecimal(long, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.hexadecimal(n, w) returns the unsigned hexadecimal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
hexadecimal(long, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.hexadecimal(n, w, fc) returns the unsigned hexadecimal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.


ILineSource - interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource.
ILineSource is the interface for classes that can dispense LineScanners for lines read from an input stream.
includedFrom - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
includedFrom is the source from which this LineSource has been included.
initialize() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
strm.initialize() establishes the LineSource starting conditions for strm.
initialize() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource
strm.initialize() establishes the InteractiveLineSource starting conditions for strm.
insertBatchLines(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.insertBatchLines(fn) inserts lines read from the file named by fn into the stream of lines read by strm.
insertInteractiveLines(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.insertInteractiveLines(prmt) inserts lines read from the terminal into the stream of lines read by strm.
insertLinesCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.insertLinesCommand(nm) returns a Command whose name is nm.
INTEGER - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
INTEGER_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
InteractiveLineSource - class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource.
An InteractiveLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines read from the terminal.
isAcceptable(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
cf.isAcceptable(o) returns true if o is accepted by cf.
isAcceptable(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Filter
fltr.isAcceptable(o) returns true if fltr accepts o.
isColumnName(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
dbt.isColumnName(n) returns true if n is the name of a column in dbt.
isEmpty() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.isEmpty() returns true if cl is empty.
isKey(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.isKey(k) returns true if there is an entry with key k in ra.
isKey(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.isKey(k) returns true if there is an entry with key k in dict.
isKey(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.isKey(k) returns true if there is an entry with key k in dict.
isKey(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.isKey(k) returns true if there is an entry with key k in tbl.
isKey(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.isKey(k) returns true if there is an entry with key k in tbl.
isVisited(Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder
isVisited(v) returns true if v has been visited.
isVisited(Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
rcrdr.isVisited(ov) returns true if ov has been visited in a graph search using rcrdr.
iterator() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.iterator() returns an iterator for the entries of disp.
iterator() - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.iterator() returns an iterator for all of the entries in ra.
iterator() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.iterator() returns an iterator for all of the entries in dict.
iterator() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.iterator() returns an iterator for all of the entries in dict.
iterator() - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable.Row
r.iterator() returns an iterator for the values in r.
iterator() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.iterator() returns an iterator for the entries of pq.
iterator() - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.iterator() returns an iterator for all of the entries in tbl.
iterator() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.iterator() returns an iterator for the entries of pq.
iterator() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.iterator() returns an iterator for the entries of disp.
iterator() - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.iterator() returns an iterator for all of the entries in tbl.
iterator(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.iterator(Object kLo) returns an iterator for the entries in ra whose key is at least kLo.
iterator(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.iterator(Object kLo) returns an iterator for the entries in dict whose key is at least kLo.
iterator(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.iterator(Object kLo) returns an iterator for the entries in dict whose key is at least kLo.
iterator(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.iterator(Object kLo) returns an iterator for the entries in tbl whose key is at least kLo.
iterator(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.iterator(Object kLo) returns an iterator for the entries in tbl whose key is at least kLo.
iterator(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.iterator(Object kLo, Object kHi) returns an iterator for the entries in ra whose key is at least kLo and less than kHi.
iterator(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.iterator(Object kLo, Object kHi) returns an iterator for the entries in dict whose key is at least kLo and less than kHi.
iterator(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.iterator(Object kLo, Object kHi) returns an iterator for the entries in dict whose key is at least kLo and less than kHi.
iterator(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.iterator(Object kLo, Object kHi) returns an iterator for the entries in tbl whose key is at least kLo and less than kHi.
iterator(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.iterator(Object kLo, Object kHi) returns an iterator for the entries in tbl whose key is at least kLo and less than kHi.
iteratorConverter - Variable in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
iteratorConverter generates the inner iterators.
IteratorConverter - interface gshute.util.IteratorConverter.
A IteratorConverter object provides a strategy for converting objects to iterators.
Iterators - class gshute.util.Iterators.
Class Iterators is a factory class that provides static methods for construction iterators.
Iterators.ArrayIterator - class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator.
Class ArrayIterator implements the ListIterator interface for iterations on arrays.
Iterators.ArrayIterator(Object[]) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator - class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator.
Class ConcatenatedIterator provides a mechanism for concatenating two iterators.
Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator(Iterator, Iterator) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator
Iterators.SingleItemIterator - class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator.
Class SingleItemIterator implements the ListIterator interface for iterations whose iteration sequence contains only one item.
Iterators.SingleItemIterator(Object) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
IteratorTest - class gshute.util.IteratorTest.
Class IteratorTest provides a main() method for testing the methods of NestedIterator, FilteredIterator, and ConvertedIterator classes.
IteratorTest() - Constructor for class gshute.util.IteratorTest


keyColumnName - Variable in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable


lastInnerIterator - Variable in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
lastInnerIterator is the inner iterator used in the last next() message.
lineIsValid - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
lineIsValid is true when currentLine has been set to the current line for this LineScanner or set to null at the end of file.
lineNumber - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
lineNumber is the line number of currentLine.
LineScanner - class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner.
An object of class LineScanner scans text, breaking it up into tokens.
LineScanner(String, int) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
new LineScanner(str, echoPol) returns a new LineScanner for scanning str.
LineScanner(String, int, int) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
new LineScanner(str, echoPol, skip) returns a new LineScanner for scanning str.
LineScannerTest - class gshute.ioutil.LineScannerTest.
Class LineScannerTest provides a main function for testing the LineScanner class.
LineScannerTest() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineScannerTest
LineSource - class gshute.ioutil.LineSource.
Class LineSource implements the ILineSource methods for its subclasses.
LineSource() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
LineStream - class gshute.ioutil.LineStream.
A LineStream dispenses LineScanners for lines read from ILineSources organized as a stack.
LineStream() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
LineStream() returns an empty LineStream.
LineStream(LineSource) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
LineStream(src) returns a LineStream that begins reading from src.
LineStream(String) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
LineStream(prmt) returns a LineStream that begins reading from the terminal using prmt for prompting.
LineStreamTest - class gshute.ioutil.LineStreamTest.
Class LineStreamTest provides a main function for testing the LineStream class.
LineStreamTest() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.LineStreamTest
ListDictionary - class gshute.util.ListDictionary.
A ListDictionary is an implementation of the Dictionary interface using an ArrayList implementation.
ListDictionary(Comparator, Selector) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListDictionary
new ListDictionary(c, s) returns a dictionary that uses c as its key comparator and s as its key selector.
ListDispenser - class gshute.util.ListDispenser.
The ListDispenser class is a factory for Dispenser that are implemented with a java.util.ArrayList.
ListDispenser() - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListDispenser
This constructor is disabled.
ListGenerator - interface gshute.util.ListGenerator.
A ListGenerator provides a strategy for generating a list of objects based on a configurator object.
ListGenerators - class gshute.util.ListGenerators.
FIXME - add documentation.
ListPriorityQueue - class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue.
A ListPriorityQueue is an implementation of the PriorityQueue interface using a java.util.ArrayList.
ListPriorityQueue.Entry - class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue.Entry.
ListPriorityQueue.Entry(ListPriorityQueue, Object, Object) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue.Entry
new Entry(dat, pri) returns a new entry with data dat and priority pri.
ListPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
This constructor is disabled.
ListPriorityQueue(Comparator) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
new ListPriorityQueue(c) returns a priority queue that uses c for comparing priorities.
lists - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester
lists is a table of lists for this CircularListTester.
ListTable - class gshute.util.ListTable.
A ListTable is an implementation of the Table interface using an ArrayList implementation.
ListTable(Comparator) - Constructor for class gshute.util.ListTable
new ListTable(c) returns a table that uses c as its key comparator.
LONG - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
LONG_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators


main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTableTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.RandomAccessTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.DispenserTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.DictionaryTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.TableTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.util.IteratorTest
The main() method tests the methods of the NestedIterator, FilteredIterator, and ConvertedIterator classes.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScannerTest
main(argv) tests the LineScanner class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStreamTest
main(args) tests the LineStream class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.FormattingTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester
If this program is executed with no command line argument then it executes commands entered from the terminal.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTableTest
main(argv) tests the CommandTable class.
matchCount(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.matchCount(str) returns the number of Commands in ct whose name contains str as a prefix.
maxNameLength - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
maxNameLength is the length of the longest command name in this CommandTable.
maxSynopsisLength - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
maxSynopsisLength is the length of the longest synopsis in this CommandTable.
methodImpBy(Method, Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.methodImpBy(m, cl) returns true if the declaring class of m is a superclass of cl.
methodNameMatches(Method, String, String) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.methodNameMatches(m, strt, end) returns true if the name of m starts with strt and ends with end.
methodNumArgsEquals(Method, int) - Static method in class gshute.util.Filters
Filters.methodNumArgsEquals(m, n) returns true if m has exactly n arguments.
modSet(int) - Static method in class gshute.util.IteratorTest
more() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.more() returns true if there are more entries in disp.
more() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.more() returns true if there are more entries in pq.
more() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.more() returns true if there are more entries in pq.
more() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.more() returns true if there are more entries in disp.
more() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.more() returns true if there is a line at the current input position of src, false if not.
more() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.more() returns true if there is a line at the current input position of src, false if not.
more() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.more() returns true if there is a line at the current input position of src, false if not.


name - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Command
name is the name of this command as it appears in a file.
nameLength() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.nameLength() returns the length of the command name string for comm.
Namer - interface gshute.util.Namer.
A util.Namer object provides a strategy for naming objects.
Namers - class gshute.util.Namers.
FIXME - add documentation.
NAND - Static variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
NAND is the combination mode value for a compound filter that accepts an object if at least one of its filters does not accept the object.
NestedIterator - class gshute.util.NestedIterator.
A NestedIterator consists of an outer iterator for a set of objects, each of which can provide an inner iterator for a set of objects.
NestedIterator(Collection) - Constructor for class gshute.util.NestedIterator
new NestedIterator(c) returns a new nested iterator whose outer iterator is a default iterator for c.
NestedIterator(Collection, IteratorConverter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.NestedIterator
new NestedIterator(c, icvtr) returns a new nested iterator whose outer iterator is a default iterator for c.
NestedIterator(Iterator) - Constructor for class gshute.util.NestedIterator
new NestedIterator(iter) returns a new nested iterator with outer iterator iter.
NestedIterator(Iterator, IteratorConverter) - Constructor for class gshute.util.NestedIterator
new NestedIterator(iter, icvtr) returns a new nested iterator with outer iterator iter.
next - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList.Node
l.next is a reference to the next Node from l.
next() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
next() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
next() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator
next() - Method in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
iter.next() returns the next object in iter and advances iter.
next() - Method in class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
iter.next() returns the next object in iter and advances iter.
next() - Method in class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
iter.next() returns the next object in iter and advances iter.
nextIndex() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
NO_ECHO - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
NOR - Static variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
NOR is the combination mode value for a compound filter that accepts an object if none of its filters accepts the object.


octal(long, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.octal(n, w) returns the unsigned octal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
octal(long, int, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.octal(n, w, fc) returns the unsigned octal representation of n, right justified in a string field of width at least w.
openStream(String[]) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
openStream(args) checks the command line for a correct number of arguments and opens a source file if specified.
OR - Static variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
OR is the combination mode value for a compound filter that accepts an object if at least one of its filters accepts the object.
otherSources - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
otherSources is the Stack of other sources for this LineStream.
outerIterator - Variable in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
outerIterator is the outer iterator.


Pair - class gshute.util.Pair.
A gshute.util.Pair is an object with two member objects.
Pair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class gshute.util.Pair
Pair(m1, m2) returns a Pair whose first member is m1 and whose second member is m2.
prefixCount(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
ct.prefixCount(str) returns the number of Commands in ct whose name is a prefix of str.
previous() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
previous() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
printAllErrors() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.printAllErrors() prints all of the error messages in ls to System.out.
printError(int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.printError(i) prints the i-th error message in ls to stdout.
printFirstError() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.printFirstError() prints the first error message in ls to System.out, if there is one.
printIteratorItems(Iterator, String) - Static method in class gshute.util.IteratorTest
priority - Variable in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue.Entry
e.priority is the priority for e.
priority() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.priority() returns the priority of the highest priority entry in pq.
priority() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.priority() returns the priority of the highest priority entry in pq.
PriorityQueue - interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue.
A PriorityQueue is an explicit priority version of a prioritized dispenser.
processData(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
processHeader(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
prompt - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
prompt is the prompt that this Tester uses for interactive input.
prompt - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource
prompt is the prompt used by this InteractiveLineSource.
push(ILineSource) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
push(src) pushes topSource onto otherSources and replaces topSource by src.


quitCommand(String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.CommandTable
CommandTable.quitCommand(str) returns a Command that terminates the program.


RandomAccess - interface gshute.util.RandomAccess.
The RandomAccess interface defines the common methods of the Table and Dictionary interfaces.
RandomAccessTester - class gshute.util.RandomAccessTester.
The RandomAccessTester class provides a main() method for testing the common methods for implementations of the Table and Dictionary interfaces.
RandomAccessTester() - Constructor for class gshute.util.RandomAccessTester
readChar() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.readChar() returns the character value of the current token of ls, then advances the current position.
readEnd() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.readEnd() records an error message in ls if the current position of ls is not at the end of the line.
readFloat() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.readFloat() returns the float value of the current token of ls, then advances the current position.
readInt() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.readInt() returns the int value of the current token of ls, then advances the current position.
readList(LineScanner) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularListTester
readList(ls) reads the next argument of ls and returns the list that it names, provided the name is registered in lists.
readString() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.readString() returns the string value of the current token of ls, then advances the current position.
readText(String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.TextIO
TextIO.readText(fname) the contents of the file named fname as a string.
recorder - Variable in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
recorder is the graph search recorder that this GraphSearcher will use to record visition of vertices.
remove() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.remove() removes the accessible entry from disp.
remove() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.remove() removes the highest priority entry from pq.
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.remove() removes the highest priority entry from pq.
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.remove() removes the accessible entry from disp.
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
iter.remove() removes the last object returned by iter.next() from its underlying collection.
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.ConvertedIterator
iter.remove() removes the last object returned by iter.next() from its underlying collection.
remove() - Method in class gshute.util.FilteredIterator
iter.remove() removes the last object returned by iter.next() from its underlying collection (not supported).
remove(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.remove(k) removes the entry for key k from ra.
remove(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.remove(k) removes the entry for key k from dict.
remove(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.remove(k) removes the entry for key k from dict.
remove(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.remove(k) removes the entry for key k from tbl.
remove(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.remove(k) removes the entry for key k from tbl.
removeFilter(Filter) - Method in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
cf.removeFilter(fltr) removes the constituent filter fltr from cf.
removeFirst() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.removeFirst() removes the first data item from cl.
removeLastError() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.removeLastError() removes the last error message from ls.
removeReporter - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
report(Object) - Method in interface gshute.util.Reporter
rep.report(o) issues a report for o.
Reporter - interface gshute.util.Reporter.
A Reporter is a strategy for reporting events such as adds and removes in a ListDispenser.
resolved(Comparator, Comparator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Comparators
Comparators.resolved(c1, c2) returns a comparator whose compare() method returns the same result as c1.compare() except that ties are resolved by c2.compare().
revisit(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder
revisit(v, via) records that v has been revisited, arriving at v through edge via.
revisit(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
revisit(v, via) records that v has been revisited, arriving at v through edge via.
rotate() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.rotate() rotates the first data item in cl to the end of cl.
rowIndex(String) - Method in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable
rowIndex(k) returns the index in rows of the entry whose key is k.
rows - Variable in class gshute.util.DatabaseTable


search(Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
gs.search(start) searches the connected component containing start in the graph that is attached to gs.
SearchableGraph - interface gshute.graph.SearchableGraph.
Class SearchableGraph defines the graph methods require for searching The vertices and edges for a searchable graph are untyped.
searchIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
searchIndex(k) returns the index of the entry with key k or -1 if it does not exist.
searchIndex(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
searchIndex(k) returns the index of the entry with key k or -1 if it does not exist.
second - Variable in class gshute.util.Pair
second is the second member of this pair.
selector - Variable in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
selector is the keys selector for this dictionary.
Selector - interface gshute.util.Selector.
A Selector is an object that can select a value from an object.
set(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.SingleItemIterator
set(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator
setAddReporter(Reporter) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.setAddReporter(r) set the add reporter of disp to r.
setDispenser(Dispenser) - Method in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
gs.setDispenser(disp) attaches the dispenser disp to gs.
setEchoOff() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.setEchoOff() turns echoing off for src if src supports echo control.
setEchoOff() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.setEchoOff() turns echoing off for src if src supports echo control.
setEchoOff() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.setEchoOff() turns echoing off for the top LineSource in src.
setEchoOffCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.setEchoOffCommand(nm) returns a Command whose name is nm.
setEchoOn() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.setEchoOn() turns echoing on for src if src supports echo control.
setEchoOn() - Method in interface gshute.ioutil.ILineSource
src.setEchoOn() turns echoing on for src if src supports echo control.
setEchoOn() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
src.setEchoOn() turns echoing on for the top LineSource in src.
setEchoOnCommand(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
strm.setEchoOnCommand(nm) returns a Command whose name is nm.
setEchoPolicy(int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.setEchoPolicy(echoPol) changes the echo policy of ls to echoPol.
setFirst(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.setFirst(dat) sets the first member of p to dat.
setGraph(SearchableGraph) - Method in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
gs.setGraph(g) attaches the graph g to gs.
setIncludedFrom(LineSource) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
src.setIncludedFrom(from) sets the includedFrom link for src to from.
setRecorder(GraphSearchRecorder) - Method in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
gs.setRecorder(rcrdr) attaches the recorder rcrdr to gs.
setRemoveReporter(Reporter) - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.setRemoveReporter(r) set the remove reporter of disp to r.
setSecond(Object) - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.setSecond(dat) sets the second member of p to dat.
setText(String) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.setText(str) resets ls in preparation for scanning str.
setText(String, int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
ls.setText(str, skip) resets ls in preparation for scanning str.
SHORT - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
SHORT_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
shortClassName(Class) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
shortMethodName(Method) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
signatureMethodName(Method) - Static method in class gshute.util.Namers
size() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dispenser
disp.size() returns the number of entries in disp.
size() - Method in interface gshute.util.RandomAccess
ra.size() returns the number of entries in ra.
size() - Method in interface gshute.util.Dictionary
dict.size() returns the number of entries in dict.
size() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDictionary
dict.size() returns the number of entries in dict.
size() - Method in interface gshute.util.PriorityQueue
pq.size() returns the number of entries in pq.
size() - Method in class gshute.util.ListTable
tbl.size() returns the number of entries in tbl.
size() - Method in class gshute.util.ListPriorityQueue
pq.size() returns the number of entries in pq.
size() - Method in class gshute.util.ListDispenser
disp.size() returns the number of entries in disp.
size() - Method in interface gshute.util.Table
tbl.size() returns the number of entries in tbl.
SpanningTreeRecorder - class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder.
A SpanningTreeRecorder, when attached to a graph searcher, constructs spanning trees for graphs.
SpanningTreeRecorder() - Constructor for class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
startInteractive() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Tester
startInteractive() prints messages to the interactive user describing how to use the program.
startSearch(SearchableGraph) - Method in interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder
rcrdr.startSearch(sg) initializes rcrdr in preparation for searching sg.
startSearch(SearchableGraph) - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
rcrdr.startSearch(sg) clears all recording of via edges in rcrdr.
stopValue - Variable in class gshute.util.Filters.Compound
When this compound filter calls the isAcceptable() method of its constituent filters, it stops after the first returned value that is equal to stopValue and returns !defaultValue.
STRING - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
STRING_REVERSED - Static variable in class gshute.util.Comparators
suffix - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.SuffixFilter
suffix is the suffix for this suffix filter, including the period at the beginning of the suffix.
SuffixFilter - class gshute.ioutil.SuffixFilter.
A SuffixFilter is a FilenameFilter that accepts file names based on a suffix.
SuffixFilter(String) - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.SuffixFilter
new SuffixFilter(sfx) returns a FilenameFilter that accepts files whose name ends with "." + sfx.
synopsis() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.synopsis() returns the synopsis string for comm.
synopsisLength() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.Command
comm.synopsisLength() returns the length of the synopsis string for comm.


t_end - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
t_escape_error - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
t_float - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
t_int - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
t_string - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
t_unmatched - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
These are the token type constants.
Table - interface gshute.util.Table.
A Table is a collection that supports random access of data by key.
Table.Entry - interface gshute.util.Table.Entry.
A Table.Entry is an entry in a table.
TableTester - class gshute.util.TableTester.
The TableTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Table interface.
TableTester() - Constructor for class gshute.util.TableTester
tail - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
tail is a reference to the last Node in this CircularList.
terminal - Static variable in class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource
terminal is the BufferedReader used by all InteractiveLineSources as an input stream.
test(String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScannerTest
test(str) tests the LineScanner class on str.
Tester - class gshute.ioutil.Tester.
Class Tester is a base class for line-oriented, command-driven, interactive and batch testing.
Tester() - Constructor for class gshute.ioutil.Tester
Tester() returns a new Tester.
text - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
text is the text that this LineScanner is reading.
TextIO - class gshute.ioutil.TextIO.
Class TextIO provides utility methods for reading and writing files as strings.
textLength - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
textLength is the length of text.
theDictionary - Variable in class gshute.util.DictionaryTester
theDictionary is the Dictionary that is being tested by this DictionaryTester.
theDispenser - Variable in class gshute.util.DispenserTester
theDispenser is the Dispenser that is being tested by this DispenserTester.
theRandomAccess - Variable in class gshute.util.RandomAccessTester
theRandomAccess is the RandomAccess that is being tested by this RandomAccessTester.
theTable - Variable in class gshute.util.TableTester
theTable is the Table that is being tested by this TableTester.
toEnumeration(Iterator) - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.toEnumeration(iter) returns iter wrapped as an enumeration.
toIterator(Enumeration) - Static method in class gshute.util.Iterators
Iterators.toIterator(enum) returns enum wrapped as an iterator.
topSource - Variable in class gshute.ioutil.LineStream
topSource is the current source for this LineStream.
toString() - Method in class gshute.util.Pair
p.toString() returns a String describing p.
toString() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.SuffixFilter
sf.toString() returns a string describing sf.
toString() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.CircularList
cl.toString() returns a string describing the data in cl.
translateEscapeCharacter(int) - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineScanner
translateEscapeCharacter(pos) appends the translation for the escape sequence at pos to currentToken and returns the position just beyond the escape sequence.
trimmedLeft(String, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.trimmedLeft(str, w) returns a copy of the string str, trimmed on the left if necessary to fit in a string field of width w.
trimmedRight(String, int) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.trimmedRight(str, w) returns a copy of the string str, trimmed on the right if necessary to fit in a string field of width w.


validate() - Method in class gshute.util.NestedIterator
validate() advances the outer iterator for this nested iterator while the inner iterator is exhausted and the outer iterator is not exhausted.
validateCurrentLine() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.LineSource
strm.validateCurrentLine() ensures that currentLine is the line at the current position in strm.
validateCurrentLine() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.InteractiveLineSource
strm.validateCurrentLine() ensures that currentLine is the line at the current position in strm.
validateCurrentLine() - Method in class gshute.ioutil.BatchLineSource
strm.validateCurrentLine() ensures that currentLine is the line at the current position in strm.
viaEdges - Variable in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
viaEdges is the table of via edges for this spanning tree generator.
visit(Object, Object) - Method in interface gshute.graph.GraphSearchRecorder
visit(v, via) records that v has been visited, arriving at v through edge via.
visit(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.GraphSearcher
visit(v, via) handles arrival at a previously unvisited vertex v through edge via.
visit(Object, Object) - Method in class gshute.graph.SpanningTreeRecorder
rcrdr.visit(ov, ovia) records in rcrdr that ov has been visited through edge ovia.


whiteEquivalent(String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.whiteEquivalent(str) returns a string that displays in the same space as str, but contains space characters replacing the non-white characters of str.
whiteEquivalent(String, char) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.Formatting
Formatting.whiteEquivalent(str, ch) returns a string that displays in the same space as str, but contains copies of ch replacing the non-white characters of str.
writeText(String, String) - Static method in class gshute.ioutil.TextIO
TextIO.writeText(txt, fname) writes txt to the file named fname.