Schedule | Fall 2013

September: 3, 10, 17, 24; October: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; November: 5, 12, 19, 26; December: 3, 10 17

Current and Next Meeting

Unit 4: Language and Authorship  
T 12/3


Write and print a draft of your seminar paper. Bring in fives copies. The draft should include in-text parenthetical citations and a Works Cited section, both in MLA format.

If necessary, please email your paper to your classmates via the class alias.

Paper Drafts Due

Discuss Theory in the Seminar Papers


Discuss Bourdieu


R 12/5


Read, Mark, and Be Prepared

Read all seminar paper drafts (on paper!). Mark them and write in the margins.

Come in ready to discuss them. Think in particular about

  • unity
  • detail
  • clarity of the argument
  • opportunities to use theoretical terms and ideas from the semester to open up an important topic in the paper, or to organize a complex topic.


Bring all Books and Readings


Draft Workshop



Homework In Class

T 9/3


First Day: Introduction to Critical Theory


Unit 1: Textuality and Culture

Preparation for Reading Plato

Preparation for Reading Aristotle


Unit 1: Textuality and Culture


R 9/5


Plato: The Republic, Book X (handout)

Aristotle: Poetics, Parts I-VI, XXIV-XXV (handout)

Write and Post

Before noon on the day of class, post two discussion questions to the Moodle forum "Plato," and two to the forum "Aristotle."

Plato and Aristotle


Classical Theory, Platonism, Genre, Mimesis vs. Diegesis.




T 9/10


"Introduction to Part 1," Szeman and Kaposy, pgs. 7-11

Matthew Arnold, "'Sweetness and Light' (1869)," Szeman and Kaposy, pgs 12-17

Oscar Wilde, "Preface" to The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) (handout)

Write and Post

Before noon on the day of class, post two discussion questions to the Moodle forum "Arnold," and two to the forum "Wilde."

Matthew Arnold and Oscar Wilde


Liberal Humanism, Aestheticism, Formalism,



R 9/12

Print out and Read

Walter Benjamin. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1935)“

Write and Post

Before noon on the day of class, post three discussion questions to the Moodle forum "Benjamin"

Walter Benjamin


Historical Materialsim (Marx), Reification, Aura,



T 9/17



  • The Awakening: Text pages 22-141
  • The Awakening: "Introduction: Biographical and Historical Contexts" 3-21


Write and Post

Before noon on the day of class, post two discussion questions to the Moodle forum "Chopin."

These questions should attempt to explore the relevance of The Awakening--its plot, characters, setting, style, language, etc.--to our current theme of Textuality and Culture (a.k.a. Representation and Society).

Feel free to include in your questions ideas and quotations from the Introduction, as well as elements/aspects of the novel itself.

Awakening: Introduction, Text


  • Critical Focus
  • Biographical Criticism
  • (Old) Historicism Criticism
  • New Historicism
  • Regionalism,
  • Local Color,
  • Naturalism (18)
  • Aestheticism
  • Structural Forces



R 9/19



  • The Awakening: Contextual Documents pages 140-166
  • The Awakening: A Critical History pgs. 169-185


Write and Post

Before noon on the day of class, post two discussion questions to the Moodle forum "Awakening."

Question 1 should use a detail, issue, fact, etc. out of the "Contextual Documents" section to pose a question about a particular passage or scene in the novel.

How does understanding more about the context enable us to interrogate the novel and our readings of it? Be sure to include page numbers from both the document and the novel.

Question 2 should use a quotation or passage from the "Critical History" essay to pose a discussion question about our readings (interpretations, reactions) of the novel.

Choose a particular passage in the novel (perhaps one we looked at last meeting) that presents an opportunity to apply the critical idea you've chosen, to challenge it, or in some way asks us to consider our own responses in light of that idea.

Be sure to include page numbers for both passages/quotations.


Awakening: Critical History


  • Critical Focus
  • Naturalism
  • Literary/Aesthetic Discourse
  • Historical/Material Discourse
  • Expressive/Cultural Discourse
  • Rhetorical/Persuasive Discourse
  • Proposal
  • Base/Superstructure

A Way of Organizing all these Theories

James Kinneavy's Model of Discourse as a Way of Organizing Schools Literary Theories

Attitude of Naturalism (poem)

A Man Said to the Universe

By Stephen Crane

A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation. ”



Unit 2 Power, Ideology and Identity  
T 9/24



  • "Feminist Criticism and The Awakening" 186-202
  • Elaine Showalter. Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book
  • Gender Criticism and The Awakening 223-236
  • Elizabeth LeBlanc. The Metaphorical Lesbian: Edna Pontellier in The Awakening

Write and Post 2 Discussion Questons

One discussion question each about Showalter and LeBlanc's articles. Be sure to cite a particular passage and page.

In addition to the questions themselves, include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.

The Awakening: Showalter (feminism) and LeBlanc (gender)


Feminist Theory, Gender Theory

R 9/26



Horkheimer and Adorno "The Culture Industry." Szeman and Kaposy, 40-52

Write and Post

1. In the Moodle forum "Horkheimer and Adorno: Textuality and Culture," write one discussion question that relates something from the essay to an idea, debate, reading, or question from the Textuality and Culture Unit (Plato, Aristotle, Arnold, Wilde, Pater, Benjamin). Be sure to include page numbers for all references.

2. In the Moodle forum "Horkheimer and Adorno: Power, Ideology, Identity," pose a discussion question that uses a passage from the essay (with page number) to open up a discussion about one or more of the terms power, ideology, identity.

In addition to the questions themselves, include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.

Bring your Copy of The Awakening


Horkheimer and Adorno


Frankfurt School, Enlightenment, Reason, Marxist Theory, Indicating in Proposals, Problems as Purpose, "Marxist Arnoldians" (Ohmann),


  Homework In Class
T 10/1



Marx and Engels. "Preface" to A Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy. Szeman and Kaposy, pages 106-108

Marx and Engels. "The German Ideology." Szeman and Kaposy, pages 161-171

Write and Bring Five Copies

Write a 100-word proposal for a seminar paper and bring in five copies.

The proposal should

  1. identify the work or works to be discussed
  2. specify an aspect of the work(s) to be examined
  3. suggest an historical, cultural, authorial, rhetorical, or critical context for your examination of the work(s)
  4. identify a critical or theoretical idea you will use to help generate, inform, and sustain your discussion (see for examples the glossaries in Chopin 396, or Szeman and Kaposy 531)
  5. suggest a problem to solve, or a question to answer in your paper (problem could stem from the a problematic relationship of work/aspect, context/work, idea/work, idea/context, etc.)



100-Word Paper Proposals Due

Paper Proposal Discussion



  • Historical Materialism

Topics in "The German Ideology"

  • heaven/earth 165I.6
  • division of labor 162II.10
  • forms of ownership 163I.3
  • language and consciousness 167I.all
  • ruling class - ruling ideas 169I.all
  • example of town and country 162II.10

Topics in the Preface...

  • In the social production.... 107I.3
  • foundation/superstructure 107I.7
  • consciousness 107I.10


R 10/3



Fredric Jameson. "Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture." Szeman and Kaposy, pages 60-71.

Write and Post

Post two discussion questions about the Jameson article:

1. Jameson's article is concerned with critiquing conventional notions of the mass culture/high culture distinction. Ask a question directed at generating a discussion of this topic, purpose and his execution of it.

2. Starting on page 66, Jameson demonstrates his critical apparatus in readings of Jaws and The Godfather. Write a post a discussuion question that will help us connect specfic passages of his demonstration to the theory itself presented in pages 60-66. How can Jameson's practice help us retrospectively understand his theory?

Be sure to cite a particular passage and page number. It helps to identify the column (I or II) and how far down the page with a decimal point (e.g., .5 for halfway down).

In addition to the questions themselves, include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, and/or a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.


Jameson (Utopia, ideology)


  • Reification  60I.6
  • Tourist taking snapshot  61II.4
  • Utopia  68II.5, 67I.5
  • Utopia and ideology  68II5-6, 70II.8
  • ideology not just false consciousness  69I.6
  • rel of high and mass cultures  66II.2, 62II.3, 63I.10
  • vs. Frankfurt School 62I.7
  • imaginary resolutions (mass vs. high cultures) 66II.2
  • art 61I.6
  • instrurmentalsim  60II.6
  • collectivity  71II.6, .8, 65I2-4 (Capitalism)
  • late capitalism  63I.5
  • everything in consumer soc has taken on an aesthetic dimension 62I.1
  • displacement (substitution) 70I.3
  • repression 65II.7



T 10/8



"What is the New Historicism?" In The Awakening pages 257-269

Margit Stange: "Personal Property: Exchange Value and the Female Self in The Awakening." In The Awakening pages 274-306

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum "New Historicism" write two discussion questions:

1. A question that directs us to identify and explore the possibilities of the New Historicist approach

2. A question about how Stange applies New Historicist methods and ideas, and how her essay might help us understand the "Waht is the New Historicism" introduction (or vica versa).


Please bring Your Szeman and Kaposy book as well

New Historicism


  • Tourist taking snapshot  61II.4
  • (KFC example, anti-Utopia) 60I.6
  • t-shirt

Key New Historicist Ideas

  • Always historicize!  258
  • Keats questions  285
  • doubt that truth about what happened can ever purely and objectively known 259
  • less likely to see history as linear and progressive (teleology) 259
  • less likely to think in terms of "eras" (spirit of the times).  259
  • literature is not a sphere apart  260
  • blur distinctions between history and other social sciences  260
  • blur distinctions between historical and literary materials  260
  • blur distinctions between political and poetical events  260
  • against "unselfconsciously" and "untheorized"  260
  • reveal the color of the lens  260
  • likely to discuss the theory of historical change that informs their account  260
  • not melioristic  261
  • investigators are themselves situated  261
  • evolution of the disciplines is significant to interpretation  262
  • literary devices continuous with all other representational devices in a culture  262
  • Raymond Williams' legacy to Greenblatt 263:
    • all that had been excluded from literary criticis
    • who controlled access to press
    • who owned the land and factories
    • whose voice were being repressed as well as represented  
    • what social strategies were being served by the aesthetic values we constructed  
  • The point is not to show that the literary text reflects the historical event but to create a field of energy between the two so that we come to see the event as a social text and the literary text as a social event.  
  • historicity of texts and the textuality of history  263
  • discourses and dialogues (Bakhtin)  264-5
  • historian's perspective is not necessarily the best 265
  • that events seldom have any single or central cause  265
  • categories are historically constructed and thus subject to revision  266
  • works of lit are simultaneously influenced by and influencing reality 266
  • McGann: point of origin; history of reception; point to own audience (self consciousness) 267
  • Veeser 267
    • every expressive act embed in network of practices
    • every act of unmasking uses tool it condemns
    • literary and non literary texts circulate inseparably
    • no discourse gives access to unchanging truths
    • critical method participate in the economy
  • thick descriptions  267
  • interdisciplinary  268
  • sees novel as a form of representation that is part of a complex web of historical conditions and relationships.  269




R 10/10



Antonio Gramsci, "Hegemony" Pages 188-201

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Gramsci," write two discussion questions that would enable us to explore in the Gramsci reading one of the following topics:

  • consent
  • intellectuals
  • the masses
  • base/superstructure
  • "common sense"
  • power
  • identity
  • ideology
  • historical change and revolution
  • literature and culture




  • Ideology,
  • Power,
  • Identity
  • intellectuals
  • revolution
  • hegemony
  • common sense


T 10/15



Louis Althusser, "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." 204-222

Michel Foucault. "Method" 134-138

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Althusser/Foucault," write two discussion questions that direct us to dicuss the readings in relation to "Ideology," "Power," and/or "Identity."

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.

Althusser and Foucault


  • Reproduction
  • Ideology is always material
  • ideology's function to constitute individuals as Subjects
  • Hail or Interpellation


  • Discourse
  • Power/Knowledge
  • Language., Practices, Institutions



R 10/17



Donna Haraway, "Cyborg Manifesto."454-471

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Haraway," write two discussion questions that direct us to dicuss the reading in relation to "Ideology," "Power," and/or "Identity."

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.



  • Ideology, Power, and Identity
  • Cyborg Theory,
  • Postmodern Identity (Subjectivity)
  • Postmodernism
  • nature
  • dualisms
  • permanent partiality


T 10/22



What is Reader Response Criticism?

Treichler essay

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Reader Response," write two discussion questions that direct us to dicuss the theoretical, methodological, and/or practical implications of what is said or demonstrated in these two readings about reader-response criticism.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.

Bring in Three CFPs

As a way of preparing to talk about writing the 500-word abstracts due on 10/29, I'd like you to do some searching on the University of Pennsylvania English Department's extremely valuable CFP Site--CFP stands for "Call for Paper"--to look for an actual conference, journal issue, book collection, or other potential market for your paper idea. 

On Tuesday, come in with at least three relevant CFPs (full text) on paper.  Make five copies of the CFPs so you can share. 

The web site has links for general categories of CFPs on the left (e.g., American, Romantic, Gender Studies and Sexulaity, Popular Culture) and a search box at the top. 

As you're using the search function for CFPs relevant to your paper topic, try lots of different search terms.  For The Awakening, for example, we might try


Awakening: Treichler


  • Reader Response
  • "Nor did they not perceive their evil plight" (Fish)
  • Affective Fallacy
  • affective stylistics
  • gaps (Iser)
  • self-consuming artifact
  • meaning as an event
  • informed reader
  • inteded reader
  • implied reader
  • narratee
  • competent reader
  • subjectivists
  • identity themes
  • interpretive communities
  • reading communities
  • reader-oriented criticism
  • horizons of expectations
  • resisting reader
  • rhetorical reception theory


  • Edna as subject (active)
  • grammatical object (passive)
  • figure of speech
  • "...thward out temptation to read this passage as..."
  • cumulative association



CFP.upenn.english (The University of Pennsyvania English Departments Call for Papers site)

Unit 3: Temporality, Space, and History  
R 10/24



Raymond Williams "Dominant, Residual, and Emergent" pg. 353

Jean-Francois Lyotard, "Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism?"

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Williams and Lyotard," write two discussion questions that direct us to discuss these readings in relation to our unit theme of "temporality, space, and History."

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.

Raymond Williams, Lyotard


  • Archaic,
  • Residual,
  • Dominant,
  • Emergent,
  • Alternative,
  • Oppositional


  • modernity/modern
  • postmodern
  • modernism/modernist
  • eclecticism
  • the sublime
  • determining judgment (Kant)


T 10/29



  • Five copies of your 500-word abstract and five copies of the CFP that describes your ultimate market
  • Your Szeman and Kaposy book
  • The Awakening book



500-Word Paper Abstracts due

R 10/31



Fredric Jameson's "Periodizing the 60s" pages 376-390.

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Jameson: Periodizing," write two discussion questions.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.



Jameson (Periodizing)


  • Periodizing
  • 60s
  • sign, signfier, signified, referent
  • late capitalism
  • neocolonialism
  • conditions of possibility
  • terrorism
  • postmodernism




In Class

Unit 4: Language and Authorship  
T 11/5



What is Deconstruction? pgs 291- 310, The Awakening.

"A Language Which Nobody Understood": Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening" pgs. 311-336, The Awakening.

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Deconstruction," write two discussion questions: one about each reading. Questions asking us to relate one reading to the other would also be welcome.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation (or two) with a page number(s).

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.


Awakening: Deconstruction; Yeager


  • Deconstruction
  • text
  • diachotomies / binaries
  • priviledging
  • sign, signified
  • differance
  • "centers of meaning"
  • undecidability
  • "there is nothing outside of the text"
  • world/text opposition
  • readings


  • critique
  • schema of approved social narratives
  • plot
  • code
  • speech-world
  • discourse mode
  • metonymy
  • empty referents
  • le differend (Lyotard)
  • socio-symbolic world
  • dialectic
  • extra-linguistic zone or memory
  • heterotopia, heteroclite (mode of disorder)
  • signifying system
  • phobia


R 11/7


Email Me

Please email me to arrange an individual conference about your seminar paper project.

No Class Meeting


T 11/12



Jacques Lacan. "The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason since Freud" 432-448

Mikhail Bakhtin. from "Discourse in the Novel" The Dialogic Imagination. Pages 259, 275-331 (handout from class)

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Lacan and Bakhtin," write two discussion questions: one about each reading.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation (or two) with a page number(s).

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.


Lacan; Bakhtin




R 11/14


Michel Foucault's "What is an Author?"

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "What is an Author," write two discussion questions.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.


Foucualt: What is an Author?


  • Post-Structural Theory
  • Author-Function
T 11/19


Write, Print and Bring

Bring in five copies of

  • your revised abstract
  • your annotated bibiography
  • sample three pages your seminar paper.


You may also include a cover sheet with your sample pages that explain the context of the excerpt.

Bring Books and Readings

Also please bring your copies of The Awakening, the Szuman/Kaposy collection, and other readings and handouts from the semester so far.

Three Sample Pages, Revised Abstract, and Annotated Bibliography Due

R 11/21



  • Pierre Bourdieu. "The Forms of Capital" Szuman/Kaposy 81-
  • All of the seminar paper materials you received last time. Come in prepared to talk about them and to offer suggestions and ideas for developing these projects.

Write and Post

In the Moodle forum, "Bourdieu," write two discussion questions.

Be sure to wrap each question around a specific quotation with a page number.

Include beneath each a sentence or two about your reasons for asking each question, the directions that you hope the question might send discussion, a critical problem that the question might help address, etc.




Cultural Capital

T 11/26


No Class Meeting: Optional Conferences

R 11/28




  Homework In Class
Unit 5: Disciplinarity  
T 12/3


Write and print a draft of your seminar paper. Bring in fives copies. The draft should include in-text parenthetical citations and a Works Cited section, both in MLA format.

If necessary, please email your paper to your classmates via the class alias.

Paper Drafts Due

Discuss Theory in the Seminar Papers


Discuss Bourdieu


R 12/5


Read, Mark, and Be Prepared

Read all seminar paper drafts (on paper!). Mark them and write in the margins.

Come in ready to discuss them. Think in particular about

  • unity
  • detail
  • clarity of the argument
  • opportunities to use theoretical terms and ideas from the semester to open up an important topic in the paper, or to organize a complex topic.


Bring all Books and Readings


Draft Workshop

T 12/10


Bring five copies to disctribute in class

Papers Due

R 12/12  


FINAL Exam Week