Uses of Class

Packages that use MultisourceDocument
gui.multisource The gui.multisource package implements a text display component that can display text from multiple sources and show a color bar that indicates the source of each part of the text. 

Uses of MultisourceDocument in gui.multisource

Constructors in gui.multisource with parameters of type MultisourceDocument
MultisourceBorder(javax.swing.JTextPane tp, MultisourceDocument msd)
          new MultisourceBorder(c, msd) returns a multisource border that reflects the sources for text in msd and can be installed in c.
MultisourceBorder(javax.swing.JTextPane tp, MultisourceDocument msd, int w)
          new MultisourceBorder(tp, msd, w) returns a new multisource border with width w that reflects the sources for text in msd and can be installed on tp.