Package mvc

The mvc package is an attempt to define generic model, view, and controller classes.


Interface Summary
Callback A Callback responds to changes in the value of a Model.
CallbackRegistry A CallbackRegistry provides registration and unregistration service for callbacks.
Model<T> A Model has a dynamic value of type T and provides a mechanism for notifying observers when that value changes.
NamedModel<T> DOCME.
Painter DOCME.
View<T,TM extends Model<? extends T>> DOCME.

Class Summary
CallbackExecutor A CallbackExecutor provides a registration, unregistration and execution service for callbacks.
CardView<T extends Viewable> DOCME.
Choice<T> A Choice is a model type that restricts model values to a fixed set of choices with Java type T.
Choice.ControllerImplementation<TC,TD> Concrete subclasses should retain TC as a parameter but should replace TD in the class declaration and all of its method declarations with a non-generic class that can be displayed by the subclass.
Choice.Model<TM> DOCME.
ComboBoxChooser<T> DOCME.
CompositeModel<T,S extends NamedModel<? extends T>> A CompositeModel gets its value from its currently selected submodel.
CompositeNotifier A CompositeNotifier is a notifier that manages notifications for a composite model.
ConstantModel<T> A ConstantModel is a NamedModel whose value is fixed when it is constructed.
DerivedModelBase<T> A DerivedModelBase provides a registration, unregistration and execution service for callbacks.
DirectModel<T> DOCME.
GlueFactory DOCME.
IntegralRange An IntegralRange is a model type for integer values, specifying lower and upper bounds on values.
IntegralRange.Controller DOCME.
IntegralRange.Model DOCME.
IntegralSlider DOCME.
LabelView DOCME.
ListChooser<T> DOCME.
NamedDirectModel<T> DOCME.
NamerView<T> A NamerView displays the value of a model using a Namer to convert the value to a string.
ObjectNamer A ObjectNamer names values of any type using the toString() method.
PainterView DOCME.
RealRange A RealRange is a model type for double values, specifying lower and upper bounds on values.
RealRange.Controller DOCME.
RealRange.Model DOCME.
RealSlider DOCME.
TabbedChooser<T> DOCME.
Tabber A Tabber is just the tab part of a JTabbedPane.
TextAreaView DOCME.
UpdateManager<T,TM extends NamedModel<? extends T>> An UpdateManager manages update communication between a controller and its current model.
ViewableNamer A ViewableNamer names Viewable objects using the getName() method of the object's view component.

Package mvc Description

The mvc package is an attempt to define generic model, view, and controller classes. It is in a state of flux. Its best accomlishment so far is defining a uniform interface for chooser gui classes such as JChooser, JList, and JtabbedPane.