Math 1596 Honors Calculus I

Course Information and Syllabus

Fall 2007
Prof. Bruce Peckham, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Minnesota Duluth
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Course Information


This course covers the first semester of a standard introduction to calculus of functions of a single variable. Topics include Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Differentiation, Integration, Applications of the Definite Integral, Integration by Parts, and Improper integrals. Some supplemental material, not included in the text, may occasionally be presented in lecture.

Grading (Topics are tentative)

Exam 1 Friday, Oct. 5 Ch's 1-2 15%
Exam 2 Friday, Nov. 2 Ch's 3-4 15%
Exam 3 Friday, Dec. 7 Ch's 5, 7.2, 7.7 15%
Final Exam Wed. Dec. 19, 12-2 Cumulative 30%
HW and Quizzes Throughout the semester ... 25%
Total 100%
The 25% Quiz and HW weights will be distributed roughly as follows Online MathZone HW 8%; written HW 7%; Quizzes 10% (drop the one lowest). The curve will be at least as "generous" as 90% for A's, 80% for B's, 70% for C's, 60% for D's.

Student Responsibilities

Copyright 2007 Bruce Peckham.

This page is maintained by Bruce Peckham ( and was last modified on Tuesday, 04-Sep-2007 15:16:39 CDT.