Welcome to American Authorship Seminar 1. Roll 2. Syllabus and the Structure/Logic of the Course. 3. Questions? 4. For Next Time: 5. Intoduction to the idea of authorship using Wikipedia: "author" "Revision history of Author, "Wikipedia: How to read an article history" 6. How does the example of Wikipedia define a vision of "authority, language, subjectivity, and knowledge"?
Thursday, January 21
Welcome to American Authorship Seminar 1. Roll Questions? For Next Time: Also write and bring in a discussion question concerning "What is an Author?" I will ask you to bring in such a question for every assigned reading this semester. Reports, Projects, Discussion Questions Today, I will talk about the requirement for you to bring discussion questions to class. |
Roland Barthes "The Death of the Author" and "From Work to Text" Reports Such a report would have covered some of the major ideas of postmodernism and tried to link these ideas to some specific passages and term in the texts we read. Poststructuralism, for instance, rejected certain traditional ideas (and ideals) about meaning in favor of others:
Poststructuralism responded to traditional wisdom as represented by the structuralism of Claude Levi Strauss, as well as by traditional humanism (which assumes a centered individual--such as an individual author). If we as poststructural literary critics reject the centered identity in favor of a decentered subject, isn't it hypocritical, then, to focus our criticism on individual authors? pg. 52.9: quotation after break ending with "ready-made lexicon" Thus text is not an artifact of writing, but a space. Humanity is not an essential thing, but a space of multiple, competing possibiilities which has no center. Discussion Questions . What makes a good discussion question?
Example: Barthes has been criticized for replacing the tyranny of the author with the tyranny of the reader: see 54.7. What does he mean by "unity?" Is the reader's "unity" less tyrannizing than the author's? Group Work Get into pairs or threesomes and come up with a question about these two Barthes essays. |
Thursday, January 26
Roll Questions? For Today You Were To: Also write and bring in a discussion question concerning "What is an Author?" I will ask you to bring in such a question for every assigned reading this semester. For Text Time: Seminar Presentations |
Foucault's "What is an Author" (The Author Function)
Tuesday, February 2
Roll Questions? For Today You Were To: For Text Time: Seminar Presentations Seminar Projects |
Bennett's Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2 Resources
Tuesday, February 9
Roll Questions? For Today You Were To: For Text Time: Washington Irving: "The Author's Account of Himself," "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," "Stratford-on-Avon" and "Christmas" (1821) |
Bennett's Chapters 5 and 6 What is the "Question of Literature"? Resources
Thursday, February 11
Roll Questions? For Today You Were To: Washington Irving: "The Author's Account of Himself," "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," "Stratford-on-Avon" and "Christmas" (1821) For Text Time: Reports
Irving Readings